Harold Levine
Professor Emeritus and Founding Dean
As Professor Emeritus and Founding Dean, Harold Levine has had a long commitment to building a School of Education that makes a difference—for educators, policymakers, students and everyone else who has a stake in California’s schools.
Harold G. Levine is a Professor Emeritus and Founding Dean of the School of Education at the University of California, Davis. Trained as an anthropologist, Levine began his career as a professor in the UCLA Department of Education, later becoming department chair and interim dean. Levine’s research interests and publications focused on the study of a wide range of organizations and cultural practices using qualitative, observational methods. The settings for his work included schools, cultures (the Kafe of Papua New Guinea), youth groups and movements, mother-child dyads, corporations, manufacturing “shop floors,” and small businesses. In all of his work he has examined how individual action and decision making both impact, and are constitutive of, cultural practices. At the same time, his work focuses on how cultural symbols and argot, ritual practices, interpersonal scripts, and meaning-laden events are interpreted by the individual actor and then, often, reconfigured to produce personal meaning, consciousness of kind, and predictability in everyday life. Levine’s most current interests are in the area of education policy.
In August, 2001, Levine became the Founding Dean of the School of Education at UC Davis. As Dean, he oversaw substantial growth in personnel and programs. This growth has better enabled the new School to carry out its mandates to work collaboratively with practitioners in public education, to translate theory and research into effective practice, and to bring the best of thought and research in multiple disciplines to help address the most intractable problems in today’s public schools and classrooms. Levine also served in a part-time capacity as the Associate Provost for Education Initiatives at the University of California Office of the President.
Research Interests
Entrepreneurship in Education; Organizational structure/effectiveness; Qualitative Methodology
Ph.D., Anthropology – University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania - 1977
B.A., Anthropology – Northwestern University, Illinois – 1967
Select Publications
2009. Levine, Harold G., and Mastergeorge, Ann (Section Eds.) “Qualitative Research”, International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Elsevier. (Forthcoming)
2009. Levine, Harold G. “Conversational Analysis,” International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Elsevier. (In press)
2005. Levine, Harold G. Editorial: “Is Universal Preschool for California a Good Idea?” St. HOPE Pipeline, June, Section F
2000. Levine Harold G. Commentary: “Proven Results” Will Be the Hallmark of Successful Education Business Products and Services. Education Industry Report, 8(10), October.
1995 Levine, Harold G., and Rossmoore, Don
Politics and the Function of Power in a Case Study of IT
Implementation. Journal of Management Information Systems. 11(3),
1994. Levine, Harold G., and Rossmoore, Don. Understanding the Political Threats to IT Implementation: A Case Study. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Washington, D.C.: IEEE Computer Society Press.
1993. Levine, Harold G. Context and Scaffolding in Developmental Studies of Mother-Child Problem-Solving Dyads. In S. Chaiklin and J. Lave (Eds.), Understanding Practice: Perspectives on Activity and Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pp. 306-326).
1993. Levine, Harold G., and Rossmoore, Don. Diagnosing the Human Threats to Information Technology Implementation: A Missing Factor in Systems Analysis Illustrated in a Case Study. Journal of Management Information Systems, 10, 55-73.
1993. Levine, Harold G., and Rossmoore, Don. Understanding Barriers to IT Implementation: A Case Study of “Rationality,” Human Error, and Undiscussable Issues. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. IV: Collaboration Technology and Organizational Systems and Technology. Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society Press (pp. 850-859).
1993 Hecht, Barbara F., Levine, Harold G., and Mastergeorge, Ann M. Conversational Roles of Children with Developmental Delays and Their Mothers in Natural and Semi-structured Situations. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 97, 419-429.
1992. Levine, Harold G. Naturalistic Inquiry, Types of. In M. C. Alkin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Research, 6th Edition. New York: Macmillan (pp. 889-892).
1992. Levine, Harold G.. Review of Nasty Girls, Thugs, and Humans Like Us: Social Relations Between Severely Disabled and Nondisabled Students in High School by Carola Murray-Seegert. American Ethnologist, 19(2), 396-397.
1990. Levine, Harold G. Models of Qualitative Data Use in the Assessment of Classroom-Based Microcomputer Education Programs. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 6, 451-467.
