Faculty Profile

Tom Smith

Professor and Dean

Portrait of Tom Smith

Tom Smith is a highly accomplished researcher, educator, and leader with more than 30 years of experience in education, and has held several leadership roles at UC Riverside, including interim provost and executive vice chancellor, dean of the Graduate School of Education, and interim vice chancellor for Student Affairs. Prior to joining UC Davis in 2024, he was a professor of public policy and education in Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College.

Smith’s research focuses on partnering with schools and districts to improve student learning and college and career readiness. He is currently collaborating with researchers at Vanderbilt, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, and the University of Washington and practitioners in San Francisco to develop, test, and implement a system of practical measures and routines for instructional improvement in mathematics (PMR2). He is also Co-PI of the California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network, working with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education to develop a state-wide data system to follow individuals who earn a teaching credential from their teacher education program through their experiences in the teaching workforce.


Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Theory and Policy, 2000

Catholic University of America, Washington DC
Master of Arts, Sociology, 1995

Columbia University, New York, NY, Master of Arts, Economics, 1991

University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Bachelor of Arts, Economics (Summa Cum Laude), 1988

Professional Appointments

2023-Present: Director of Graduate Studies, Professor of Public Policy and Education, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University

2022-Present: Professor of Public Policy and Education, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University

2021-2022: Special Advisor to the Chancellor, University of California, Riverside

2019-2021: Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of California, Riverside

2018: Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, University of California, Riverside

2014-2022: Professor, Graduate School of Education; Professor, School of Public Policy (since 2021); University of California, Riverside

2014-2019: Dean, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Riverside

2010-2017: Executive Director (2014-2017) and Director and Principal Investigator (2010-2014), National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools, Vanderbilt University

2001-2014: Associate (2008-2014) and Assistant (2001-2008) Professor of Public Policy and Education, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University. Director of Graduate Studies (2009-2014).

2000-2001: Senior Analyst, Science and Engineering Indicators Program, Division of Science Resources Studies, Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington VA

1997-2000: Administrator, Statistics and Indicators Division, Directorate of Education, Employment, Labour, and Social Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, France

1991-1997: Statistician, Data Development and Longitudinal Studies Group, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education


American Education Research Association (AERA) Fellow, Inducted 2019
MacArthur Foundation Endowed Chair, University of California, Riverside 2014-2019

Honorary Professor of Australian Catholic University, 2014-2017

Peabody Award for Excellence in Mentoring, Vanderbilt University, 2013

Kappa Delta Pi/AERA Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education) Research Award, 2005

National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow, 2004-2005

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Special Achievement Award, 1994

Research Grants and Contracts

PI (Laura Booker, Co-PI) on Hewlett Foundation Subgrant (through the Southern Regional Educational Board. Titled: Improving the Teacher Workforce. January 3, 2023-October 31, 2023. $250,000.

PI on Peabody Research Office Small Grant Awards to Develop a Maymester of Summer Course Abroad. Titled: Where in the World are Education Systems Improving? Fall, 2022. $10,000.

PI (Jack Eichler, Co-PI) on a National Science Foundation Training and Research Grant (Noyce). Titled: STEM Pre-Service Teacher Scholars Program with Special Training to Support English Language Learners. July 1, 2019-June 30, 2024. $1,449,943.

PI (Marsha Ing, Co-PI) on a Collaborative Research Grant from the National Science Foundation. Titled: Improving the Implementation of Rigorous Instructional Materials in Middle-Grades Mathematics: Developing a System of Practical Measures and Routines. October 1, 2016-September 30, 2021. $841,328.

PI on a grant from the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools. Titled: Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers. December 14, 2018-June 30, 2023. $525,000.

PI on a grant from the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. Titled: Local Solutions to the Shortage of Special Education Teachers. December 14, 2018-June 30, 2023. $1,000,000.

Co-PI (with Cassandra Guarino, PI) on a grant from the John Randolph Haynes Foundation. Titled: Examining Disparities in Mathematics Achievement to Promote Educational Equity: An In-Depth Investigation across the 2nd Largest County in the U.S. July 1, 2018-June 30, 2020. $199,071.

