Faculty Profile EMPHASIS AREA: SOEP. Access and equity in higher education, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Latina/o students, campus climate for diversity

Marcela G. Cuellar

Associate Professor and Chancellor’s Fellow


Marcela Cuellar joined the School of Education in July 2014. She received her doctorate in Higher Education and Organizational Change at the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies. Her research examines access and equity in higher education, Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and emerging HSIs, and Latinx student success. More specifically, Dr. Cuellar employs quantitative and qualitative methods to explore Latinx students’ experiences at HSIs and emerging HSIs and how they are empowered as a result of their educational experiences during college and beyond.


  • University of California, Los Angeles, 2012, PhD, Education (Higher Education and Organizational Change
  • University of San Diego, 2007, MA, Higher Education Leadership
  • Stanford University, 2000, BA, Psychology and Spanish

Professional Appointments

2020 - present: University of California, Davis – School of Education, Associate Professor, Higher Education Leadership 

2014 – 2020: University of California, Davis – School of Education, Assistant Professor, Higher Education Leadership 

The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles: 2014 – present
University of California, Los Angeles, Research Associate

Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice: 2011 – 2013
University of Southern California, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Higher Education Research Institute (HERI): 2007 – 2011
University of California, Los Angeles, Research Analyst                                

Community College Leadership Development Initiatives (CCLDI): 2006 – 2007, University of San Diego, Graduate Assistant                                    

K-12 Experience

Upward Bound, San Diego State University Pre-College Institute: 2002 – 2006, Counselor

The Girls’ Middle School: 2000 – 2002, Diversity Outreach Coordinator

Teaching Experience

University of California, Los Angeles

Organizational Analysis of Higher Education
Fundamentals of the U.S. Higher Education System with Dr. Sylvia Hurtado

California State University, San Bernardino                    

Systems of Higher Education
Research Seminar
Quantitative Coach

California State University, Channel Islands                    

First Year Seminar – University Experience


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

 García, G.A., & Cuellar, M.G. (2023). Advancing Intersectionality in Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Individual, organizational, and political complexities of serving Latinx/e students. AERA Open

Arellano, L., Cuellar, M.G.., Gonzalez, A.M. (2022). Accountable to whom? Reimagining Hispanic Serving Institutions’ financial models. New Directions in Higher Education.

Cuellar, M.G., Bencomo Garcia, A.*, & Saichaie, K. (2022). Reaffirming the public purposes of higher education: First-generation and continuing generation students’ perspectives. Journal of Higher Education, 93(2), 273-296.  

Deeb-Sossa, N., Cuellar, M.G., Nuñez Martinez, M.*, Nava, Y.*, & Guerrero, B.G. (2021). Examining recruitment practices for servingness during COVID-19: Perspectives from institutional agents at an emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI). Education Sciences, 11(9), 454.

Cuellar, M.G. & Gándara, P. (2020). Promoting access and equity for underrepresented racial minorities? An examination of policies and practices in community college baccalaureate programs. Community College Review.

Garcia, G.A., Koren, E.R., & Cuellar, M.G. (2020). Assessing color-neutral racial attitudes of faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) in order to enhance “servingness.” AERA Open.

Cuellar, M.G., & Johnson-Ahorlu, R.N. (2020). Racialized experiences off and on campus: Latina/o student perceptions of the climate at an emerging Hispanic Serving Institution. Urban Education. Advance online publication.

Santana Sommer, C.L.*, & Cuellar, M.G. (2020). Exploring student success courses with a Latinx perspective: A focus on students and outcomes. New Directions for Community Colleges, 190, 35-47.

Cuellar, M.G. (2019). Latina/os as agents of change: The influence of cultural assets and college experiences. Race Ethnicity and Education. Advance online publication. 

Cuellar, M.G., & Gonzalez, A.M. (2019). Beyond the baccalaureate: Factors shaping Latina/o graduate degree aspirations. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. Advance online publication.

Cuellar, M.G. (2019). Creating Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and emerging HSIs: Latina/o college choice at four-year institutions. American Journal of Education, 125(2), 231-258.

