Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica
Associate Professor of Teaching in Education and Bilingual Coordinator–Spanish
Dr. Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica is an Associate Professor of Teaching in Education and the Spanish Bilingual Authorization Coordinator. A UC Davis alumnus, she earned her bachelor’s degree in human development and minor in Chicana/o Studies from UC Davis. While at UCD, she participated in the California Mini-Corps program where she served as a teaching-assistant in schools with large numbers of migrant students. She received her multiple subject teaching credential with a bilingual authorization (formerly known as BCLAD) from CSU Sacramento.
After teaching in Two Way Immersion schools in Winters and East San José, Dr. Rodriguez-Mojica attended Stanford University where she earned a Master’s in Linguistics and a Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education. While at Stanford University, she specialized in the teaching and learning of bilingual students identified as English learners.
Her current research focuses on the classroom instruction of bilingual children and the intersections among language, race, ethnicity, gender and culture as they relate to the teaching and learning of Latinx bilingual learners. Dr. Rodriguez-Mojica serves as Principal Investigator and Project Director on a $2.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition to support Spanish-English bilingual instruction in California and New Mexico. She currently serves as Co-Editor for the International Literacy Association’s publication The Reading Teacher.
Dr. Rodriguez-Mojica has presented her research at regional and national conferences, including American Educational Research Association (AERA), California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE), La Cosecha and the Literacy Research Association (LRA). Her work has been published in International Multilingual Research Journal, Language and Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Teacher Education Quarterly and The Urban Review.
Ph.D., Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education, Stanford University, September 2014
Dissertation Title: From Test Scores to Language Use: What English learners do in real-time academic communication in English. Advisors: Claude Goldenberg and Guadalupe Valdés
M.A., Linguistics, Stanford University, September 2014
SB 2042 Clear Multiple Subject Credential with BCLAD-Spanish Authorization, California State University, Sacramento, May 2006
B.S., Human Development, University of California at Davis, June 2005
University of California at Davis, School of Education, Davis, CA
July 2023- present
Lecturer with Security of Employment (Associate Professor of Teaching Education) and Spanish Bilingual Authorization Coordinator
Responsible for sustaining research and fulfilling obligations of teaching and departmental service. As a tenured faculty member, responsible for mentoring junior colleagues and students, participating in shared governance of the university and engage in significant university service and service to the profession.
Santa Clara University, School of Education and Counseling Psychology, Santa Clara, CA
Sept. 2022- 2023
Associate Chair, Department of Education
Responsible for lecturer faculty recruitment, student recruitment, department budget, educational leadership student issues, course assignments, drafting the Academic Yearly Plan for the department, co-organizing and co-facilitating the faculty retreat, attend monthly Chair’s meetings with the Dean and maintaining a positive department ethos.
Sept. 2021- 2023
Associate Professor of Teacher Education
Designing and teaching courses in the Master’s of Teaching and Teacher Credential program and in the Bilingual Authorization program. Developed and facilitated Junior Faculty Mentoring Committees for tenure-track Assistant Professors.
Sept. 2015- 2021
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
Designing and teaching courses in the Master’s of Teaching and Teacher Credential program and in the Bilingual Authorization program. Bilingual Authorization courses were taught in Spanish and are marked with a (*).
EDUC 262 – Elementary Language Arts Methods
EDUC 257/273/282 – First and Second Language Acquisition in K-12
EDUC 252/277 – Social and Ethical Foundations in Education
EDUC 246 – Bilingual Seminar*
EDUC 249b – Bilingual Methods*
EDUC 247b – Latinx Language & Culture*
EDUC 248b – Bilingual Foundations*
Jan. 2014 – Aug. 2015
Senior Researcher at Education Northwest (Portland, OR)
Secured, led and supported research and evaluation projects focused on the teaching and learning of emergent bilingual children and youth.
2014 (Fall)
Teaching Assistant, Supporting English Language Learners Under the New Standards MOOC, Stanford University and Oregon State University
Collaborated to develop online instructional material, responded to student queries and provided feedback on student assignments. The class was a Massive Open Online Course with an enrollment of approximately 4,000 participants.
