Faculty Profile EMPHASIS AREA: LLC, critical race theory; diversity, race and equity; identity, teaching and schooling; Latinx issues in education; secondary education; social studies education; teacher education and preparation

M. Yianella Blanco

Assistant Professor

Yianella Blanco

Dr. Yianella Blanco is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education. Her research interests focus on the teaching and learning of Latine/x histories and experiences, particularly those of Central America(ns) and how those intersect with American empire. Dr. Blanco’s research draws from community-based and participatory action research methods.

UC Davis, School of Education Building, Room 119, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616
Faculty Profile EMPHASIS AREA: LLC, LMS. Media and culture; Development of non-cognitive social success skills, Learning in Informal Settings, Comics & Graphic Novels, Interactive Narratives, Games

Darnel Degand

Assistant Professor

Darnel Degand joined the School of Education as an assistant professor in July 2017. He has a multimodal interdisciplinary research agenda that investigates how varying notions and manifestations of progress and academic achievement can exist in a wide range of milieus (e.g., collaborative, competitive, unjust, virtual). Dr. Degand studies the various ways media and society influence the development of social success skills by exploring the social processes that exist within media production environments and media consumption experiences.

Faculty Profile EMPHASIS AREA: SOEP. Latina/o and Native American identity formations in P-20 systems; Transition to college for students of color in K-12, Access

Patricia D. Quijada

Associate Professor

Portrait of Patricia D. Quijada


Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Emphasis: Human Development Minor: Youth Studies and Multicultural Education

Ed.M., Youth Development: Prevention Science and Practice
Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

Ed.M., Counseling Processes
Harvard University, Graduate School of Education

Multiple Subject, Elementary Credential
University of San Diego

B.A. and B.S. Political Science and Sociology
University of California at Riverside

(530) 752-9377

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