PI (Cassandra Guarino, Co-PI) on a grant from the John Randolph Haynes Foundation. Titled: Best Practices to Mitigate Remediation in Riverside County Students, July 1, 2017-June 30, 2019.  $199,071.

PI on a grant from Growing Inland Achievement—GIA Innovation Grant to Expand AP Readiness to San Bernardino County, July 1, 2018-June 30, 2020. $150,000.

PI on a contract from the Riverside County Office of Education. Titled: AP Readiness Program. July 1, 2016-June 30, 2019. $222,500; July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020. $270,000

PI on a grant from the Riverside County Office of Education. Titled: Agreement for Participation in the Riverside County of Education Collaborative (RCEC) Gates LEA Implementation Network. July 1, 2015-June 30, 2017. $100,000

PI (with Min Sun & Paul Cobb, Co-PIs) on a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program. Titled: Cross-National Comparison of School and District Supports for High-Quality Mathematics Instruction in the US and China. September 15, 2013 – August 31, 2016. $ 200,000.

Co-PI (with Paul Cobb, Ilana S. Horn, Kara Jackson, & Erin Henrick, Co-PIs) on a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program. Titled: Investigating and Supporting the Development of Ambitious and Equitable Mathematics Instruction at Scale August 15, 2011-July 31, 2016. $ 4,533,868.

PI and Center Director (with Lora Cohen-Vogel, Robert Meyer, & Cheryl King, Co-PIs) on the National Research and Development Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools, August 1, 2010-July 31, 2016. $13,573,066.

Co-PI (with Paul Cobb, Dale Farran, & David Cordray) on a grant from the Institute for Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. Titled: Evaluating Math Recovery with Student Outcomes. August 1, 2007-July 31, 2009. $1,123,353.

Co-PI (with Paul Cobb, Bethany Rittle-Johnson, & Gautum Biswas) on a training grant from the Institute for Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. Titled: Postdoctoral Training: Research Methods in the Learning Sciences, July 2008-June 2012. $732,956.

PI (with Laura Desimone, Co-PI) on a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC) program. Titled: How Do Induction and Continuing Professional Development Affect Beginning Middle School Math Teachers’ Instruction and Student Achievement?  August 1, 2006-April 30, 2014. $2,494,179.

Co-PI (with Paul Cobb) on a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC) program. Titled: Designing Learning Organizations for Instructional Improvement in Mathematics.  June 1, 2006-May 31, 2011. $2,428,277.

Co-PI (with Laura Desimone) on a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Grants Program. Titled: State Policy and Trends in Student Achievement: The Relationship between Changes in State Standards-Based Reform Policy and Student Achievement in Mathematics and Reading.  September 30, 2004-February 28, 2006. $99,237.

National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship. Titled: Will they stay or will they go? Using organizational theory to examine policy effects on new teacher turnover. September 1, 2004-August 31, 2006. $50,000.

PI (Laura Desimone, Co-PI) on a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Research on Learning and Education (ROLE) program. Titled: Teacher Professional Development in Mathematics and Science: Do the Policies Add Up? June 1, 2003-May 31, 2006. $592,383.

Co-PI (with Laura Desimone) on a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Grants Program. Titled: Preparation, Professional Development and Policy in Mathematics: Does it All Add Up? July 1, 2002-December 31, 2003. $99,879.

PI on a grant from the Peabody small grants program. Titled: Preparation, Professional Development and Policy in Mathematics: Does it All Add Up? June 1, 2002-May 31, 2003. $10,126.


Journal Articles

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Ing, M., Chinen, S., Jackson, K., & Smith, T. M. 2021. When should I use this measure to support instructional improvement at scale? The importance of considering both intended and actual use in validity arguments. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. Spring 2021, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 92–100.

