Faculty Profile
Phil Young
Professor Emeritus
PhD (Educational Administration) 1977 – University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Professional Experience
- Co-Director Joint Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership between the University of California system and the California State University system
- Co-Director of the University of California Educational Research Center
- Responsible for a graduate group comprised of faculty from UCLA, UC Davis, and UC Santa Barbara
- Expertise in educational leadership, human resource issues, and collective bargaining
Activities and Service
- Editorial Board Member. Journal of School Public Relations. 2005-present.
- Manuscript Reviewer. Journal of School Leadership. 2003-present.
- Manuscript Reviewer. Educational Administration Quarterly. 2001-present.
- Editorial Board Member. Educational Administration Quarterly. 1996-2000.
- Search Committee Member. Springsboro Community City Superintendent. 2000.
- Search Committee Member. Sheffield-Sheffield Lake Superintendent. 2000.
- Search Committee Member. New Bremen Local Superintendent. 2000.
- Search Committee Member. Grandville City Superintendent. 1999.
- Member. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Ohio State University. 1998-2000.
- University Senator. Ohio State University. 1997-1998.
- College Senator. Ohio State University. 1994-present.
- Reviewer. American Educational Research Journal. 1982-present.
- Reviewer. Longman, Inc. 1982-present.
- Reviewer. Prentice-Hall. 1982-present.