General information

Instructional Rounds: Design, Capacity Buidling & Sustainability

Design Phase

The design phase includes a comprehensive assessment of the current capacity of the organization (school district) to lead and improve learning, and is co-developed with senior leaders, a strategic design for improvement through intensive capacity building.

Each district will identify its guiding focus (e.g., literacy, 21st century learning, or higher order skills). The strategic design sessions will support the district by providing knowledge and skills in how to facilitate the implementation of their change priorities. The laser-like focus and alignment of resources and practices in the design phase will result in quicker and more comprehensive improvement than if capacity building were undertaken without this preliminary step.

Capacity Building

The capacity building phase provides intensive learning so that district, school, and teacher leaders develop a common language, knowledge base, and a set of skills and practices to use in mobilizing focused action for improvement at every level in the district. Three role-specific teams will form learning groups:

  • Senior district leaders will focus on their role in designing and supporting substantial school change.
  • School leadership teams consisting of principals and teachers will develop skill in mobilizing consistent practices for improvement in the school, particularly in instruction and assessment.
  • District-based capacity teams that combines district and school staff will develop coaching and facilitation skills to support change and ensure sustainability of the approach across the district. This team will learn as a cohort with designees from other districts, thus creating a regional support structure.

Through engaging in multiple learning sessions over the three years in role-alike groups and receiving coaching as they apply the new learning in roles all participants will

  • learn strategies for mobilizing focused improvement;
  • develop a common language, knowledge base, and set of skills and practices;
  • share insights on change and improvement in peer learning networks that link schools and districts;
  • develop strategic plans that align goals, resources, and practices across the district;
  • develop a collaborative culture for learning with a laser-like focus on improved learning;


The sustainability phase includes the strategic design of a focused implementation plan, which will guide the three years of the project and ensure sustainability. This key work product will be co-developed by teams from schools and districts in collaboration with the consultants and will form a blueprint for action and accountability. The development of highly skilled district-based capacity teams will ensure internal capacity to sustain improvements.

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