General information

Moving on to the Master’s Degree

Requirements to meet in order to enroll in the master's program

Credential/MA students are admitted to the School of Education/Graduate Studies as Credential students and advance to M.A. status after completion of all credential requirements, in addition to several other requirements.


  1. Provide the Credential Analyst with documentation of completion of ALL credential requirements no later than August 1
  2. Cumulative UC Davis graduate GPA must be at least 3.0 by the end of the Spring Quarter of your credential year
  3. A grade of A, B, or C in all required 100, 200, and 300 level credential/MA courses
  4. A grade of B- or higher for student teaching (EDU 304A,B,C or EDU 306A,B,C)
  5. Access to an institutional setting in which your work can be conducted.* One of the following three options will meet this requirement:
    1. As the teacher of record in a K-12 classroom
    2. Being a K-12 tutor or instructional aid, with the opportunity to work with the same students during fall quarter for at least 40 hours
    3. As a guest in another teacher’s classroom for the purpose of carrying out the teacher inquiry during fall quarter for at least 40 hours
  6. Submission of Part 1 of the Intent to Enroll form by July 15
  7. Submission of Part 2 of the Intent to Enroll form by August 15

*Substitute teaching does not provide the opportunity for sustained work in a classroom with the same group of students, and therefore will not satisfy this element. One exception will be if you are hired for a long-term substitute position where you will be in the same assignment spanning the research period of two academic quarters September through March.

Outline of course work for completing the master’s degree:

  • Fall Quarter : EDU 206C (4units), EDU 299 (2 units)
  • Winter Quarter: EDU 206D (4 units), EDU 299 (2 units)

We will meet with you to discuss the MA portion of the program during the spring quarter of your credential year. At that time we will answer your questions and have you fill out an Advancement to Candidacy form for Graduate Studies.

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