Cuellar, M.G., Segundo, V., & Muñoz, Y.  (2018). Assessing empowerment at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs):  An adapted Inputs-Environments-Outcomes model.  Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 11(3), 84-108.

García, G.A., & Cuellar, M. (2018). Exploring curricular and co-curricular effects on civic engagement at emerging Hispanic Serving InstitutionsTeachers College Record, 120(4), 1-36.

Cuellar, M., & Johnson-Ahorlu, R.N. (2016).  Examining the complexity of the campus racial climate at a Hispanic Serving community college. Community College Review, 44(2), 135-152.

Cuellar, M. (2014).  The impact of Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs), emerging HSIs, and non-HSIs on Latina/o academic self-concept.  The Review of Higher Education, 37(4), 499-530.

Hurtado, S., Alvarez, C.L., Guillermo-Wann, C., Cuellar, M., & Arellano, L. (2012).  A model for diverse learning environments:  The scholarship on creating and assessing conditions for student success. In J. C. Smart, M. B. Paulsen (eds.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, 27, 41-122.

Hurtado, S., Cuellar, M., & Guillermo-Wann, C. (2011). Quantitative measures of students’ sense of validation: Advancing the study of diverse learning environments. Enrollment Management Journal, 5 (2), 53-71.

Hurtado, S., Griffin, K.A., Arellano, L., & Cuellar, M. (2008).  Assessing the value of climate assessments:  Progress and future directionsJournal of Diversity in Higher Education, Special Issue, 1(4), 204-221.

* graduate student collaborator

Book Chapters, Reports, and Other Publications

Rios-Aguilar, C., Cuellar, M., Bañuelos, N., Austin, L*, & Vo, D. (in press). The potential of California’s Community College Baccalaureate in closing racial equity gaps. Paper commissioned by The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles. 

Cuellar, M.G. (2023). Transforming higher education for the next generation: Reflections on the past and possibilities for the future. In K.R. Roth, Z. Ritter, & F. Kumah-Abiwu (Eds.), Emancipatory change in U.S. higher education (pp. 1-12). Palgrave MacMillan. 

Cuellar, M.G., & Salinas Jr., C. (2022). Latin* college students’ diversity and intersectionality: Future directions for research and practice. In M. Bonnous-Hammarth (Ed.), Bridging marginality in higher education: Multiple cities in one system (pp. 55-83). Palgrave McMillan. 

Cuellar, M.G., & Johnson-Ahorlu, R.N. (2019). The contingent climate: Exploring perspectives of climate across racial groups at a diverse institution. In C. Byrd, S. Ovink, & R. Brunn-Bevel (Eds.), Intersectionality and higher education: Identity and inequality on college campuses. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Cuellar, M.G. (2022). How can we reduce racial equity gaps when at a minority-serving institution? Research brief for USC Race and Equity Center, University of Southern California. 

Cuellar, M.G., & Pulido, M.G.* (2019). [Review of the book Learning to be Latino: How College Shapes Identity Politics by D.V. Reyes]. Teachers College Record.

Cuellar, M., & Garibay, J.C. (2017). Factors to consider when choosing a college and STEM program.  In Rendón, L.I. & Kanagala, V. (Eds.).  The Latino student’s guide to STEM careers.  Santa Barbara, CA:  ABC-CLIO Greenwood Press.

Cuellar, M., & Gándara, P. (2017). A missed opportunity for equity?  Early observations on California’s Community College BA pilot.  Research brief for Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research, University of California, Davis.

Gándara, P., & Cuellar, M. (2016). The baccalureate in the California Community College: Current challenges & future prospects.  Los Angeles, CA: The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles.

Cuellar, M.  (2015). Latina/o student characteristics and outcomes at four-year Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs), emerging HSIs, and non-HSIs. In A.M. Núñez, S. Hurtado, & E. Calderón-Galdeano (Eds.), Hispanic-Serving institutions: Advancing research and transformative practice (pp. 101-120). New York, NY: Routledge.

Cuellar, M. (2012). Hispanic-serving institutions. In J.A. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity in education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Ziskin, M., Lucido, J., Zerquera, D., Chung, E., Torres, V., Cuellar, M., & Hossler, D. (2012). Securing the future: Retention models in community college (Study of Community College Structures for Student Success, SCCSSS).  Reston, VA:  The College Board.