Sevgi, S, Berberoglu, G., Cobb, P., & Smith, T. M. 2021. A cross-cultural comparison of the self-efficacy of middle-school mathematics teachers across Turkey and the United States. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2020.1861348

Redding, C., Booker, L., Smith, T. M., & Desimone, L.M. 2019. School Administrators’ Direct and Indirect Influences on Middle School Math Teachers’ Turnover. Journal of Educational Administration. Vol. 57 No. 6, 708-730. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-10-2018-0190

Redding, C. & Smith, T. M. 2019. Supporting Early Career Alternatively Certified Teachers: Evidence from the Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Survey. Teachers College Record, 120(11) 1-32.

Smith, T. M., Booker L.N., Hochberg, E., & Desimone, L. M. 2018.  Do Organizational Supports for Math Instruction Improve the Quality of Beginning Teachers’ Instruction? Teachers College Record 120(7) 1-46.

Cohen-Vogel, L., Allen, D., Rutledge, S., Cannata, M., Harrison, C., & Smith, T. M. 2018. Organizing for School Improvement:  The Dilemmas of Research-Practice Partnerships. Journal of Research on Organizations in Education 2 1-24.

Cannata, M., Smith, T. M., & Taylor Haynes, K. 2017. Integrating Academic Press and Support by Increasing Student Ownership and Responsibility. AERA Open 3(3) 1-13.

Rigby, J. G., Larbi-Cherif, A., Rosenquist, B. A., Sharpe, C. J., Cobb, P., & Smith, T. 2017. Administrator Observation and Feedback: Does it lead towards improvement in inquiry-oriented math instruction? Educational Administration Quarterly 53(3) 475–516.

Smith, T. M., Cannata, M., & Taylor Haynes, K. 2016. Reconciling Data from Different Sources: Practical Realities of Using Mixed Methods to Identify Effective High School Practices. Teachers College Record, 118(7) 1-34.

Redding, C. & Smith, T. M. 2016. Easy in, Easy out: Are Alternatively Certified Teachers Turning Over at Increased Rates? American Education Research Journal 53(4) 1086-1125.

Wilhelm, A. G, Chen, I., Smith, T. M., Frank, K. A. 2016. Selecting Expertise in Context: Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Selection of New Sources of Instructional Advice. American Education Research Journal 53(3) 456-491.

Stern, J. M. B & Smith, T. M. 2016. Private secondary schools in Indonesia: What is driving the demand? International Journal of Educational Development 46, 1-11.

Smith, T. M., Preston, C. Taylor Haynes, K, & Neergaard, L. 2015. Understanding Differences in Instructional Quality between High and Low Value Added Schools in a Large Urban District. Teachers College Record, 117(11) 1-38.

Rosenquist, B., Henrick, E. C., & Smith, T. M. 2015. Research-Practice Partnerships to Support the Development of High Quality Mathematics Instructional Practices for All Students to Learn. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 20(1-2) 42-57.

Smith, T. M., Cobb, P., Farran, D., Cordray, D., & Munter, C. 2013. Evaluating Math Recovery: Assessing the Causal Impact of a Diagnostic Tutoring Program on Student Achievement. American Education Research Journal, 50(2) 397-428.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M. & Phillips, K. J. R. 2013. Linking Student Achievement Growth to Professional Development Participation and Changes in Instruction: A Longitudinal Study of Elementary Students and Teachers in Title I Schools. Teachers College Record 115(5) 1-46.

Stuit, D. & Smith, T. 2012. Explaining the gap in charter and traditional public school teacher turnover rates. Economics of Education Review, 31(2) 268-279.

Phillips, K. J. R., Desimone, L., & Smith, T. M. 2011. Teacher participation in content-focused professional development & the role of state policy. Teachers College Record,113(11) 2586-2630.

Kearns, D. M., Fuchs, D., McMaster, K. L, Saenz, L, Fuchs, L.S., Yen, L., Meyers, C. V., Stein, M. L., Compton, D., Berends, M., Smith, T. M. 2010.  Factors Contributing to Teachers’ Sustained Use of Kindergarten Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 3(4), 315 – 342.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M., & Frisvold, D. 2010. Survey Measures of Classroom Instruction: Comparing Student and Teacher Reports. Educational Policy, 21(2) 267-329.

