Classroom Experience
It is important for you to have some knowledge of public school classrooms and the teacher’s work in that classroom. Your credential application should document at least 30 hours spent in a classroom(s) at the grade level and, for middle and high school interest, the subject area that you intend to teach.
Many students applying to the credential program have significant experience working individually with elementary and/or secondary age children in one-on-one situations, such as tutoring, coaching, mentoring, etc. For your credential application this experience in a school environment should be with a group/classroom of students in a school classroom.
This experience needs to be verified by the teacher or site administrator. A verification form to document this experience is included in the online Graduate Studies application. If you believe you have a unique experience outside of the public classroom that will meet this requirement, please consult with the faculty advisor for your subject/area so he or she can determine of your previous experience meets the requirement.
Contact a school district for information on how to volunteer in that district and connect with a teacher to work with so you can gain this experience.
For students who have completed the UC Davis EDU 100 course we still need you to complete the Field Experience form to document that the grade level/subject of your experience is the same as your credential interest. Because verification of this experience is part of the EDU 100 class, you do not have to get verification from the classroom teacher or school principal.
For students who have completed a MAST course, we can use your transcript to confirm the grade level/subject of your participation. As long as your participation in MAST is the same as your credential interest, no Field Experience form is required. The following information may help you confirm that you have completed the appropriate level:
GEL/EDU 081: is MAST seminar I and covers elementary level
GEL/EDU 181: is MAST seminar II and covers middle school
GEL/EDU 192: is MAST seminar III and covers high school level