Research Conference Presentations

Cuellar, M.G., & Carrola, M. (November, 2022). Conceptualizing Servingness at Hispanic-Serving Research Institutions (HSRIs). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV. 

Cuellar, M.G., Reed, S., Esposito-Noy, C., Neely, L., Nuñez Martinez, M., & Kurlaender, M. (October, 2022). Where Do They Go? Latinx Students and their College Decision Making. Concurrent session at the California Education Research Association, Anaheim, CA. 

Nuñez Martinez, M.*, Deeb Sossa, N., Cuellar, M.G., & Guerrero, B. (March, 2022). “Échale ganas, tú puedes”: Latinx/a/o Parents Supporting Students’ College Aspirations Amidst Trumpism and COVID-19. Roundtable session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education. 

Cuellar, M.G., Koren, E.R.*, Guzman, A.*, & Garcia, G.A. (November, 2021). Validating the Multicultural Teaching Competency Scale in higher education: Testing factor structure among faculty at Hispanic Serving Institutions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Puerto Rico, PR. 

Cuellar, M.G., Nuñez Martinez, M.*, Deeb Sossa, N., & Guerrero, B. (October, 2021). Latinx/a/o college choice during COVID-19: An analysis of admits at a selective university. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Puerto Rico, PR. 

Contreras, F., & Cuellar, M.G. (October, 2021). System for a Latinx-Thriving Educational Environment. Roundtable Workshop for the 20th Annual Latino Higher Education Leadership Institute, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. 

Garcia, A.*, Pulido, M.G.*, Nuñez Martinez, M.*, Cuellar, M.G. (April, 2021). Do College Expectations and Experiences Align? An Analysis of First-Generation and Continuing-Generation Students’ Trajectories. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. 

Gándara, P., Cuellar, M.G., Martinez, E., Rios-Aguilar, C. (March, 2021). Research Results and Lingering Questions on Community College Baccalaureates and Racial Equity. Community College Baccalaureate Association National Conference. 

Cuellar, M.G., Deeb Sossa, N., Guerrero, B., & Nuñez Martinez, M.* (March, 2021). Latinx/a/o College Choice during COVID-19: Institutional, Student, and Parent Perspectives at an Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution. Concurrent session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education. 

Molina, D., Bonds, M., Moyen, E., Vital, L.M., Cuellar, M.G., & Taylor, L. (November, 2020). Crisis Insight and Opportunity: Emergent Interdisciplinary Research at the Intersection of Higher Education and COVID-19. Symposium panel at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. 

Cuellar, M.G., Pulido, M.G.*, Garcia, A*. (April, 2020). Tensions on Campus: Student Perspectives on the Impacts of a Contentious Sociopolitical Climate. Paper at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (Conference cancelled) 

Cuellar, M.G., & Aldana, R. (April, 2020). Leading as a R1 Land Grant HSI: UC Davis’ Vision. Symposium panel at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (Conference cancelled) 

Rios-Aguilar, C., Bañuelos, N.I., & Cuellar, M.G. (November, 2019). Is My Bachelor’s Degree Valuable? Using Labor Market Data to Critically Examine the “Geography of Opportunity” Around Community College Baccalaureate Programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland, OR. 

Cuellar, M.G. (October, 2019). Racialized Experiences Off and On Campus: Latina/o Student Perceptions of the Climate at an Emerging Hispanic Serving Institution. Invited seminar at the University of California, Irvine. 

Cuellar, M.G., Garcia, A.*, & Saichaie, K. (April, 2019). What Do You Expect? Tensions between a Liberal Education and a Neoliberal Reality. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON, Canada. 

Cuellar, M.G. (April, 2019). Expanding the Latina/o Pipeline: An Examination of Factors Associated with Securing a Faculty Position. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON, Canada. 

Cuellar, M.G., Garcia, A.*, & Pulido, M.G.* (March, 2019). ¿Quienes son las Doctoras? Examining Trends of Latina Doctorate Earners. Concurrent session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Irvine, CA. 

