Get to Know Our New Graduate Students, Emma and Jadda
The beginning of the new academic year brought two new faces to the Center. We’re excited to welcome Emma Schectman and Jadda Miller as they begin their graduate student work in the School of Education. We can’t wait to see what amazing things they’ll do in the coming years. Learn more about them:
Schectman is joining us as a PhD student
at the School of Education studying Science & Agricultural
Education. After spending time as an outdoor educator, Emma
became interested in how to better incorporate outdoor and
environmental education into classroom settings.
Jadda Miller is
a PhD student at the School of Education. Her research focuses on
understanding how collaborative and community-based approaches to
scientific research can address and potentially solve local
environmental challenges. She is particularly interested in
engaging youth in place-based environmental science education
that is informed by traditional ecological knowledge. Jadda
received her B.S. in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
from UC Davis and her Masters in Environmental Studies from Green
Mountain College in Vermont.
Join us in welcoming Emma and Jadda to the Center!