April 2016 Newsletter
Honoring Educators awards ceremony on May 17, new center supports community college leaders, and more news from the School of Education
The honorees have been chosen! This year at the Honoring Educators Awards Ceremony we will be honoring Distinguished Alumna Caroline Turner, Rising Star Melanie Pope, Outstanding Education Advocate Carl Cohn, Outstanding Teaching Credential Student Maria Jose May, Outstanding Doctoral Student Mariama Smith Gray, and Outstanding Faculty Steven Athanases.
Please join us as we recognize their contributions and dedication on Tuesday, May 17 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Walter A. Buehler Alumni Center at UC Davis. Register now to celebrate with us, because seating is limited.
The UC Davis School of Education, in partnership with the California Community Colleges, has founded Wheelhouse, a center devoted to the support and cultivation of current and future community college leaders through professional development and research. The strength of that leadership is essential to the success of the California economy and to the state’s culture of broad opportunity for a diverse population. Learn more about Wheelhouse in the news here, or visit our website.
Distinguished Speaker Prof. Barton to Speak on Becoming Community STEM Experts on May 9
Professor Angela Calabrese Barton
will explore the relationship between learning and identity work
among youth participating in afterschool science and engineering
programs in lower-income urban communities. She is a professor in
science education and teacher education at Michigan State
University. Her research and teaching focus on the areas of
equity and social justice in science education, with a particular
emphasis on the urban context. Please join us to hear from Dr.
Barton on May 9 from 5:30–7:30 p.m. at the UC Davis Welcome
Center. Learn
more here.
Emerging Scholars Panel: Pushing the Boundaries of Equity-Oriented Research on May 3
The School of Education and the Graduate Group in Education are presenting this special panel showcasing critical, diverse disciplinary perspectives in education from exceptional pre-tenure scholars across the nation. Join us in Ballroom B, UC Davis Conference Center, on Tuesday, May 3 from 5–7 p.m. for this free presentation. Learn more here.
Online REEd Coaching Course Now
Today more and more schools and districts recognize that coaching is essential to strengthening the instructional capacity of teachers. In response, REEd is offering a free, three-part online course on “The Coaching Perspective: Why it Really Matters and How to Get it Started.” This course is for administrators, evaluators, supervisors, instructional and peer coaches, and all others responsible for observation and feedback. Learn more and register online here.
This month, 34 faculty, staff,
postdoctoral researchers and graduate students represented the
School of Education at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (AERA) in Washington, D.C.
Download all the details about the presentations, attendees and
honors here.
At our annual job fair on April 9th, more than 70 School of Education teaching students met with representatives from over 30 school districts—including districts as far away as Truckee and Palmdale. Students visited district tables in the morning and signed up for job interviews scheduled for that afternoon. Student teacher Sara Kalar, in the photo at right, signed her first teaching contract at the event! This is part of the School of Education’s commitment to preparing students to teach at the school of their choice upon completion of the credential program. See photos from the event here.