K-12 Teaching Experience
2009 (Summer)
Summer School English Teacher, Escuela Popular High School Academy, San Jose, CA
Taught English and California High School Examination (CAHSEE) preparation in the 19 and over program. Students were primarily Spanish speakers and ranged in age from 17 to 45 years old.
3rd grade Two-Way Immersion Teacher, ADELANTE Dual Language Academy, San Jose, CA
Taught 3rd grade class and 3rd grade Saturday Academy aimed at preparing students for the California Standards Tests (CST). Created school-wide English high frequency word list and benchmarks, designed and implemented a school-wide Physical Education program, served on the school district Math curriculum adoption committee and was the school Parent Teacher Association liaison.
2008 (Summer)
3rd grade and 5th grade Two-Way Immersion Summer School Teacher, ADELANTE Dual Language Academy, San Jose, CA
Taught 3 rd and 5th grade summer school classes aimed at preparing students for the
following academic year.
1st grade Two-Way Immersion Teacher, Waggoner Elementary School, Winters, CA
Taught 1st grade, created Spanish instructional materials across subject areas and served on the English Language Development (ELD) curriculum adoption committee.
2006 (Summer)
4th grade Summer School Teacher, Beamer Park Elementary, Woodland, CA
Taught 4th grade summer school aimed at preparing students for the following academic
U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition (2021-2026). Bilingual/Biliterate Instruction for Bilingual Youth ($2.6 million). Principal Investigator: Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica. Co-Principal Investigators: Allison Briceño, Karla Lomelí, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr
U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition (2017-2022). Mathematics and Language, Literacy Integration (MALLI) in
Dual Language Settings ($2.3 million). Principal Investigator: Marco A. Bravo. Co-Principal Investigators: Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Jorge Solis, Kip Tellez. Co-Investigator: Eduardo Mosqueda
Santa Clara University’s Latinx Education Research Center (2019-2020). Racial Literacy Support Group: Sustaining teachers of color in the profession ($2,500). Principal Investigator: Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica
Santa Clara University’s Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Hackworth Grant (2017-2018).We Are Here: Ethics Cases from Preservice Teachers of Color ($5,000). Principal Investigator: Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica
Santa Clara University’s School of Education and Counseling Psychology Junior Faculty Research Grant (2017-2018).We Are Here: Testimonios of Preservice Teachers of Color ($2,000). Principal Investigator: Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica
Santa Clara University’s Thriving Neighbors Initiative Grant (2017-18). Abriendo Puertas: Opening Doors to Early Childhood Education via iPads ($3,500). Principal Investigator: Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica
Santa Clara University’s Thriving Neighbors Initiative Grant (2016-17). Abriendo Puertas: Opening Doors to Early Childhood Education via iPads ($3,350). Principal Investigator: Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica
Institute for Teachers of Color Committed to Racial Justice: Teacher Educators of Color Convening (2022)
Bannan Faculty Fellowship, Santa Clara University (2019-2020)
STAR Mentoring Program Fellowship, Literacy Research Association (2017-2018)
Diversifying Academia, Realizing Excellence Doctoral Fellowship, Stanford University (2012-2014)
*Identifies student co-authorsBooks
Briceño, A. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2022). Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Inclusion, Equity and Justice. Benchmark Publishers.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Briceño, A., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Rutherford-Quach, S., Stoehr, K. Cao, Q.S. (2025). Translanguaging-informed Instructional and Assessment practices of Spanish-English Middle Grades Bilingual Teachers. Linguistics and Education.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. (2025). (Missed) Opportunities to Build Solidarity: A critical analysis of Spanish-English bilingual children’s books. Bilingual Research Journal. doi: 0.1080/15235882.2024.2441796
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Briceño, A., Rutherford-Quach & Stoehr, K. (2024). Translanguaging Formative Assessment Tools for Bilingual Teachers of Multilingual Students. TESOL Journal. doi: 10.1002/tesj.914
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Rutherford-Quach, S. (2024). Curricularizing language: Examining underlying assumptions in classroom practice. Equity in multilingual schools and communities: Celebrating the contributions of Guadalupe Valdés.