Dallaire, D. H., Cole, D. A., Smith, T. M., Ciesla, J. A., LaGrange, B., Jacquez, F. M., Pineda, A. Q., Truss, A. E., & Folmer, A. S. 2008. Predicting Children’s Depressive Symptoms from Community and Individual Risk Factors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 37(7) 830-846.

Smith, T., Desimone, L., Zeidner, T, L, Dunn, A. C., Bhatt, M., Rumyantseva, N. L. 2007. Inquiry-oriented instruction in science: Who teaches that way? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 29 (3) 169-199.

Cohen-Vogel, L. & Smith, T. M. 2007. “Qualifications and Assignments of Alternatively Certified Teachers: Testing Core Assumptions.” American Educational Research Journal, 44 (3) 732 – 753.

Smith, T. M. 2007. “How Do State-Level Induction and Standards-Based Reform Policies Affect Induction Experiences and Turnover Among New Teachers?” American Journal of Education 113 (February), 273-309.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M. & Phillips, K. J. 2007. Does Policy Influence Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Participation in Professional Development? Teachers College Record 109 (5),  pp. 1086-1122.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M. & Ueno, K. 2006.  Are Teachers’ Who Need Sustained, Content-focused Professional Development Getting It?  An Administrator’s Dilemma. Education Administration Quarterly 42(2), pp. 179-215.

Willms, J. D., Smith, T. M, Zhang, Y., & Tramonte, L. 2006.  “Raising and Leveling the Learning Bar in Central and Eastern Europe.” Prospects Quarterly Review of Comparative Education 36(4), pp. 411-418.

Bankov, K., Mikova, D. & Smith, T. M. 2006. “Assessing Between-School Variation in Educational Resources and Mathematics and Science Achievement in Bulgaria.” Prospects Quarterly Review of Comparative Education 36(4), pp. 447-473.

Istrate, O., Noveanu, G., & Smith, T. M. 2006. “Exploring Sources of Variation in Romanian Science Achievement”. Prospects Quarterly Review of Comparative Education 36(4), pp. 475-496.

Mere, K., Reiska, P., & Smith, T. M. 2006. “Impact of SES on Estonian Students’ Science Achievement across Different Cognitive Domains.” Prospects Quarterly Review of Comparative Education 36(4), pp. 497-516.

Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M. & Ueno, K. 2005. “Highly Qualified to Do What? The Relationship between NCLB Teacher Quality Mandates and the Use of Reform-oriented Instructional Strategies in Middle School Math” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 27(1), pp. 75-109. 

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M., Ueno, K. & Baker, D. P. 2005. “Assessing Barriers to the Reform of United States Mathematics Instruction from an International Perspective.” American Educational Research Journal 42(3), pp. 501-35.

Smith, T. M. & Rowley, K. J. 2005. Enhancing Commitment or Tightening Control: The Function of Teacher Professional Development in an Era of Accountability. Educational Policy 19(1), pp. 126-154. 

Vieno, A., Perkins, D. D., Smith, T. M., & Santinello, M. 2005. “Democratic School Climate and Sense of Community in School: A Multilevel Analysis.” American Journal of Community Psychology 36(3/4), pp. 327-341.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M., Hayes, S. A., & Frisvold, D. 2005. “Beyond Accountability and Average Test Scores: Relating Attributes of State Education Policies to Cognitive Domains in Mathematics Achievement” Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 24(4), pp. 5-18.

Smith, T. M. & Ingersoll, R. M. 2004. What Are the Effects of Induction and Mentoring on Beginning Teacher Turnover? American Educational Research Journal 41(3), pp. 681-714.

Smith, T. M. 2004. Curricular reform in mathematics and science since A Nation at Risk. Peabody Journal of Education 79(1), pp. 105-129.

Smith, T. M. 2003. “Who values the GED? An examination of the paradox underlying the demand for the General Educational Development credential.” Teachers College Record Volume 105, Number 3, April, pp. 375-415.  

