Developing Responsive Writing Pedagogy Through Collaborative Inquiry
Dr. Sandra Murphy, UC Davis School of Education
Shannon Pella, Doctoral Student, UC Davis School of
In this CRESS grant funded project, five language arts teachers
from geographically, culturally, and linguistically diverse
middle schools participated in a collaborative inquiry focused on
teaching and learning writing. Their inquiry group structure was
loosely based on the Japanese lesson study model for teacher
professional development. Participants collaboratively selected
topics, designed and observed nine writing lessons, and
investigated student-learning outcomes from each lesson. Over a
two year period, participating teachers spent over one hundred
hours focused on developing multi-modal writing activities for
their students in order to engage them in critical thinking for
and about writing. Participating teachers’ engagements in the
collaborative planning, observation, and debriefing cycles of
lesson study promoted generative shifts in their perspectives of
their students’ abilities and fostered their development of
responsive writing pedagogy. In conclusion, responsive writing
pedagogy is a set of values, instructional approaches, and the
use of on-going contextualized inquiry that taps into the assets
and responds to the needs of a diverse student population.
Responsive writing pedagogy seeks to understand and provide
scaffolding and support so that all students receive high quality
writing instruction.
Findings & Lessons Learned:
Findings from this study suggest that at various points in a
teacher’s career, professional development needs vary. This
professional development model was responsive to the needs of the
participating teachers, many of whom were actively involved in
the National Writing Project as teacher consultants. This group
of teachers sought an inquiry-based professional learning
community structure that they could design, adapt and sustain.
This responsive professional development model was integral to
the responsive pedagogy that it fostered.