Faculty Profile EMPHASIS AREA: LLC. Academic language; Academic literacy; English learners; Language development and socialization; First- and second-language writing

Kerry A. Enright

Associate Professor

Portrait of Kerry A. Enright

I research the relationship between Latinx students’ everyday uses of language (English and Spanish) and their engagement in language and literacy practices in institutional settings (classrooms and professional work-study placements). Some schools identify bilingual adolescents as “limited” in their English proficiency even though they use sophisticated literacy repertoires outside of school; other learners are deemed ”fluent” in English but still struggle with the language and literacy demands of their academic coursework or workplace. An understanding of how adolescents, both monolingual and bilingual, draw on their home language practices to navigate various academic and social activities is essential to inform effective teaching approaches that build on their talents and address their unique learning needs.

As a recently-diagnosed autistic parent in a multi-profile autistic household, I have been growing my expertise in high-masking and pathological demand avoidant (PDA, also pervasive drive for autonomy) profiles of autism in school-aged children. My latest project is an ethnographic study of connection, communication, and informal learning in our multi-profile autistic family. This project extends the asset and social justice orientations of my research with Latinx youth into a new domain and population.

Research Interests

Advanced language and literacies; classroom discourse; Language diversity in schools; Language and schooling of Latinx adolescents; Writing of language minoritized youth; Relationship, communication, and informal learning of speaking autistic children with trusted caregivers


  • PhD Stanford University, School of Education, Program in Educational Linguistics, 2003
  • MA Stanford University, School of Education, Language, Literacy and Culture, 1995
  • BA Colby College, Majors of English and Spanish, Teacher Credential Program, 1994

Select Publications

  • Enright, K. A., Wong, J. W. & Sanchez, S. L. (2024). Culturally sustaining disciplinary literacy: Wherefore art thou, Jay Z? In Walker-Dallhouse, D. and Risko, V. J. (Eds). Equitable Literacy Instruction for Students in Poverty. Teachers College Press. 
  • Enright, K. A. & Bencomo Garcia, A. (2022). Latinx youths’ plurilingual abilities as workplace abilities and program change. In Losey, K. and Shuck, G. (Eds). Plurilingual Pedagogies for Multilingual Writing Classrooms: Engaging the Rich Communicative Repertoires of U.S. Students. New York: Routledge.
  • Enright, K. A., Wong, J. W., & Sanchez, S. (2021). Gateway Moments to Literate Identities. Journal of Literacy Research, 53(4).
  • Enright, K. A. and Wong, J. W. (2018). Relocalizing standards in English language arts: Consequences on Functions of Literacy. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 15(2), 1-30.
  • Enright, K. A. & Strohl, C. (2017). When procedure limits practice: Lab versus lecture in high school science classrooms. In Langman and Hansen-Thomas (Eds). Discourse Analytic Perspectives on STEM Education: Exploring Interaction and Learning in the Multilingual Classroom. (pp. 53-76). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Enright, K. A. (2014). Standards and Personalization in the Writing of Linguistically Diverse Students. Writing & Pedagogy, 6(1), 59-88.
  • Enright, K. A. (2013). Adolescent writers and academic trajectories: Situating L2 writing in the content areas. In Luciana C. de Oliveira and T. Silva (Eds). L2 Writing in the Secondary Classroom: Experiences, Issues, and Teacher Education. New York: Routledge.
  • Enright, K. A. (2012). Making it matter: Relevant instruction for New Mainstream students. Kappa Delta Pi Record,48, 67-71.
  • Enright, K. A.; Torres-Torretti, D.; Carreón, O. (2012). Hope is the thing with metaphors: De-situating literacies and learning in English Language Arts classrooms. Language and Education. 26(1), 35-51.
  • Enright, K. A. & Gilliland, B. (2011). Multilingual writing in an age of accountability: From policy to practice in U.S. high school classrooms. Journal of Second Language Writing. 20(3), 182-195.
  • Ortmeier-Hooper, C. & Enright, K.A. (2011). Mapping new territory: Toward an understanding of adolescent L2 writers and writing in U.S. contexts. Journal of Second Language Writing. 20(3), 167-181.
  • Enright, K. A. (2011). Language and literacy for a new mainstream. American Educational Research Journal. 48(1), 80-118.
  • Enright, K. A. (2010). Academic literacies and adolescent learners: English for subject-matter secondary classrooms. TESOL Quarterly. 44(4), 804-810.
  • Enright, K. A. (2010). Responding to English learners’ writing with the 3 P’s: Preparation, purpose, and proficiency. http://teachinghistory.org/teaching-materials/english-language-learners/24141
  • Enright, K. A. (2010). Why did it happen? Making claims about cause and effect in writing about history. National History Education Clearinghouse. http://teachinghistory.org/teaching-materials/english-language-learners/24142
  • Enright, K. A. (2009). Mathematics Instruction and Academic English: Adapting Problems for Varying English Proficiencies. in Carol Malloy (Ed.) Mathematics for Every Student, Responding to Diversity, Grades 9-12 (pp29-38). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Villalva, K. E. (2006). Hidden literacies and inquiry approaches of bilingual high school writers. Written Communication. 23(1), 91-129.
  • Villalva, K. E. (2006). Reforming high school writing: Opportunities and constraints for Generation 1.5 writers. In P. Matsuda, C. Ortmeier-Hooper & X. You (Eds.) The Politics of Second Language Writing: In Search of the Promised Land (pp. 57-68). West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.
  • Angelelli, C., Enright, K., & Valdés, G. (2002). Developing the talents and abilities of linguistically gifted bilingual students: Guidelines for developing curriculum at the high school level (RM02156). Storrs, CT: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.
  • Valdés, G; Angelelli, C; Enright, K; García, D; González, M. (2002). The Study of Young Interpreters: Methods, Materials, and Analytical Challenges, and the Performance of the Young Interpreters on the Scripted Task. In Expanding Notions of Giftedness: The Case of Young Interpreters of Immigrant Communities. G. Valdés. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Valdés, G; Enright, K. (2002). The Gifts and Talents of Young Interpreters: Implications for Researchers and Practitioners. In G. Valdés, Understanding the Special Giftedness of Young Interpreters. (pp. 155-173). Storrs, CT: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, University of Connecticut.