Thompson, K. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2022). Individualized Language Plans: A Potential Tool for Collaboration to Support Multilingual Students. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk. doi: 10.1080/10824669.2022.2123330
Briceño, A. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2022). “It Made Me See What Kind of Teacher I Want to Be:” Critical Literacy in a Pre-Service Literacy Methods Course. Action in Teacher Education. doi: 10.1080/01626620.2022.2108162
Bravo, M., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2021). Bilingual Teaching Practices: Meeting the Needs of Latina/o Youth in Secondary Schools. Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research, 7(2). 1-20.
Rutherford-Quach, S., Thompson, K., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Román, D. (2021). Taking Away Excuses to Quit: The Role of Structural Supports in Completion and Learning in Online Professional Development for Teachers. Online Learning Journal, 25(2). doi: 10.24059/olj.v25i2.1586
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Rodela, K. C. & *Ott, C. (2020). “I didn’t wanna believe it was a race issue”:
Student Teaching Experiences of Preservice Teachers of Color. The Urban Review. 52(3), 435-457. doi: 10.1007/s11256-019-00546-x
Rodela, K. C. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2020). Equity Leadership Informed by Community Cultural Wealth: Counterstories of Latinx School Administrators. Educational Administration Quarterly. 56(2), 289-320. doi: 10.1177/0013161X19847513
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. (2019). Critical Consciousness in Bilingual Teacher Preparation for Emancipatory Biliteracy. Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe, 34(1), 1-21.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Briceño, A., & Muñoz-Muñoz, E. (2019). Combating linguistic hegemony: Preparing and sustaining bilingual teacher educators in the United States. Teacher Education Quarterly. 46(3), 57-78.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2019). I don’t get it: Emergent bilinguals seeking and receiving help from peers in language arts. Literacy Research and Instruction. 58(2), 105-121. doi: 10.1080/19388071.2019.1585492
Rodela, K. C. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2019). ‘You guys are bilingual aren’t you’ Latinx educational leadership pathways in the New Latinx Diaspora. International Journal of Leadership in Education. doi: 10.1080/13603124.2019.1566577
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2019). Instructional Supports: Facilitating or Constraining Emergent Bilinguals’ Production of Oral Explanations? International Multilingual Research Journal. 13(1), 51-66. doi: 10.1080/19313152.2018.1531676
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2018). From Test Scores to Language Use: Emergent Bilinguals using English to Accomplish Academic Tasks. International Multilingual Research Journal, 12(1), 31-61. doi: 10.1080/19313152.2017.1389222
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. (2018). Sentence Stems that Support Reading Comprehension. The Reading Teacher, 72(3), 398-402. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1705
Briceño, A., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Muñoz-Muñoz, E. (2018). From English learner to Spanish learner: Raciolinguistic beliefs that influence heritage Spanish speaking teacher candidates. Language and Education, 32(3), 212-226. doi: 10.1080/09500782.2018.1429464
Editorially Reviewed
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. (2023). Overcoming the Fear: Using Diverse Books in the Classroom. The California Reader. 56(2).
Briceño, A. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2023). Broadening Minds Despite a Narrowing Curriculum: Using Diverse Books with Multilingual Students. Multilingual Educator. (pp. 51-53).
Jimenez-Castellanos, O., Garcia, E. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2022) Editorial introduction: revisiting and (re)imagining Castañeda v. Pickard through critical lenses. Language Policy.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2020). Remembrances of Transformation, de(Humanization), and White Supremacy. Explore, 21, 18-23.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Muñoz-Muñoz, E.R., & Briceño, A. (2020). Preparing Bilingual Teachers to Enact Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. In S. Keengwe (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education. (pp. 202-221). IGI Global.
