
News Kevin Gee
Portrait of Kevin Gee

Kevin Gee Establishes SPARC Center at School of Education

Research will focus on children experiencing adverse life and social circumstances

In May 2024, Dr. Kevin Gee, professor and Chancellor’s Fellow in the School of Education, established the School Policy, Action, and Research Center (SPARC). The School’s newest center, SPARC generates research leading to actionable insights that can support the educational wellbeing of vulnerable youth. The center’s work supports children experiencing adverse life and social circumstances, including Asian American and Pacific Islander youth who have been bullied, children experiencing chronic absenteeism, and youth in the child welfare system.

Black Ambition CEO Felecia Hatcher, Leonard Creer, Antoinette Banks and Pharrell Williams pose at the Black Ambition event holding a giant facsimile check for $1 million

PhD Student Antoinette Banks Wins $1 Million Black Ambition Prize

Award is for parent-facing app that uses predictive AI to optimize IEP plans

School of Education PhD student Antoinette Banks, BS ’22, has won the Pharrell Williams Black Ambition grand prize of $1 million for Expert IEP, her parent-facing app that uses predictive AI to optimize existing individualized education plans for children diagnosed with disabilities. Black Ambition is a nonprofit initiative dedicated to closing the opportunity and wealth gap by empowering Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs.

Gary May (left), Alice Waters (middle left), Lauren Lindstrom (middle right), and  Ralph Hexter (right) discussing the new Alice Waters Institute for Edible Education at UC Davis

UC Davis and the School of Education Announce Collaboration With Chef and Food Advocate Alice Waters in Aggie Square

On Jan. 16, UC Davis Chancellor Gary S. May, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter, and School of Education Dean Lauren Lindstrom joined chef and food advocate Alice Waters and Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg to announce an exciting new collaboration for Aggie Square: the Alice Waters Institute for Edible Education at UC Davis.

Portrait of Megan Welsh

Megan Welsh Becomes Sixth Chancellor’s Fellow from School of Education

School of Education Associate Professor Megan Welsh has been named a 2019­–2020 UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow, a title she will hold for the next five years. The Chancellor’s Fellows Program recognizes associate professors or recently promoted full professors who produce groundbreaking scholarly work and serve the university as dedicated teachers and campus citizens. It is one of the most prestigious honors conferred on faculty members at UC Davis.

Portrait of Vanessa Segundo

PhD Candidate Vanessa Segundo Awarded Prestigious Ford Dissertation Fellowship

PhD candidate Vanessa Segundo has been awarded a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for the upcoming academic year. One of 38 recipients nationwide, Segundo is the fourth student in UC Davis history and the first student in the School of Education’s history to be honored with this fellowship. Prof. Danny Martinez and Prof. Cati de los Ríos are also former Ford Foundation Fellows.

Portrait of Maisha T. Winn

Maisha T. Winn and Lawrence (Torry) Winn Receive Chancellor’s Achievement Award for Diversity and Community

Dr. Maisha T. Winn, UC Davis Chancellor’s Leadership Professor and Faculty Director of the School of Education’s Transformative Justice in Education Center (TJE), and Dr. Lawrence (Torry) Winn, TJE Executive Director, have been honored with the Chancellor’s Achievement Award for Diversity and Community for 2018-2019 in the Special Recognition Category.


New report from UC Davis and California Department of Education provides crucial foundation for college and career readiness research

As our global community continues to shift the labor market and rapidly redefine what is needed for a successful career, a college degree seems more important than ever before. High school students across the nation are well aware of this, and enrollment in postsecondary institutions continues to rise. According to newly published data, 63 percent of California’s high school graduates are enrolling in college, and in some California counties that statistic jumps as high as 75 percent.

Getting Down to Facts II

School of Education researchers contribute to major analysis of PreK-12 education in California

Over the past decade, California’s PreK-12 education system has seen a variety of reforms— new academic standards and assessments, the Local Control Funding Formula, advancements in data systems—yet despite these changes, a new research project reports that California lags behind other states when it comes to important educational metrics. California’s students still face some of the largest achievement gaps in the nation, schools continue to see a lack of adequate funding and many young Californians miss out on high-quality early childhood education.

Portrait of Lee Martin and Gary May

Lee Martin Named a Chancellor’s Fellow

Fifth School of Education Researcher Honored in Consecutive Years

Lee Martin, associate professor of education, has been selected as a 2017-18 UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow, a title he will hold for five years. The Chancellor’s Fellows Program recognizes associate professors or recently promoted full professors who are “the rising stars who shine as teachers and campus citizens, and whose scholarly work already puts them at the top of their fields — garnering attention far and wide.” It is one of the highest and most prestigious honors given at UC Davis.

Portrait of Maisha T. Winn and Lawrence Winn

Maisha T. Winn and Lawrence Winn Join School of Education

Will Establish a Center for Restorative Justice

This summer the School of Education welcomed Maisha T. Winn, PhD and Lawrence (Torry) Winn, JD to the School of Education. Maisha T. Winn has been appointed as a Professor, and the UC Davis Chancellor and Provost additionally have extended her the new honorary designation of “Chancellor’s Leadership Professor.” Torry Winn will serve as an Academic Administrator. The Winns, who are married, will jointly develop a center for restorative justice to be located within the School of Education.

Portrait of Nicole Sparapani

Nicole Sparapani Joins Faculty

Nicole Sparapani, PhD joined the School of Education faculty this summer as an Assistant Professor in Early Childhood Education. Sparapani, who earned her doctorate in Communication Science and Disorders at Florida State University, is a certified speech-language pathologist. She completed her postdoctoral studies on individualizing student instruction at Arizona State University and the Institute for the Science of Teaching and Learning.