Professional Experience

  • 2012-Present Associate Professor, University of California, Davis
  • 2006-2012 Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis
  • 2003-2006 Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • 2001-2003 Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) Coordinator, Stanford University
  • 1999-2003 Teaching Assistant, Instructor, and Research Assistant, Stanford University
  • 1996-1998 Teacher (English Language Development, Spanish for Native Speakers, 12th grade English, Spanish II), San Leandro High School, CA
  • 1995-1996 Bilingual and English as a Second Language Teacher, Peabody Veterans Memorial High School, MA

Awards and Honors

  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Northern California Association of Phi Beta Kappa, 2012
  • Citation for Excellence in Reviewing, Written Communication, 2012
  • Graduate Student Association Award for Excellence in Service to Graduate Students, UC Davis, 2011
  • Nominee, ASUCD Excellence in (Undergraduate) Education Awards, UC Davis, 2009 & 2011
  • Teaching and Mentoring Award, Graduate Group in Education, UC Davis, 2008
  • Junior Faculty Development Grant Award, University of North Carolina, 2004

Current Activities and Service

  • Editorial Board: TESOL Quarterly
  • Editorial Board: Written Communication
  • Editorial Board: Education Sciences
  • Reviewer: American Educational Research Journal, Review of Educational Research, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, The Modern Language Journal, Research in the Teaching of English, Written Communication
  • Member: American Association of Applied Linguistics, American Educational Research Association, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • Member: UC Davis Designated Emphasis in Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition Studies

Courses Taught at UC Davis

  • Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
  • Academic Language and Literacies
  • Cultural Diversity in Education

Funded Research

  • 2017-2019. The Integrating Literacies Project, Spencer Foundation Grant, University of California at Davis, Principal Investigator.

  • 2008-2009, The Diverse Adolescent Literacies Project (Phase II), Spencer Foundation Grant, University of California at Davis, Principal Investigator.
  • 2007-2008, The Diverse Adolescent Literacies Project, UC Language Minority Research Institute Grant, University of California at Davis, Principal Investigator.
  • 2004-2006, The Language of Math Project, University Research Council Grant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Principal Investigator.
  • 2002, Spencer Research and Training Grant, Stanford University.

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