Cuellar, M.G. (November, 2018). Exploring Factors that Contribute to Post-baccalaureate Enrollment among Graduates of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Tampa, FL. 

Cuellar, M.G., & Garcia, A.* (April, 2018). Examining the Background Characteristics of Latinx Doctorate Earners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. 

Cuellar, M.G., & Garcia, A.* (March, 2018). Examining Trends in Postgraduate Plans among Latina/o Research Doctorate Earners. Concurrent session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Irvine, CA. 

Escobar, C.*, Cuellar, M., & Kurlaender, M. The Power of Experiences: Investigating Students’ Motivations in College. (November, 2017). Roundtable session at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Houston, TX. 

Cuellar, M. (April, 2017). Factors Influencing Latina/o Student Satisfaction at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX. 

Cuellar M., & Garcia, G.A. (April, 2017). Modeling Critical Consciousness and Civic Engagement across Racially Diverse Student Populations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX. 

Cuellar, M., & Gonzalez, A.M. (March, 2017). Beyond the Baccalaureate: Enhancing Latinx Graduate Degree Aspirations. Concurrent session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Irvine, CA. 

Cuellar, M., Segundo, V.*, Muñoz, Y.* (October, 2016). Assessing the Impact of Hispanic Serving Institutions: A Culturally Relevant Inputs-Environments-Outcomes Model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northern Rocky Mountain Education Research Association, Reno, NV. 

Calderón Galdeano, E., & Cuellar, M. (March, 2016). Advancing knowledge on HSIs. Concurrent session at the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators. Camarillo, CA. 

Zerquera, D. García, G.A., & Cuellar, M. (November, 2015). Beyond Hispanic-enrolling: Examining the External Forces and Strategic Responses on Becoming Eligible as Hispanic-Serving Institution. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Denver, CO. 

Garcia, G.A., & Cuellar, M. (April, 2015). Exploring Curricular and Co-curricular Effects on Civic Engagement at Emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Cuellar, M. (November, 2014).  Exploring the Factors Influencing Latina/o Enrollment at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Emerging HSIs, and Non-HSIs.  Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, DC.

Cuellar, M. (April, 2014).  Better Serving Latina/os by Understanding Student Experiences at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), emerging HSIs and non-HSIs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Cuellar, M., & Johnson-Ahorlu, R.N. (November, 2013).  Exploring Perceptions of the Campus Climate through a Mixed-method Approach.  Paper presented at the Council on Ethnic Participation pre-conference at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, St. Louis, MO.

Cuellar, M.  (April, 2013).  Social Agency among Latina/o College Students at Hispanic-Serving institutions (HSIs), emerging HSIs, and non-HSIs.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Cuellar, M., Chung, E., & Lucido, J.A. (November, 2012).  College Access and Success Assessment:  A Conceptual Framework for Assessing College-Going Culture.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Chung, E., & Cuellar, M. (April, 2012).  College-Going Culture and College Access among African American Students.  Pre-Conference session at the College Board’s A Dream Deferred Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Cuellar, M., Arellano, L., & Guillermo-Wann, C.  (March, 2012).  Latina/o College Access, Campus Climate, and Degree Completion: Considering Differences between Ethnic Groups and Multiracial Latina/os.  Concurrent session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Costa Mesa, CA.

Cuellar, M.  (November, 2011). Community Cultural Wealth in Higher Education:  Latina/os at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and non-HSIs.  Roundtable discussion at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Indianapolis, IN.

Cuellar, M.  (April, 2011). The Validation of Latina/os at an Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Yamamura, E., Ozuna, T., Cuellar, M., & Cortez, L. (March, 2011).  Institution Matters: Fostering Latin@ Student Development at HSIs.  Concurrent session at the NASPA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Yamamura, E., Cortez, L., Cuellar, M., & Ozuna, T. (March, 2011).  Increasing Latina/o Students’ Access and Success:  Exploring Hispanic-Serving Institutions.  Concurrent session at the ACPA Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Kamimura-Jimenez, M., Ortega, N., Cuellar, M., & Valdez, P.  (March, 2011).  Out of Bounds: Defining Shifts in Identity, Expectation, Culture, and Mentorship for Latino Doctoral Students.  Concurrent session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.

