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The Relation Between Memory Functioning and Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Children

Student Name: Nicolle Iacobacci

UCD Department: Psychology

UCD Mentor: Dr. Simona Ghetti

Previous studies have demonstrated a correlation between anxiety and depressive symptoms and memory functioning ability in adults (Castaneda, Tuulio-Henriksson, Marttunen, Suvisaari, & Lönnqvist, 2008). However, these studies have not yet been conducted on children ages 7 – 11, thus it is unclear as to whether or not there are any correlations between these symptoms to memory ability. This study will observe and examine how both anxiety and depressive symptoms correlate between memory ability and functioning in children. These data supported a relationship between both increased atypical internalizing behaviors and decreased memory abilities and they explore a possible relationship between externalizing behaviors and memory ability, but ultimately did not support any existing link between them. This new research gives parents a broader insight for their young children, so they can be aware of the many ways in which anxiety, depression, and other internalizing problems may affect seemingly unrelated areas of their child’s growth and development. 

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