Briceño, A., Muñoz-Muñoz, E. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (March 2019). The Bilingual Teacher Shortage: A Vicious Cycle. Multilingual Educator.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Bravo, M., & *Nastari, C. (2018). Integrating Language and Literacy into Middle School Mathematics: Addressing the Needs of Long-Term English Learners. In H. Hansen-Thomas & K. Lindahl (Eds.), Engaging Research: Transforming Practices for the Middle School Classroom (pp. 151-160). Alexandria, Virginia: TESOL International Association
Featured Podcasts & Webinars
Briceño, A. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (January 6, 2024). One size doesn’t fit all in learning how to read. EdSource.
McGee, Patty. (Host). (2023, October 10). A 360 View of Literacy: Driving Reading Comprehension Through Cultural Relevancy. In Teachers Talk Shop by Benchmark Education.
Potash, B. (Host). (2023, July 18). Students Need Diverse Texts and Choice – Here’s Help. [Audio podcast episode]. In Spark Creativity.
Polk, M. (Host). (2023, May 29). How to Make Diversity a Priority in Your Classrooms with Dr. Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica and Dr. Allison Briceño. In The Literacy Dive.
Garrison, J. & Huskey, A. (Hosts). (2023, March 13). Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Inclusion, Equity and Justice. In The Literacy Link.–Equity-and-Justice-e20clin/a-a7oigjv
Briceño, A., Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2022, October). Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Anti-Racist Teaching. [Webinar]. In Benchmark PDEssentials.
Technical Reports
Thompson, K. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C., (2018). Final Report on the Sanger-Firebaugh Long-Term English Learner Partnership Project. Sacramento, CA: Central Valley Foundation
Thompson, K. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C., (2017). Interim Report on the Sanger-Firebaugh Long-Term English Learner Partnership Project. Sacramento, CA: Central Valley Foundation
Thompson, K. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C., (2016). Interim Report on the Sanger-Firebaugh Long-Term English Learner Partnership Project. Sacramento, CA: Central Valley Foundation.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Autio, E. (2014). The Performance of Students in Hillsboro School District’s Dual Language Program. Portland, OR: Education Northwest.
Greenberg Motamedi, J. Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Gandhi, E. (2014). Building English language proficiency and content knowledge: A review of Evergreen Public Schools’ English language learner programs and practices. Portland, OR: Education Northwest.
Goldenberg, C., Coleman, R., Reese, L., Haertel, E., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., (2013). Classroom Qualities for English Language Learners in Language Arts Instruction: Technical Report.
Manuscripts Under Review
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. (under review). (Missed) Opportunities to Build Solidarity: A critical analysis of Spanish-English bilingual children’s books.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Briceño, A., Rutherford-Quach, S., & Stoehr, K. (under review). A Formative Assessment Lens for Bilingual Teachers of Multilingual Students.
Stoehr, K., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Bravo, M. (under review). A Mix of Knowledge: Teachers and Parents Engaging in Mathematics Together.
Drafts in Progress
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Rodela, K. (in progress). Affirmation and Tension in Social Justice Teacher Education: Course Experiences of Preservice Teachers of Color.
Briceño, A., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Rutherford-Quach, S., Stoehr, K. (in progress). Translanguaging-informed Instructional and Assessment practices of Spanish-English Middle Grades Bilingual Teachers.
Conference Presentations
Stoehr, K., Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Bravo, M. Collaborating for success in mathematics: Latinx parents and Latinx teachers working together. Paper presented at the International Network (INET) on School, Family, and Community Partnerships, April 11 2024. Philadelphia, PA.
Rodela, K. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. ‘Renting Space in these white spaces’: Leaders of Color Leading for Equity in Suburban Schools. American Educational Research Association conference. April 11 – April 14, 2024. Philadelphia, PA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. En Comunidad: Teaching to Honor, Love and Resist at Puente Transfer Motivational Conference. October 21, 2023. Davis, CA.