1990. Levine, Harold G. Foreword. In S. Stumpf, Pathways to Success: Training for Independent Living. Washington, DC: American Association on Mental Retardation, Monograph #15.
1987. Levine, Harold G. “Taboos” and Statements About Taboos: Issues in the Taxonomic Analysis of Behavioral Restrictions Among the New Guinea Kafe. In L. L. Langness and T. E. Hays (Eds.), Anthropology in the High Valleys: Essays on the New Guinea Highlands in Honor of Kenneth E. Read (pp. 45-67). Novato, CA: Chandler & Sharp.
1987. Levine, Harold G. Principles of Data Storage and Retrieval for Use in Qualitative Evaluations. In D. S. Cordray and M. W. Lipsey (Eds.), Evaluation Studies Review Annual (Vol. 11, pp. 408-425). Newbury Park: Sage. Reprinted from Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 7, 169-186, 1985.
1986. Langness, L. L., and Levine, Harold G. (Eds.). Culture and Retardation: Life Histories of Mildly Mentally Retarded Persons in American Society. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: D. Reidel Publishing.
1985. Levine, Harold G.. Scientists and Culture Heroes in Ethnographic Method. Reviews in Anthropology, 12, 338-345.
1985. Levine, Harold G., and Mann, Katherine.. The Nature and Functions of Teacher Talk in a Classroom for Mentally Retarded Learners. The Elementary School Journal, 86, 185-198.
1985. Cooper, Lee G., and Levine, Harold G.. Guerrilla Science: Toward an Epistemology for the Applied Behavioral Sciences. In R. Tannenbaum, N. Margulies, and F. Massarik (Eds.), Human Systems Development (pp. 489-519). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
1985. Levine, Harold G. Principles of Data Storage and Retrieval for Use in Qualitative Evaluations. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 7, 169-186.
1985. Levine, Harold G. Situational Anxiety and Everyday Life Experiences of Mildly Mentally Retarded Adults. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 90, 27-33.
1985. Levine, Harold G. and Langness, L. L. Everyday Cognition Among Mildly Mentally Retarded Adults: An Ethnographic Approach. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 90, 18-26.
1984. Levine, Harold G., and Langness, L. L. Context, Ability, and Performance: Comparison of Competitive Athletics Among Mildly Mentally Retarded and Nonretarded Adults. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 87(5), 528-538.
1983. Levine, Harold G. Review of Experience Forms. George Haydu (Ed.), American Anthropologist, 85, 690-691.
1983. Levine, Harold G., and Stumpf, Steven H. Statements of Fear Through Cultural Symbols: Punk Rock as a Reflective Subculture. Youth and Society, 14(4), 417-435.
1982. Levine, Harold G. Tebe Kre Nentie: Behavior Therapy and Social Learning Among the New Guinea Kafe. Ethos, 10(1), 66-93.
1980. Levine, Harold G., Zetlin, Andrea G., and Langness, L. L. Everyday Memory Tasks in Classrooms for TMR Learners. In J. Jacobs (Ed.), Mental retardation: A phenomenological approach (pp. 148-162). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Reprinted from The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 2(1), 1-6, 1980.
1980. Levine, Harold G., Gallimore, Ronald, Weisner, Thomas S., and Turner, Jim L. Teaching Participant–Observation Research Methods: A Skills-Building Approach. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 11(1), 38-54.
1980. Levine, Harold G., Zetlin, Andrea G., and Langness, L. L. Everyday Memory Tasks in Classrooms for TMR Learners. The Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 2(1), 1-6.
1975. Levine, Harold G. The Kafe: A New Guinea Highlands Group. Expedition, 17, 33-39.
1970. Stunkard, Albert and Levine, Harold G. The Management of Obesity: Patient Self-Help and Medical Treatment. Archives of Internal Medicine, 125, 1067-1072.
1969. Stunkard, Albert, and Levine, Harold G. A Study of a Self-Help Group for Obesity. In Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, No. 213, Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress on Nutrition.
Technical Reports and Working Papers
2005. Levine, Harold G., Timar, Thomas, and Driscoll, Anne. California Principal Training Program: Preliminary Report. Davis: Center for Applied Policy Analysis, and Policy Analysis for California Education.