Smith, T. M. & Baker, D. P. 2002. “World-wide Growth and Institutionalization of Statistical Indicators for Education Policy-making.” Peabody Journal of Education 76(3&4), pp. 141-152.

Hendriks, M. & Smith, T. M. 2002. “Cross National Indicators of Teachers and the Conditions of Teaching.” International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice, Vol. 3. No. 2, Summer, pp. 63-92.

Wagner, A., Smith, T. M., & Healy, T. 2000. “Tertiary Education: new patterns of learning and earnings”. European Journal of Education, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 45-59.

Baker, D. P & Smith, T. M. 1997. “Three Trends in the Condition of Education in the United States”. Teacher’s College Record, Volume 99, Number 1, Fall, pp. 12-61.

Journal Special Issues

Guest editor of the journal Prospects, Quarterly Review of Comparative Education Volume 34, Number 4—“School Quality and Equity in Central and Eastern Europe” with Douglas Willms, Yanhong Zhang, and Lucia Tramonte.

Policy/practitioner and other journal articles

Ingersoll, R. M. & Smith, T. M. 2004. “Do teacher induction and mentorship matter?” NASSP Bulletin Vol. 87, No. 638, March, pp. 28-40.

Ingersoll, R. M. & Smith, T. M. 2003. “The wrong solution to the teacher shortage.” Educational Leadership, Volume 60, Number 8, May, pp. 30-33.

Smith, T. M. & Desimone, L. M. 2003. “Do Changes in Patterns of Participation in Teachers’ Professional Development Reflect the Goals of Standards-based Reform?”  Educational Horizons Volume 81, Number 3, Spring, pp. 119-129.


Cobb, P, Jackson, K, Henrick, E. C., Smith, T.M. and the MIST Team. 2018. Systems for Instructional Improvement: Creating Coherence from the Classroom to the District Office. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Smith, T.M., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S. A. (Eds.). 2016. Mapping the High School Reform Landscape. Teachers College Record (Yearbook) 118(14).

Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M., & Porter, A. C. (Eds.). 2012. Organization and Effectiveness of Induction Programs for New Teachers.  National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE) Yearbook. New York: Teachers’ College Record.

Book Chapters

Sztajn, P., Borko, H., & Smith, T. 2017. Research on mathematics professional development. In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education. pp. 793-823. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Cobb, P. Jackson, K., Smith, T., & Henrick, E. 2017. Supporting improvements in the quality of mathematics teaching on a large scale. In S. Doff & R. Komoss (Eds.), Making Change Happen, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 203-221.

Smith, T.M., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S. A. 2016. Design and Implementation of High School Reform: Perspectives from Research and Practice. In Smith, T.M., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L., & Rutledge, S. A. (Eds.).  Mapping the High School Reform Landscape. Teachers College Record (Yearbook) 118(13): 1-18.

Cobb, P., Jackson, K, Smith, T. M., Sorum, M, Henrick, E. 2013. Design Research within Educational Systems: Investigating and Supporting Improvements in the Quality of Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Scale? In Penuel, W., Fishman, B., & Cheng, B. H. Design-Based Implementation Research. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education 112(2), 320-349.

Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M., & Porter, A. C., McGraner, K. 2012. Learning to Teach:  An agenda for research on the induction and mentoring of beginning teachers. In Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M., & Porter, A. C. (Eds.). 2012. Organization and Effectiveness of Induction Programs for New Teachers.  National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE) Yearbook.

Smith, T.M. & Finch, M. 2010. Influence of Teacher Induction on Teacher Retention. In J. Wang, S. J. Odell, and R. Clift (Eds.), Past, Present, and Future Research on Teacher Induction: An Anthology For Researchers, Policy Makers, And Practitioners. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education, pp. 109-124.