Briceño, A., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Creating Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Books for Anti-Racist Teaching. Presentation for the Council Contra Costa Reading Association. September 11, 2023. Virtual Presentation.
Thompson, K., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Individualized Language Plans: A Potential Tool for Collaboration to Support Multilingual Students. Roundtable presentation at American Educational Research Association conference. April 13-15, 2023. Chicago, IL.
Stoehr, K., Gonzalez-Rodas, H. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Mathematics bridging caregiver, teacher and student collaboration with Project BBILY. California Association of Bilingual Education. March 22-25, 2023. Long Beach, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Montaño, E. Gender and Education. Yolo EmpowHER Leadership Conference. March 8, 2023. Davis, CA.
Garcia, E., Parker, C., Rutherford-Quach, S., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Lomeli, K., Stoehr, K., & Briceño, A. Bilingual/Biliterate Instruction for Bilingual Youth (BBILY): A Research Study of Workshops Cultivating Biliteracy, Home Partnerships, & Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Dual Language Pedagogy. National Association of Bilingual Education. February 23-25, 2023. Portland, OR.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. (Missed) Opportunities to Build Solidarity: A Critical Analysis of Spanish-English Bilingual Children’s Books. Literacy Research Association. November 29 – December 3, 2022. Phoenix, AZ.
Briceño, A., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Creating Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Books for Anti-Racist Teaching. California Reading Association Virtual Conference. October 21-22, 2022.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Inclusion, Equity & Justice. Keynote Presentation at Benchmark Education Consortium. June 20, 2022. San Diego, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Supporting Emergent. Bilingual Classroom Discussions about Content: Sentence Stems & Beyond. Benchmark Education Consortium. June 20, 2022. San Diego, CA.
Briceño, A., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Creating Critically Conscious Classrooms: Using Diverse Texts for Anti-Racist Teaching. Dual Language Education of New Mexico Summer Institute. June 7, 2022.
Stoehr, K., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Bravo, M. A Mix of Knowledge: Teachers and Parents Engaging in Mathematics Together. American Educational Research Association conference. April 20-26, 2022. San Diego, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Rodela, K. C. Course Experiences of Preservice Teachers of Color. American Educational Research Association conference. April 20-26, 2022. San Diego, CA.
Briceño, A., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. El Uso de Textos Diversos para Enseñanza Anti-Racista/Using Diverse Texts for Anti-Racist Teaching. California Association of Bilingual Education (CABE). March 30-April 2, 2022.
Briceño, A., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Diverse Texts in Schools. Local District Northwest in Los Angeles Unified School District. January 14, 2022.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Lomeli, K., Stoehr, K., & Briceño, A. (2021). Cultivating Biliteracy, Home Partnership & Culturally Linguistically Responsive Dual Language Pedagogy with Project BBILY. Presented at La Cosecha conference. November 10-13 2021. Albuquerque, NM.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2020). How raciolinguistic perspectives informing “Academic Language” expectations harm Latinx bilingual students and their families. Accepted to present as part of a symposium at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 17-21, 2020. San Francisco, CA. (conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Stoehr, K. (2020). Working to Create Community Connections that Matter. Accepted to present as part of a paper session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 17-21, 2020. San Francisco, CA. (conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
Briceño, A. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2020). Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in a Literacy Methods Course. Accepted to present as part of a paper session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 17-21, 2020. San Francisco, CA. (conference cancelled due to COVID-19)
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Sawyer, M. (2019). Dual Language Strand Within a School: Developing school-wide commitment to bilingualism. Presented at La Cosecha conference. November 13-16 2019. Albuquerque, NM.
Rodela, K. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2019). ”You Guys Are Bilingual Aren’t You?” Latinx Educational Leadership Pathways in the New Latinx Diaspora. Presented in a roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 4-10, 2019. Toronto, ON.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Sawyer, M. (2019). Dual Language Strand Within a School: Developing school-wide commitment to bilingualism. Presented at the California Association for Bilingual Education conference. March 22-23, 2019. Long Beach, CA.