1999. Outcalt, Charles L., Faris, Shannon K., and Levine, Harold G. Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Leadership Development in the Education Community: A Brief Survey of the Field. Prepared for the “Entrepreneurial Leadership Development for the Education Community” Conference, Carlsbad, California, November.
1997. Levine, Harold G., and Roth, Ellen J. Final Report: Modeling Entrepreneurial Success: A Longitudinal Design for the Study of MADE-IT. Kansas City: Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Inc.
1996. Levine, Harold G., and Roth Ellen J. Evaluation of EntrePrep. Kansas City: Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Inc.
1993. Zell, Deone, and Levine, Harold G. Analysis of Focus Groups (Conducted for the Santa Clara Division, Hewlett-Packard, Transition Team–Social Analysis). Los Angeles: California Worksite Research Committee.
1992. Zell, Deone, Levine, Harold G., and Wilms, Wellford. The Impact of the “Work Innovation Network” on the Diffusion of Work Redesign at Hewlett-Packard. (Prepared for the Work Innovation Network, Hewlett-Packard.) Los Angeles: California Worksite Research Committee.
1990. Akong’a, Joshua, Cronbach, Lee J., Fleuret, Anne, and Levine, Harold G. Final Report: Evaluation Design for “Training for Development.” (Submitted to United States Agency for International Development/Kenya.) Washington, DC: Academy for Educational Development.
1989. Chesterfield, Ray, and Levine, Harold G. Final Report: CLASP Evaluation Needs Assessment. (Submitted to United States Agency for International Development and Academy for Educational Development.) Los Angeles: Juarez and Associates.
1982. Chesterfield, R., Chavez, R., Chesterfield, K. B., Hayes-Latimer, K., LaBelle, T., Levine, H., Loucky, J., Ortiz, M., Balle, M., and Watson, P. Final Report: An Evaluation of the Headstart Bilingual Bicultural Curriculum Development Project. (Submitted to Administration for Children, Youth, and Families, Office of Human Development, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC.) Los Angeles: Juarez and Associates.
1981. Levine, Harold G. An Introduction to Interviewing. Technical Note: National Center for Bilingual Research, Los Alamitos, CA.
1981. Macias, Jose, Levine, Harold G., and Hayes, William A. Field Plan and Implementation Package for the Ethnographic Component of the Child and Family Mental Health Project Evaluation. (Submitted to Administration for Children, Youth and Families, Office of Human Development, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC) San Francisco: The Urban Institute for Human Services.
1980. Cooper, Lee G., and Levine, Harold G. Toward an Epistemology for Applied Behavioral Science. UCLA Organizational and Behavioral Science Working Paper No. 80-7, September.
Papers Read
2009. Levine, Harold G. “Promoting ‘whole school’ approaches to student improvement: The Sacramento area regional collaborative,” paper presented at the UC Language Consortium Annual Conference, World Language Proficiency in the California Context. UC Berkeley, Feb. 6-7.
2001. Levine, Harold G. Edupreneurs and the Education Economy: The Consequences of Private Sector Entrepreneurial Activities on Education Policy, Resource Allocation, Management, and Practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Seattle, WA.
2000. Levine, Harold G., and Yonezawa, Susan. The “Created History” of K-12 Partnerships and Their Impact on the Structure and Culture of the University. Paper presented at the symposium titled “University Outreach in a Post-Affirmative Action World: Perspectives from Social Theory” at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
1997. Levine, Harold G., Kourilsky, Marilyn L., and Roth, Ellen J. “Learning to Think Entrepreneurially: A Constructivist Approach.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
1997. Levine, Harold G. “Remarks.” The University as a System. Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA, December 4.
1994. Levine, Harold G., and Rossmoore, Don. “Power and Politics in IT Implementation.” Paper presented at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii.
1993. Levine, Harold G., and Rossmoore, Don. “Understanding Barriers to IT Implementation: A Case Study of ‘Rationality,’ Human Error, and Undiscussable Issues. Paper presented at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii.
