PPIC Statewide Poll on Californians and Education
Legislation & Policy
The recent survey of California voters showed 66% support for a school facility bond on the November 2016 ballot. Meanwhile Governor Jerry Brown continues to oppose a bond that would compete with the water bond. “Our polling consistently shows that local school funding is the top priority,” said Mark Baldassare, PPIC’s president and pollster.
- A strong majority of Californians support the Local Control Funding Formula; fewer than half favor the Common Core State Standards.
- Most public school parents say they have heard nothing at all about the Smarter Balanced assessments.
- Half of Californians say the state’s budget situation is a big problem for K–12 education and six in 10 say state funding for local schools is not enough.
- Two-thirds of adults and about half of likely voters would vote yes on a state or local bond measure to fund school construction projects.