Hurtado, S., Cuellar, M., & Alvarez, C.  (October, 2010).  Campus Climate, Effective Practices, and Student Outcomes in Diverse Learning Environments.  Concurrent session at the American Association of Colleges & Universities’ Conference on Diversity and Learning, Houston, TX.

Kamimura-Jimenez, M., Ortega, N., Cuellar, M., & Valdez, P.  (September, 2010).  Redefining the Journey: Navigating Mentorship, Identity, Expectation and Culture for Doctoral Students in Higher Education.  Concurrent session at the annual conference of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, San Diego, CA.

Cuellar, M. (May, 2010).  Latina/o Student Perceptions of the Campus Racial Climate at an Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.

Cuellar, M. (March, 2010).  Organizational Identity and its Relationship to Latina/o Student Experiences at an Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution.  Concurrent session at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Costa Mesa, CA.

Barrera, D., Rodriguez, E., Alvarez. C. L., Arellano, L., Cuellar, M., Lorch, T., & McDonough, P. (November, 2009). Access and Success for America’s Emerging Majority: The Individual, Organizational, and Institutional Contexts of Latina/os in Higher Education. Symposia presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver B.C., Canada.

Hurtado, S., Cuellar, M., Alvarez, C., Wann, C.G., & Arellano, L.  (November, 2009).  Diverse Learning Environments:  Creating and Assessing Conditions for Student Success. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Hurtado, S., Arellano, L., Wann, C., Cuellar, M., Alvarez, C., & Colin, L.  (June, 2009).  Student Perceptions and Experiences in the First Year of College.  Paper presented at the Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum, Atlanta, GA.

Hurtado, S., Cuellar, M., Alvarez, C., & Colin, L.  (May, 2009).  Assessing Diverse Learning Environments: Integrating Assessments of Campus Climate, Practices, and Outcomes.  Concurrent session at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, San Diego, CA.

Cuellar, M.  (April, 2009). Beyond the Baccalaureate: The Impact of College on the
PhD and EdD Degree Aspirations of Latina/o and White Students.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Hurtado, S., Griffin, K.A., Arellano, L., & Cuellar, M.  (October, 2008).  Charting the Future of Diversity Assessments:  Integrating Assessments of Campus Climate, Practices and Outcomes.  Presented at the American Association of Colleges & Universities’ Conference on Diversity and Learning, Long Beach, CA.

Griffin, K.A., Arellano, L., & Cuellar, M.  (June, 2008).  Weaving Diversity into the Fabric of Higher Education: Assessing Campus Climates, Practices and Outcomes. Concurrent session at the American College Personnel Association Assessment Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Hurtado, S., Griffin, K.A., Arellano, L., & Cuellar, M.  (May, 2008).  Assessing the Value of Climate Assessments:  Progress and Future Directions.  Scholarly paper presented at the Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum, Seattle, WA.

Fellowships and Awards


UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow


College Futures Foundation, Community College Baccalaureate Grant

Postsecondary Award, Latinx Research Issues SIG, AERA 2022 


UCOP Office of the Provost UC-HSI Research Grant

Student Experience Research Network Mid-Career Fellowship


Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award, UC Davis, CANDEL 


Deans’ Research in Excellence Award, UC Davis

AAHHE/Ford Multidisciplinary Faculty Fellowship


Hellman Fellow, UC Davis 


OpEd Fellow, Writing to Change the World Op Ed Project, University of California

Engaged Learning and Teaching Community Grant, UC Davis


Small Grant in Aid of Research, UC Davis


Faculty Success Program Grant, UC ADVANCE, UC Davis


First Place Winner of the 2013 Outstanding Dissertation Competition,  American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) and Educational Testing Service (ETS)


National Data Institute Fellow, Washington, D.C.,

2010 – 2011

Graduate Research Mentorship Award, University of California, Los Angeles   

Latino Alumni Association Fellowship , University of California, Los Angeles

2007 – 2010

California Strawberry Commission Fellowship                       


Summer Research Mentorship Award, University of California, Los Angeles   

2007 – 2008

Helen Astin Fellowship, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies

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