Cobb, P., & Smith, T. 2008. The challenge of scale: Designing schools and districts as learning organizations for instructional improvement in mathematics.  In T. Wood, B. Jaworski, K. Krainer, P. Sullivan, & D. Tirosh (Eds.), International handbook of mathematics teacher education. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M., & Frisvold, D. 2007. Has NCLB Improved Teacher and Teaching Quality for Disadvantaged Students? in Standards-Based Reform and the Poverty Gap: Lessons for “No Child Left Behind, Gamoran, A. ed., Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press.

Smith, T. M. & Motivans, A. 2007. ” Teacher Quality and Education for All in Sub-Saharan Africa” in Education for All: Global Promises, National Challenges, Baker, D. P., & Wiseman, A. W., eds., Volume 8 in the International Perspectives on Education and Society Series, Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. pp. 363-394.

Smith, T. M. 2004. “Education” in Public Opinion and Polling around the World, John G. Geer, ed., Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. pp. 212-220.

Smith, T. M. & Baker, D. P. 2003. “International Education Statistics: The Use of Indicators to Evaluate the Condition of Education Systems” in Encyclopedia of Education, Second Edition, James Guthrie, ed., NY: Macmillan. pp. 1291-1296.

Smith, T. M. 2002. “Educational achievement and attainment of women in the United States” in Education and Sociology: An Encyclopedia, David Levinson, Peter Cookson, Jr. and Alan Sadovnik, eds., NY: RoutledgeFalmer. pp. 181-189.

Smith, T. M. 2002. “Access to higher education by minorities in the United States” in Education and Sociology: An Encyclopedia, David L. Levinson, Peter W. Cookson, Jr. and Alan R. Sadovnik, eds., NY: RoutledgeFalmer. pp. 343-351.

Rollefson, M. R. & Smith, T. M. 1997. “Do Low Salaries Really Draw the Least Able into the Teaching Profession?” in Research on the Education of our Nation’s Teachers:  Teacher Education Yearbook V, David M. Byrd and D. John McIntyre, eds. Corwin Press Inc., pp. 43-58.

Opinion Pieces

Smith, T.M. 2020 (August 7). Everyone Deserves a Safe Option for Fall. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2020/08/07/covid-19-advancing-significantly-why-are-so-many-colleges-forcing-people-back

Conference Proceedings

Smith, T. M. 1994. “Discussion:  Education Research Using the Schools and Staffing Survey and the National Educational Longitudinal Survey” in American Statistical Association: 1994 Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section.  American Statistical Association: Alexandria, VA.

Working Papers

Stuit, D. & Smith, T.M. 2009. Teacher Turnover in Charter Schools. Nashville, TN: National Center on School Choice.

Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M., & Baker, D. P. 2004. The Socioeconomic Distribution of Teaching Quality: An Analysis of Within and Between Country Variation in Access to Conceptual Teaching in Low, Middle, and High Income Countries. Background paper for the 2004 Education for All Monitoring Report. Montreal, Canada: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics (UIS).

Published Research and Technical Reports

Sloan, T., Smith, T. M., Ong, C, La Torre, D. & Leon, S. January 2023. It’s Tough in the Middle: A Statewide Analysis of California’s New Middle and High School Teachers. Policy Brief: California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network.

La Torre, D., Leon, S., Ong, C., Sloan, T. & Smith, T. M. September 2021. Diversifying California’s Teaching Force: How Teachers Enter the Classroom, Who They Serve, and If They Stay. Policy Brief: California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network.

Cannata, M., Taylor Haynes, K. & Smith T. M. 2013. Reaching for Rigor: Identifying Practices of Effective High Schools Nashville, TN: National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools.

Heyneman, S. P., Stern, J. M. B., Smith, T. M. 2011. The Search for Effective EFA Policies: The Role of Private Schools for Low-income Children. U.S. Agency for International Development: Washington DC.

Etsey, K., Smith, T. M., Gyamera, E. Koka, J., de Boer, J., Havi, E., Heyneman, S. P. 2009. Basic Education in Ghana: Progress and Problems. U.S. Agency for International Development: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. & Heyneman, S. 2009. Statistical Frameworks and Co-ordination Mechanisms for Collecting and Reporting of Education Statistics by International Organizations. New York: United Nations Statistical Commission (E/CN.3/2009/11).