1992. Zell, Deone, and Levine, Harold G. “Organization Learning through Ethnographic and Survey Research.” Invited symposium entitled Education and Training to Guide the Third Industrial Revolution. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
1990. Levine, Harold G., and Mastergeorge, Ann M. “Mother-Developmentally Delayed Child Interactions in their Cultural Context.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. Seattle, Washington.
1989. Levine, Harold G., and Mastergeorge, Ann M. “Maternal Tutorial Strategies: A Comparison of Mothers of Developmentally Delayed and Non-Delayed Children.” Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, Missouri.
1989. Levine, Harold G., Mastergeorge, Ann M., and Hall, E.A. “Mother-Developmentally Delayed Child Interactions in Socio-Cultural Context.” Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, Missouri.
1988. Levine, Harold G. “Computer-Intensive School Environments and the Reorganization of Knowledge and Learning: A Qualitative Assessment of Apple Computer’s Classroom of Tomorrow.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Educational Research Association and the International Association for Computing in Education, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1988. Hall, Elizabeth A., Levine, Harold G., and Hecht, Barbara F. “Redundant Communication Channels in Mothers’ Assistance of Developmentally Delayed Child Performance.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1987. Levine, Harold G. “The Doing of Thinking and Thinking About Doing: Sorting Through ‘Competing’ Contexts in Developmental Studies of Mother-Child Problem Solving Dyads.” Invited paper for the Conference on Contextual Problematics for the Study of Thinking, Stenungsund, Sweden.
1987. Hecht, B., and Levine, Harold G. “Situational Factors and Child Language Ability as Influences on Maternal Interaction with Developmentally Delayed Children.” Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland.
1987. Levine, Harold G., Schneider, P., and Pelland, M. “Scaffolding Cognition in the Developmentally-Delayed Child-Mother Dyad.” Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, Maryland.
1985. Levine, Harold G., and Lave, Jean. “Anthropological Approaches to the Nature of Mind.” Paper presented in the symposium “Soviet Psychology and the Social Construction of Cognition” at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
1984. Hall, Elizabeth A. and Levine, Harold G. “Special Education vs. Mainstream: Degree to Which Teacher-Child Interaction Aids Mentally Retarded Children’s Functioning.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver, Colorado.
1984. Levine, Harold G. “Maternal Instruction in Everyday Cognition: A Micro-Ethnographic Study of Interaction About Cognition.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver, Colorado.
1984. Levine, Harold G. “The Use of the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index in Assessing the Zone of Proximal Development of Mentally Retarded Student Learners.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Evaluation Research Society, San Francisco, California.
1983. Levine, Harold G., and Langness, L. L. “Everyday Cognition Among Mentally Retarded Adults.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Deficiency, Dallas, Texas.
1983. Levine, Harold G. “Principles of Data Storage and Retrieval for Use in Qualitative Evaluations.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
1983. Levine, Harold G. “Everyday School Tasks and Performance of Retarded Students.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
1982. Levine, Harold G. “Data Storage and Retrieval Systems for Use in Participant–Observation Research.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
1981. Stumpf, Steven H., and Levine, Harold G. “Statements of Fear in the Punk Rock Subculture: An Analysis of Names of Los Angeles Punk Rock Bands.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, California.
1981. Levine, Harold G., and Langness, L. L. “Context, Ability, and Performance: A Comparison of Competitive Athletics Among Mildly Retarded and Non-Retarded Adults.” Paper presented at the organized symposium “The Community Adaptation of Mildly Retarded Persons.” Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California.
1981. Levine, Harold G., and Mann, Katherine. “Response Contexts, Interactive Teaching, and Learning in a Classroom for Mentally Retarded Students.” Paper presented at the invited symposium “How Teachers Make Instructional Decisions.” Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Los Angeles, California.
1980. Levine, Harold G. “Discussant Comments” for “Participant-Observation in the Analysis of Culture: Philosophical and Methodological Issues.” An organized symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
1979. Levine, Harold G., Zetlin, Andrea G., and Langness, L. L. “Everyday Memory Tasks in a School for the TMR Learner.” Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Deficiency, Miami Beach, Florida.
1978. Levine, Harold G. “Everyday Problem-Solving in a School for Children with Moderate Retardation.” An organized symposium entitled “Socio-Cultural Aspects of Mental Retardation.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, California.
