General information

Educational Psychology

The Educational Psychology pre-requisite can be met by completing the EDU 110 course at UC Davis. EDU 110 is the only course at UCD that meets this requirement and is not offered during summer sessions.

If you have completed an upper-division course that you believe may be equivalent to EDU 110, please submit a Course Substitution Request Form along with the class syllabus to Student Services. We will complete an equivalency review and let you know our findings. Community College courses do not apply.

The following courses are listed for your reference only and are not an endorsement by UC Davis but rather information on courses that other students have taken and are confirmed to meet the equivalency for Educational Psychology:

  • University of San Diego (EDU530BC)
  • Louisiana State University (PSYC 2060)
  • University of Florida (EDF 3210)

Please be careful to check the timelines for submission because not all courses are self-paced. A completed transcript should be submitted to Student Services.

It is strongly recommended that you complete this pre-requisite before beginning the credential year, but it is not required.

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