Bruneforth, M., Perusia, J. C., Smith, T. M., & Wallet, P. 2007. Education Counts: Benchmarking Progress in 19 WEI Countries.  Montreal, Canada: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics (UIS).

Motivans, A., Smith, T. M., & Bruneforth, M. 2006. Teachers and educational quality: Monitoring global needs for 2015. Montreal, Canada: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics (UIS).

Willms, J. D. & Smith, T. M. 2005. A Manual for Conducting Analyses with Data from TIMSS and PISA. Montreal, Canada: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics (UIS).

Smith, T. M. 2002. “Elementary and Secondary Education” in Science and Engineering Indicators 2002, National Science Board: Arlington VA.

Smith, T. M. & M. Hendriks. 2000. “The Learning Environment and the Organization of Schools”. In Education at a Glance 2000, Andreas Schleicher, ed.. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France. pp. 205-255.

Smith, T. M. 1999. Classifying Educational Programmes: Manual for ISCED-97 Implementation in OECD Countries, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Paris, July.

Smith, T. M. 1999. “Comparaciones Internacionales Sobre Educación Terciaria” in Indicadores en La Universidad: Información y decisiones, Javier Vidal, ed., Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Madrid. pp. 31-50.

Smith, T. M. 1998. “Individual, Social and Labour Market Outcomes of Education”. In Education at a Glance 1998, Andreas Schleicher, ed.. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France. pp. 257-298.

Smith, T. M. 1998. “Participation in skill improvement training among the employed population”. In Education at a Glance 1998, Andreas Schleicher, ed. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France. pp. 195-204.

Boesel, D., Alsalam, N. & Smith, T. M. 1998. Educational and Labor Market Outcomes of GED Certification, National Library of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C.

Smith, T. M. 1997. “Graduate output of educational institutions”. In Education at a Glance 1997, Andreas Schleicher, ed. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France. pp. 317-345.

Young, B. A. & T. M. Smith. 1997. The Social Context of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Bae, Y. & T. M. Smith. 1997. Women in Mathematics and Science, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M., Young, B. A., Bae, Y., Choy, S. P., & Alsalam, N. 1997. The Condition of Education 1997. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. 1997. Minorities in Higher Education, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Matheson, N., Salganik, L. H., Phelps, R.P., Alsalam, N, & Smith, T. M. 1996. Education Indicators: An International Perspective. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Phelps, R.P., Smith, T. M., & Alsalam, N. 1996. Education in States and Nations:  Indicators Comparing U.S. States with Other Industrialized Countries in 1991, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. 1996. “Economic Outcomes” in Urban Schools: The Challenge of Location and Poverty, Laura Lippman, et al., eds., National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M., Young, B. A., Choy, S. P., Perie, M., Alsalam, N., Rollefson, M. R., & Bae, Y. 1996. The Condition of Education 1996. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. 1995. The Educational Progress of Women, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. 1995. The Educational Progress of Hispanic Students, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M., Perie, M., Alsalam, N., Mahoney, R. P, Bae, Y. & Young, B. A. 1995. The Condition of Education 1995. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. 1995. High School Students Ten Years after “A Nation at Risk,” National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. 1995. The Educational Progress of Black Students, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. 1995. America’s Teachers Ten Years after “A Nation at Risk,” National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Smith, T. M. and Phelps, R. P. 1995. “Education Finance Indicators: What can we learn from comparing states and nations?” in Developments in School Finance, William J. Fowler, ed., National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC. pp. 97-108.

Smith, T. M., Rogers, G. T., Alsalam, A., Perie, M., Mahoney, R. P., & Martin, V. 1994.  The Condition of Education 1994. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Salganik, L. H., Phelps, R. P., Bianchi, L., Nohara, D., & Smith, T. M. 1993. Education in States and Nations: Indicators Comparing U.S. States with OECD Countries in 1988. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Alsalam, N., Fischer, G. E., Ogle, L. T., Rogers, G. T., & Smith, T. M. 1993. The Condition of Education 1993, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.