1977. Levine, Harold G. “Taboos and Statements about Taboos: Issues Related to a Natural Taxonomy of Behavioral Prohibitions.” An organized symposium entitled “Food Taboos: New Approaches from New Guinea.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Houston, Texas.
1976. Levine, Harold G. “Tebe Kre Nentie: Social Learning and Psycho-Hepatic Therapy Among the New Guinea Kafe.” An organized symposium entitled “Curing in Oceania,” Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, Charleston, South Carolina.
1974. Levine, Harold G. “Levels of Analysis in the Study of Sorcery.” An organized symposium entitled “Sorcery, Witchcraft, and Magic in the New Guinea Highlands.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Mexico City.
1974. Levine, Harold G. “Behavioral Variability and the Organization of Diversity: Death Ritual in a Kafe Village.” Conference on Structure and Cognition: The Mutual Relevance of Structural Theory and Cognitive Theory in Anthropology, SUNY College at Geneseo, Geneseo, New York.
1969. Stunkard, Albert, Levine, Harold G., and Fox, Sonja. “T.O.P.S.–An Ally in the Control of Obesity: A Study of a Self-Help Group for Obesity.” Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Miami Beach, Florida.
Anthropological Fieldwork
1995 – 2000 Teenagers learning to think and act entrepreneurially in after-school programs
1994 – 1998 Los Angeles Police Department
1992 – 1994 Diffusion of Toyota Production Systems to First-Tier Parts Suppliers
1988 – 1993 California manufacturing companies (including Douglas Aircraft Corporation, Hewlett-Packard, New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.)
1985 – 1989 Developmentally delayed children and their families living in the Greater Los Angeles area
1980 – 1985 Adult mildly mentally retarded individuals living in the Greater Los Angeles area
1981 – 1983 Tri-City Special Education Service Region (elementary schools in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Culver City, California)
1976 – 1981 The West Valley School (a Los Angeles public school for trainable mentally retarded students)
1971 – 1973 Kafe speakers, Eastern Highlands, Papua, New Guinea
1968 – 1969 T.O.P.S. (a national self-help group for obesity), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1968 The School in Rose Valley, Rose Valley, Pennsylvania
Professional Experience
2001-2016: Founding Dean and Professor, School of Education, University of California, Davis
2006-2009: Associate Provost for Education Initiatives, University of California Office of the President (part-time)
1999-2001: Professor, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
1998-1999: Interim Dean, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
1995-1998: Chair, Department of Education, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
1991-1995: Division Head, Social Research Methodology, Department of Education, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
1986-1999: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Los Angeles
1979-1986: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Los Angeles
1974-1979: Research Associate, University of California, Los Angeles, The Neuropsychiatric Institute, Mental Retardation Research Center
1969-1970: Teaching Assistant, University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
1993 “Best Paper Award” in the Information Systems–Organizational Systems and Technology Track of the 26th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
1984-1985 Study Panel, “Non-Cognitive Factors in Education,” National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences
1983 UCLA Career Development Award
1970 National Science Foundation Summer Traineeship, 1970
1967-1971 University of Pennsylvania, University Doctoral Fellow
1967-1968 Woodrow Wilson Fellow
1967 Northwestern University Graduate “With Highest Distinction” and Departmental Honors (Anthropology)
1967 Phi Beta Kappa
1965 Northwestern University Scholarship
Current Activities and Service
Recent Board and Committee Memberships
- Blue Ribbon Committee to Develop a Plan to Turn Around California’s Worst Performing Schools, Office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Concurrence Committee for the California Subject Matter Projects: UC Representative and Chair
- UC Davis M.I.N.D. Board of Advisors
- Sacramento County Office of Education Institutional Review Board
- California Superintendent of Public Education’s P-16 Council
- California Department of Education “Brokers of Expertise” Advisory Panel
- State of California Reading First Panel
- University of California Consortium for Language Learning & Teaching, Board of Advisors
- UC/CSU Joint Doctoral Education Board
