Online Instructor PD Projects

Project Studies


The studies in this project aim to: 

  1. Determine whether instructor participation in comprehensive professional development programs is associated with changes in student outcomes (such as passing an online course).
  2. Determine whether particular changes in instructional practices account for changes in student outcomes associated with comprehensive professional development programs.
  3. Explore whether training in particular domains of online pedagogy are differentially associated with changes in student outcomes.

Partner CCC Studies

These studies will explore the impact of comprehensive PD offerings at two different CCC campuses that have robust online PD programs.  In addition to looking at impacts of instructor PD participation on student outcomes such as course completion and course passing, we are also surveying PD participants to ask them about how course practices changed as a result of their PD experiences.  Additionally, these studies will use archived Canvas data to look at instructional practices and student engagement.

Study Protocols and Relevant Materials

Survey of Participants in Professional Development for Online Teaching


Study Findings

{To come}

Systemwide Study

This study will examine the effects of two different types of PD offered through the CVC-OEI, including an intensive peer-review process designed to provide one-on-one support for instructors to align their courses with a rubric for online course quality; a 12-week comprehensive PD program; and shorter, skill-targeted PD courses. 

Study Findings

{To come}

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