Transformative Justice in Education Center Presents Dr. Jean Beaman
Towards a Reading of Black Lives Matter in France: Diasporic Connections and Global Social Movements
On February 7, 2024, the Transformative Justice in Education Center hosted Dr. Jean Beaman speaking on “Towards a Reading of Black Lives Matter in France: Diasporic Connections and Global Social Movements.” Beaman discussed her ongoing ethnographic research on anti-racist mobilization and activism against police violence in the United States and worldwide.
Expanding Equity In Educational Research
Enrique García, Barbara Brandon-Croft and Tara Nakashima Donahue: Comics, Identity, & Representation
On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the School of Education hosted a specially themed event exploring how comics have evolved beyond entertainment to become powerful voices that can educate and inspire readers. The event featured a presentation by Enrique García and an interview discussion with Barbara Brandon-Croft and Tara Nakashima Donahue. Moderated by Darnel Degand.
Dr. Nicole Mirra and Dr. Antero Garcia
Featured Speakers, Expanding Equity in Educational Research Speaker Series
The Expanding Equity in Education Research Speaker Series brings multidisciplinary experts to UC Davis so we can explore how to create more equitable outcomes across the educational field.
Dr. Gholdy Muhammad and Dr. Curtis Acosta
Featured Speakers, Humanizing Pedagogies Speaker Series
On January 4, 2021 we had the privilege to hear a dialogue between Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, associate professor of language and literacy at Georgia State University and Dr. Curtis Acosta, assistant professor in language and culture in education at the University of Arizona on their work in anti-racist and liberation efforts as it relates to issues in education and teacher education.
Ensuring Support for Racial Equity in School
The COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide reckoning about
institutional racism have cast a bright light on longstanding
inequities in our educational system.
On August 17, 2020 we heard from UC Davis experts about
the latest research into educational disparities for Black and
Latinx students, systemic challenges to creating change, and ways
that schools and community members can support each other to
improve all student outcomes.
- Article: Imagining a Language of Solidarity for Black and Latinx Youth in English Language Arts Classrooms
- Slides: Ensuring Support_ Dr. Margarita Jimenez-Silva_aug17
- Slides: Ensuring Support_ Dr. MichalKurlaender_aug17
- Slides: Ensuring Support_ Dr. MicahStuder_aug17
- Article: The Water of Systems Change
- Read more
Jade Lee Presents “Who or What Do You Trust: The Boundary Between Interpersonal Trust and Technology Trust”
On May 22, 2023, School of Education PhD candidate Jade Lee presented on “Who or What Do You Trust: The Boundary Between Interpersonal Trust and Technology Trust” as part of our Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series.
Elizabeth Castro and Silvia Tovar Present “Generative Tensions amongst Pre-Service Teachers Discussing Academic Language”
On May 8, 2023, School of Education PhD students Elizabeth Castro and Silvia Tovar presented on “Generative Tensions amongst Pre-Service Teachers Discussing Academic Language” as part of our Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series.
Mayra Nunez Martinez, Adriana Lopez Torres and Tadria Cardenas present “‘Tu Puedes Mija’: Our Immigrant Mothers’ Roles In the Pursuit of Our Doctoral Degrees”
On April 24, 2023, School of Education PhD students Mayra Nunez Martinez, Adriana Lopez Torres and Tadria Cardenas presented “‘Tu Puedes Mija’: Our Immigrant Mothers’ Roles In the Pursuit of Our Doctoral Degrees” as part of our Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series.
Audrey Boochever presents on “Ethnoracial Matching at Charter and Traditional Public Schools”
On April 10, 2023, PhD student Audrey Boochever presented on “Ethnoracial Matching at Charter and Traditional Public Schools” as part of our Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series. [Please note that due to technical difficulties, this video starts a few minutes after the beginning of the presentation]
Cristina G. Reynaga-Peña Presents “Rip and Mix: Inclusive Education, Engineering, Makerspaces and Educational Research”
On April 3, 2023, Dr. Cristina G. Reynaga-Peña, Research Professor, Department of Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey, presented “Rip and Mix: Inclusive Education, Engineering, Makerspaces and Educational Research” as part of our Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series.
