CISI Resources & e-Bulletins

Resources & E-Bulletins


CISI provides E-Bulletins as a service to members by email. Here you find archived E-Bulletins in addition to topically searchable resources on the following topics:

District Leadership: LCFF, LCAP, Budget, & API

Curriculum & Instruction: Common Core, Teaching, School Climate

Assessment: Smarter Balanced Assessment & Other Testing

Legislation & Policy: Politics, SBE, Legislation Analysis

Research in Brief: Curated research briefs and summaries


What Makes Teacher Collaboration Work?

Curriculum & Instruction

(Albert Shanker Institute, December 8, 2015) — In a recent article from the Albert Shanker Institute, authors Davis Sherer and Johanna Barmore explore effective collaboration, citing educational research looking into conditions that foster collaboration. Empirical research suggests that student achievement is positively impacted by teacher collaboration that leads to teacher learning.


Bright Spots in Hispanic Education Database

Legislation & Policy

(U.S. Dept. of Education) — Marking the 25th anniversary of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, the U.S. Department of Education released the report Latinas in the U.S., 2015 and a national catalogue of promising practices supporting education of Hispanic students. Nationally, 1 in 4 students is Hispanic. In California, more than 1 in 2 students is Hispanic (53.25%; CDE 2014).


Examining Race-based Bias in Schools

Legislation & Policy

(Education Week) — In her research, Jennifer L. Eberhardt, a Stanford University social psychologist and the winner of a 2014 MacArthur Genius grant for her research, found that black students are more likely than white students to be punished for “defiance” or “insubordination.”


Common Core Knowledge and Practice Survey — free online tool

Curriculum & Instruction

The Common Core Knowledge and Practice Survey, developed by the national organization Achieve the Core, is a free tool for educators to reflect on their instructional practice and understanding of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Designed for use in a professional learning community (PLC) within a school, the survey is meant to spark conversation, identify areas for growth, and offer concrete ways for teams of teachers to continue to align their practice to the Common Core shifts.


Governor Brown Approves $490 Million for Teacher Training

District Leadership

Governor Brown signed legislation this week that authorizes $490 million for teacher training in California. School districts will receive funding, based on their number of full-time equivalent certificated staff, for teacher training services. 


Research on Testing & Assessment


On March 11, the State Board of Education (SBE) voted to suspend the Annual Performance Index (API) for the second year. This second year of suspension gives the board time to transform the current system, based on entirely on test score data, to a more inclusive performance index. 


How a Massachusetts School Narrowed the Achievement Gap: More and Better Learning Time

Curriculum & Instruction

Summary from The Hechinger Report

A new report on lengthened school days describes the process of principal Lori Butterfield as part of a district-wide improvement effort. At her school, Guilmette Elementary, they took a year to plan an expansion learning time. At Guilmette, 300 hours per year were added. The school day now goes from 7:30 a.m. to 3:35 pm. Results in the first year have been promising.


School Climate and Student Success

Curriculum & Instruction

A recent report from the California Comprehensive Center, AIR, and WestEd entitled “A Climate for Academic Success: How School Climate Distinguishes Schools that are Beating the Achievement Odds” suggests a connection between positive school climate and schools that are “beating the odds.” Those “beating the odds” are schools that, based on student demographics, perform better than predicted.


Teaching Profession Resources

Curriculum & Instruction

This US Department of Education blog focuses on how one Senior High School is approaching supporting continual learning for teachers. Following are key areas identified for school site leaders:


English Learners in California

Curriculum & Instruction

According to CDE, the 1.4 million English learners in our state constitute 22.7% of the total enrollment in CA public schools. A total of 2.7 million CA students speak a language other than English in their homes. This number represents 43.1 percent of the state’s public school enrollment. Most EL students are born in the US. The CDE website provides current facts and resources on EL students in CA.

Suggestions include:


EL Students with Disabilities Report

Curriculum & Instruction

Key elements of processes to help identify and support English learner students with learning disabilities can inform education leaders determining which English learner students may need placement in special education programs as opposed to other assistance.

This report identifies guiding principles that suggest ways to identify and recommend assistance for English learner students with possible learning disabilities:


Legislative Analyst’s Office Review of School Districts’ LCAPs

District Leadership

This report from January 20, 2015 reviews the first year of LCAP development, assesses the usefulness of the new plans. This report examines 50 LCAPs to evaluate their compliance with statutory requirements and determine whether overall the LCAPs reflect thoughtful strategic planning by districts. Below is a summary of the report’s recommendations.

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