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Scholarship Recipients

Mallorie McKinnon & Jo Anne Lasola are awarded the C. Shirley Michel Scholarship

Mallorie McKinnon (left) & Jo Anne Lasola (right). Both women are student teaching 3rd grade and have been residents of Solano County.

Multiple subject credential candidates Mallorie McKinnon and Jo Anne Lasola have been awarded the C. Shirley Michel Scholarship from the Solano County Retired Teachers Association.

Scholarship awardees must be Solano County residents who plan on entering the teaching profession.

Mallorie McKinnon is from Vacaville and majored in Sociology at UC Santa Barbara. She is currently student teaching 3rd grade at Eugene Padan Elementary in Vacaville.

Jo Anne Lasola is also student teaching 3rd grade at Fred. T. Korematsu Elementary in Davis. Originally from Vallejo, Jo Anne major in Sociology and English at UC Davis.

The women will be honored at a luncheon on May 23rdat the Solano Country Club.

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