General information

Application Process and Timeline

subset of invitational institute

 Area 3 Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute 2011
Application Process and Timeline
Online Application 2011

Printable Institute Information 2011

Application deadline is January 31, 2011.

Early applications are strongly encouraged.

Review and Interview Process
Applications are reviewed by A3WP directors and Institute co-leaders. In selecting applicants for interviews, reviewers strive for a balance of Fellows who represent different grade levels (kindergarten through college), subject-area disciplines, and geographical regions. A minimum of three years of teaching experience is preferred.
Interviews are scheduled in February on late afternoons and Saturdays at UC Davis. Interviewees are requested to bring to the interview samples of student writing connected with the strategy or assignment described in Essay B.
Applicants will be notified in early March regarding acceptance.
Fellowship Stipends and Academic Credit
Institute Fellows receive a $1,000 stipend, funded by the National Writing Project, for participation in the orientation weekend, coaching day, summer weeks and school year follow-up events. There is no cost to teachers’ schools or districts. Fellows may also purchase 9 quarter units of academic credit from UC Davis Extension for approximately $300 during the first week of the Institute.

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