- UC Planning and Oversight Committee (Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnership Programs) – Chair
- West-Ed Board of Directors
- West Sacramento Early College Preparatory Charter School Board of Directors – Chair
Funded Research
Research Contracts and Grants
2007 West-Ed and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, “UC Research for the California Department of Education’s P-16 Council,” $389,000 (one year)
2005 California County Superintendents Education Services Association: “An Evaluation of the California Principal Training Program (AB75),” $100,000 (18 months)
2001 Ford Foundation: “Educational Entrepreneurship and Its Consequences for Public K-12 Education: Developing a Research Agenda,” $73,000
1997 Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Inc, E. M. Kauffman Foundation: “Replicating Successful Training: A National Evaluation of Second- and Third- Generation EntrePrep Programs,” $87,730 (17 months)
1996 Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Inc, E. M. Kauffman Foundation: “Modeling Entrepreneurial Success: A Longitudinal Study of MADE-IT,” $72,900 (18 months)
1995 Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Inc, E. M. Kauffman Foundation: “Evaluation and Research on EntrePrep,” $17,500
1994 John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation: “Community Policing in Los Angeles: A Study of Organizational and Community Response to Change at the Los Angeles Police Department,” $177,320
1993 Committee on Research, Academic Senate, UCLA: “Case Studies of IT Implementation in Organizational Settings,” $2,000
1992 State of California, Employment Training Panel: “Diffusion of Worksite Innovation Across Corporate Boundaries,” $303,000 (2 years)
1992 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: “Diffusion as an Economic Strategy for American Automobile Manufacturing: Transferring NUMMI’s Lean Production System to Parts Suppliers,” $298,000 (2 years)
1988 State of California, Senate Industrial Relations Committee: “Design for a Study of the Changing California Worksite,” $15,000
1987 Spencer Foundation and UCLA: “The Social Mediation of Performance on a Cognitive Task: A Comparison of Developmentally Delayed and Non-Delayed Children,” $5,000
1985 Program Project Grant (Component #5), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development #HD11944-06: “Parent- Developmentally Delayed Child Interaction: Language, Cognition and Schooling,” $600,000 (4 years)
1983 Spencer Foundation and UCLA: “Everyday School Tasks and Performance of Mentally Retarded Student Learners,” $2,000
1980 Spencer Foundation and UCLA: “A Naturalistic Study of Everyday Problem-Solving Among Normal and Retarded Student Learners,” $4,859
1980 Program Project Grant (Component #4), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development #1 P01 HD11944-02: “Everyday Thinking and Problem-Solving of Mildly Retarded Adults: An Ethnographic Approach,” $282,810 (5 years)
1979 Committee on Research, Academic Senate, UCLA #3572: ”The Analysis of Everyday Tasks in the Lives of Mentally Retarded Learners,” $1,500
1972, 1970 University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology, Fieldwork Grants-In-Aid
1970-1971 National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant
Training, Professional Service, and Development Grants
2007 Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, “Early College High School Initiative,” $400,000 (3 years)
2004 First Five Sacramento Commission: Oak Park Preschool Seed Funding, $100,000
2003 CSU/UC Joint Doctoral Board: Implementation Grant for a Proposed Joint Ed.D. with CSU Sacramento and Sonoma State University, $648,000
2002 CSU/UC Joint Doctoral Board: Development Grant for a Proposed Joint Ed.D. with CSU Sacramento and Sonoma State University, $200,000
2002 CSU/UC Joint Doctoral Board: Planning Grant for a Proposed Joint Ed.D. with CSU Sacramento and Sonoma State University, $30,000
1999 Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Inc, E. M. Kauffman
“Planning Conference: The Role Of Entrepreneurial Leadership in
Promoting Excellence in K-12 Education” $80,332
1998 The Spencer Foundation: “UCLA/PENN Doctoral Student Exchange Program,” $36,200 (1 year)
1998 Corporation for National Service/University of Minnesota: “National Service-Learning Clearinghouse,” $117,498 per year (3 years – renewable)
1997 The Spencer Foundation: “Spencer Research Training Program,”
(5 years)
How Can Universities and K-12 Schools Work Together to Improve STEM Education?
An interview with Dean Harold G. Levine
In November 2012, Harold Levine, dean of the UC Davis School of Education, was interviewed at the California STEM Summit in San Diego.