Briceño, A. & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2019). Using Theater of the Oppressed to Develop Culturally Sustaining Ideologies. Presented at the California Association for Bilingual Education conference. March 22-23, 2019. Long Beach, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2018). Papelitos guardados and racial hauntings in teacher education. Presented in an alternative session at the Literacy Research Association conference. November 28 – December 1, 2018. Indian Wells, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Briceño, A., & Muñoz-Muñoz (2018). Combatting linguistic hegemony: Preparing and sustaining bilingual teacher educators in the United States. Presented in a symposium session at the Literacy Research Association conference. November 28 - December 1, 2018. Indian Wells, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Ott, C. (2018). “I didn’t want to believe it was a race issue”: Sustaining Teachers and Students of Color. Presented at the Latino Education Summit. April 21, 2018. Santa Clara, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2018). I don’t get it: Emergent bilinguals seeking and receiving help in language arts. Presented in a symposium session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 13-17 2018. New York City, NY.
Bravo, M., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2018). Bilingual Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools. Presented in a symposium session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 13-17 2018. New York City, NY.
Muñoz-Muñoz, E., Rodriguez-Mojica, C. & Briceño, A. (2018) Linguistic ideologies and dispositions of heritage bilingual preservice teachers (HBPTs) towards bilingual teaching. Presented in a roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 13-17 2018. New York City, NY.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2017). We are Here: Testimonios of Preservice Teachers of Color. Presented in a roundtable session at the Literacy Research Association conference. November 29 – December 2 2017. Tampa, FL.
Briceño, A., Rodriguez-Mojica, C. Muñoz-Muñoz, E. (2017). What Counts as Bilingualism? Pre-Service Teachers’ Language Ideologies. Presented in a paper session at the Literacy Research Association conference. November 29 - December 2 2017. Tampa, FL.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2017). Supporting English Learners in Composing Argumentative Texts. Session at the Latino Education Summit. May 13, 2017. Santa Clara, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2017). Sentence Starters: Facilitating or Hindering English Learner Classroom Talk? Presented in a symposium session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 26 – May 1, 2017. San Antonio, TX.
Deussen, T., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., Roccograndi, A., Autio, E., Martinez-Wenzl, M. (2017). Partial Implementation: How Much – and How Well – Do Teachers Use Project GLAD, and How Does That Change Over Time? Presented in a roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 26 – May 1, 2017. San Antonio, TX.
Briceño, A., Muñoz-Muñoz, E., Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2017). Caught in a Bind: Language Ideologies and the Bilingual Teacher Shortage. Presented at TESOL 2017. March 21-24, 2017. Seattle, WA.
Bravo, M., Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2016). Integrating ELL Students in General Education. Session at the Latino Education Summit. April 30, 2016. Santa Clara, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2016). Ensuring High-Quality Education for English learners. Presented as part of an invited panel hosted by American Institutes for Research. April 6, 2016. Washington, DC.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2016). In one day’s talk: The Standard English, Chicano English and Spanish language use of a fourth grade English learner. Presented in a symposium session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 7-12, 2016. Washington, DC.
Rutherford-Quach, S., Thompson, K., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Román, D. (2016). Using a MOOC to Improve Teachers’ Understanding and Facilitation of Academic Arguments. Presented in a symposium session at the American Educational Research Association conference. April 7-12, 2016. Washington, DC.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2016). La Educación Bilingüe. Session at the Oregon Association of Bilingual Education 2016 Summer Conference. June 25, 2016. Portland, OR.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2015). Familias Latinas navegando el camino de la casa a la Universidad. Session at the Oregon Association of Bilingual Education 2015 Summer Conference. June 13, 2015. Happy Valley, OR.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2015). English Learners and the Common Core. Presentation at University of Oregon’s Executive Leadership Institute 2015. June 26-27, 2015. Eugene, OR.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2015). De la casa a la Universidad: ¿Qué le espera a mi hija? Keynote at Oregon Association for Comprehensive Education. January 22-24, 2015. Seaside, OR.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2015). Latino families and Schools: What does family involvement look like? Session at Oregon Association for Comprehensive Education. January 22-24, 2015. Seaside, OR.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2015). Talk that Talk: Making the Most of Text, Speech, and Silence for Emergent Bilinguals in the Classroom. Symposium session presented at the American Educational Research Association. April 16-20, 2015. Chicago, IL.