Shirley LeRoy’s Vision for a Better Education for All
LeRoy Family Fund for Neurodiversity Supports New Educational Model
Shirley LeRoy established the LeRoy Family Fund for Neurodiversity at the School of Education to fund the planning and development of an innovative educational model for teaching credential candidates, helping them to remove instructional barriers to learning so that all their students, including those who are neurodivergent, will be able to thrive and succeed.
Emerging Scholars
Expanding Equity in Research
On Thursday, May 11, 2023, the UC Davis School of Education and the Graduate Group in Education presented “Expanding Equity in Research on Language, Race & Culture, and Intersectionality & Policy,” a special Emerging Scholars Series panel showcasing critical, diverse disciplinary perspectives in education from exceptional pre-tenure scholars across the nation.
Youth Participatory Action Research: A Webinar
Presented by the California Institute for School Improvement
California Institute for School Improvement held a free and public webinar on Thursday, December 8, 2022, focused on Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)—a strategy to support youth learning and development and strengthen institutions and communities.
Led by Brandon Louie, director of community engagement at the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, and hosted in partnership with the REEd Center at UC Davis, this one-hour webinar is geared toward principals, teachers and district leaders.
Centering Equity in Graduate Education
Keynote Presentation by Prof. Michal Kurlaender
On Thursday, October 6, 2022, Prof. Michal Kurlaender gave a keynote presentation addressing issues of equity in graduate education at a virtual conference hosted by UC Davis Graduate Studies and The Alliance for Multi-campus, Inclusive Graduate Admissions (AMIGA). Prof. Kurlaender discussed challenges and opportunities in the pipeline to graduate school, and ways to enhance diversity and strengthen conditions for inclusion.
Hodari Davis Presents “Public Scholarship in Action: Exhibit A Oakland”
On October 24, 2022, the UC Davis School of Education/Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series featured language, literacy and culture PhD student Hodari Davis presenting “Public Scholarship in Action: Exhibit A Oakland.”
Sharing our Gratitude and Appreciation
Alumni Sandi Redenbach and Ken Gelatt Gift Names New Learning Lab
In this video, the School of
Education community comes together to thank generous longtime
supporters and alumni Sandi Redenbach (’72, Cred. ’73) and Ken
Gelatt (’67, Cred. ’68) for their generous support of the school
over many years, and on the occasion of the naming of Room 2377
in the Academic Surge building the Sandi Redenbach and Ken Gelatt
Learning Lab in their honor.
Maximus Sefotho Presents “The Philosophy of Botho/Ubunto in Research”
On May 2, 2022, the UC Davis School of Education/Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series featured professor of educational psychology Dr. Maximus Sefotho of the University of Johannesburg presenting “The Philosophy of Botho/Ubuntu in Research!” In it, Dr. Sefotho explores how the philosophy of ubuntu, or a form of African humanism, can help inform more inclusive research.
Darnel Degand Presents “Advanced Illustration Ability Not Required: Undergraduate Students’ Experiences with Comics Essays in an Education”
On May 23, 2022, the UC Davis School of Education/Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series featured Prof. Darnel Degand presenting “Advanced Illustration Ability Not Required: Undergraduate Students’ Experiences with Comics Essays in an Education.”
Virtual Webinar: How COVID-19 Changed Education
At this UC Davis Plugged-In virtual event on May 25, 2022, UC Davis School of Education leaders Dean Lauren Lindstrom, Prof. Margarita Jimenez-Silva and Director of Research and Partnerships/Executive Director of REEd Carlas McCauley presented about the school’s integral role in understanding and mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on education. Through its support of teaching and learning during an unprecedented time, the School is building unique ways to foster equity in education for all—even during this unforeseen global crisis.
Ambar Hernandez Negrete Presents “They Don’t Value Us as Human Beings”
On April 18, 2022, the UC Davis School of Education/Graduate Group in Education Research Seminar Series featured PhD student Ambar Hernandez Negrete presenting “‘They Don’t Value Us as Human Beings’: Centering Students in Policy Research and Processes.”