
University of Cape Town

Lauren and Max standing next to a banner for the University of Cape Town. This week we visited the University of Cape Town (UCT) in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Cape Town is a bustling international city, bordered on one side by the peaks of Table Mountain and on the other by the Atlantic Ocean.

Our host was Professor Theresa Lorenzo, the Division Head and Program Convenor for the Disability Studies Doctoral Program at UCT. We had an opportunity to meet with faculty, visit UCT’s beautiful new Neuroscience Institute, attend individual meetings with masters and doctoral students and participate in a seminar for the Disability Studies program. I was very impressed with the UCT students, many of whom are individuals with disabilities themselves. 

Max, Theresa, Lauren and two other faculty at a restaurant.One especially impressive student was a former local City Counselor, who was shot during his term in office. He had a long recovery and now walks using crutches. After this incident, he decided to pursue his Masters degree in Disability Studies and focus on the needs of youth with disabilities in his community.

We wrapped up our visit attending an evening lecture with the Vice Chancellor of University of Fort Hare, an eloquent leader who spoke of the struggle for intellectual freedom and burdens on higher education during the apartheid and post-apartheid eras.

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Professor Theresa and one of her students pose together while sitting down.

Max stands behind a podium talking to the audience at a seminar.

University of Cape Town lobby.

A building in Cape Town with a palm tree in front of it.

A view of Cape Town out of a window.

A view of a mountain in the distance and the buildings of Cape Town.

Boats parked in water.

An outside view of the University of Cape Town in front of a mountain.

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