Deussen, T., Roccograndi, A., Hanita, M., Rodriguez-Mojica, C., & Autio, E. (2015). Supporting English learners through sheltered instruction: Year 2 results from a cluster-randomized trial. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Bautista, D., Blackburn, T., Thompson, K., Rodríguez-Mojica, C. (2014). From the District Office to the Classroom: Supporting English Learners Every Step of the Way. Presented at 2014 Fall Leadership Institute, Portland, OR.
Deussen, T., & Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2014). Lessons learned from an experimental study of Project GLAD. Paper presented at the State English Learners Alliance Conference, Eugene, OR.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2014). Pragmatically Speaking: Towards understanding the English language use of young English learners. Presented at the American Educational Research Association paper session. Philadelphia, PA.
Goldenberg, C., Haertel, E., Coleman, R., Reese, L., Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2013). Refining a Measure of Classroom Quality for English Language Learners (CQELL). Presented at the American Educational Research Association symposium session. San Francisco, CA.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2012). Teaching Communicative Competence to Spanish Speaking ELLs. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of English session. Las Vegas, NV.
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2012). Stanford Teach-In. Presented at the American Educational Research Association symposium session. Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2012). Teaching for English Language Proficiency. Presented at the American Educational Research Association poster session. Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2011). Teaching for English Language Proficiency. Presented at Stanford University School of Education Curriculum & Teacher Education Student Research Symposium. Stanford, CA
Rodriguez-Mojica, C. (2010). Project G.L.A.D. Implementation: Two Teachers’ Perspectives. Presented at Stanford University School of Education Student Research Conference. Stanford, CA
A Conversation about Students’ Language Needs in Oregon and Beyond. Moderator for a panel conversation with Dr. Libia Gil, David Bautista, Tim Blackburn, and Dr. Karen Thompson at 2014 Fall Leadership Institute, (2014). Portland, OR.
Stanford Graduate School of Education Curriculum & Teacher Education Qualifying Paper Research Symposium, (2014). Stanford, CA
Professional Memberships
International Literacy Association
Literacy Research Association
American Educational Research Association
California Association for Bilingual Education
Editorial Review Boards
June 2023 – present
Co-Lead Editor for The Reading Teacher, a publication of the International Literacy Association
Vol 67, 68, 70, 71
Literacy Research: Theory, Method and Practice (LR:TMP)
Leadership in Professional Organizations
July 2022 – present
Member Classroom Assessment Committee, National Council on Measurement in Education
March 2021 – present
Co-Chair Area 8: Literacy Learning and Practice in Multicultural & Multilingual Settings, Literacy Research Association
July 2020 – June 2021
Co-Chair of Mentoring Committee, Bilingual Education Research SIG: American Educational Research Association
Oct 2018 – June 2020
Mentoring Committee Member, Bilingual Education Research SIG Mentoring Committee Member: American Educational Research Association
Spanish (Bilingual and Biliterate)
BBILY: Bilingual/Biliterate Instruction for Bilingual Youth
Desarollo profesional de educadores bilingües para jóvenes
El Proyecto BBILY es una iniciativa
de investigación y apoyo para el desarrollo profesional de
maestras y maestros bilingües para el aprendizaje y mejora de las
prácticas de enseñanza en el campo de la educación bilingüe de
los grados K-8.
El Proyecto BBILY está financiado por la Subvención Nacional de Desarrollo Profesional de la Oficina de Adquisición del Idioma Inglés del Departamento de Educación de EE.UU. (Premio # T365Z230002).