Research Projects
BBILY: Bilingual/Biliterate Instruction for Bilingual Youth
Desarollo profesional de educadores bilingües para jóvenes
El Proyecto BBILY es una iniciativa de investigación y apoyo para el desarrollo profesional de maestras y maestros bilingües para el aprendizaje y mejora de las prácticas de enseñanza en el campo de la educación bilingüe de los grados K-8.
El Proyecto BBILY está financiado por la Subvención Nacional de Desarrollo Profesional de la Oficina de Adquisición del Idioma Inglés del Departamento de Educación de EE.UU. (Premio # T365Z230002).
Building District Capacity to Support Mentors and Teachers in the Academic Language and Literacy Development of Young English Learners
A project from UC Davis REEd, supported by a National Professional Development grant from the U.S. Dept of Education/ Office of English Language Acquisition.
This project investigates the knowledge and practices needed to support the enactment of a set of research-based, high impact practices for developing the academic language and literacy of young emergent bilinguals (EBs). The contribution of this work is in combining a focus on young EBs (TK-2) with online resources to support home and family engagement.
Building Students’ Academic Language in Mathematics Through Integrated English Language Development
A design and development study funded by the National Science Foundation
Our team is partnering with the Multilingual Multicultural Education Department of the Los Angeles Unified School District to address an urgent need to improve opportunities and resources for emergent bilinguals. Our partnership focuses on supporting Title III English Learner coaches and teachers to build students’ academic language in mathematics through integrated English language development (iELD/Math) in primary grades.
ELLRD Project
This website details research conducted as part of the “Distinguishing between low English proficiency and language-related disabilities: Developing a valid classification“ project, which was led by Dr. Jamal Abedi, University of California, Davis School of Education.
The Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Research Colectiva
The Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Research Colectiva is housed within the UC Davis School of Education and led by Dr. Marcela Cuellar, Dr. Gina Garcia, and Dr. Rebecca Covarrubias. The HSI Research Colectiva is a newly established organization aimed to bridge, generate, and mobilize research about HSIs in California to inform policy decisions and improvements in practice.
Online Instructor Professional Development and Student Outcomes in Community Colleges
Higher education has seen steady increases in online enrollments over the last two decades, with the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically shifting that trend into high gear. While online education has been touted by many as a strategy for equitable access to higher education (Allen, Poulin, & Straut, 2016) there has been some evidence that points to disparities in academic outcomes such as course completion between online and face-to-face students overall, and between and among historically underserved student populations (Johnson & Cuellar Mejia, 2014; Xu & Jaggars, 2016).