Alsalam, N., Ogle, L. T., Rogers, G. T., & Smith, T. M. 1992. The Condition of Education 1992. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education: Washington DC.


Conference Papers and Presentations

Smith, T. M., Guarino, C. M., Li, Y., Bargagliotti, A., & Kang, H. Have Common Core State Standards and Aligned Assessments Narrowed the Poverty Gap in Mathematics Achievement? to be presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting in Chicago, CA, April 2023.

Guarino, C. M., Bargagliotti, A., Li, Y., Kang, H. & Smith, T. M. “Mathematics Achievement of Students with Disabilities Before and After the Implementation of the Common Core and SBAC Assessment” to be presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting in Chicago, CA, April 2023.

Sloan, T., Smith, T. M., Ong, C, La Torre, D. & Leon, S. January 2023. It’s Tough in the Middle: A Statewide Analysis of California’s New Middle and High School Teachers. Policy Brief: California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network. On Zoom.

La Torre, D., Leon, S., Ong, C., Sloan, T. & Smith, T. M. September 2021. Diversifying California’s Teaching Force: How Teachers Enter the Classroom, Who They Serve, and If They Stay. Policy Brief: California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network. On Zoom.

Koulluri, S., Li, Y., Smith, T. M., Ream, R. K., & Guarino, C. M. “Outliers for Equity: Choosing (and Not Choosing) College in California’s Inland Empire” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, April 2022.

Bargagliotti, A., Guarino, C. M., Kang, H., Li, Y., & Smith, T. M. “Racial Achievement Disparities in Mathematics Pre and Post the Common Core–Aligned Assessments” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, April 2022.

Ing, M. & Smith T. M. “Conceptualizing Validity Arguments for Practical Measures for the Improvement of Instruction at Scale” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Diego, CA, April 2022.

Ing, M., Chinen, S., Jackson, K., Smith, T. M. “Highlighting Actual Interpretations and Uses in Validity Evidence” presented at the National Council on Educational Measurement meeting in Toronto, Canada, April 2019.

Jackson, K. J., Cobb, P. A., Henrick, E. C., Smith, T. M., Ahn, J., Ing, M., Nieman, H., Kochmanski, N. M, Campos, F., Chinen, S., Digiacomo, D. Hays, M., Kearn, E. C., McMurran, Meaghan. “Developing a System of Practical Measures, Routines, and Representations to Inform and Enhance Instructional Improvement Initiatives” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Toronto, Canada, April 2019.

Smith, T. M., Henrick, E., Kern, E., Cobb, P. & Cao, Y. “District and School Supports for Ambitious Math Instruction: A Descriptive Comparison Between the United States and China” presented at World Education Research Association Meeting, Capetown, South Africa, August 2018.

Cannata, M., Rutledge, S.A., Redding, C., Smith, T.M., & Rubin, M. “Using Continuous Improvement Approaches to Achieve Scale: Implications for Depth, Spread, Ownership, and Sustainability” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Antonio, TX, April 2017.

Smith, T. M., Borko, H., & Sztajn, P. “In-service education, and professional development of secondary mathematics teachers” presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education (TG 50), Hamburg, Germany, July 24-31, 2016.

Kern, E., Henrick, E., Smith, T. M. Cobb, P.; Cao, Y. “Analyzing middle grades mathematics teaching in the U.S. and China: a cross-national comparison of instructional quality” presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education (TG 26), Hamburg, Germany, July 24-31, 2016.

Henrick, E., Kern, E., Cobb, P., Smith, T. M., & Cao, Y. “District and school supports for ambitious math instruction: a descriptive comparison between the U.S. and China” presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education (TG 50), Hamburg, Germany, July 24-31, 2016.

Jackson, K. J. Cobb, P., Henrick, E., & Smith, T. M.  “Investigating and supporting instructional improvement at scale” presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education (TG 50), Hamburg, Germany, July 24-31, 2016.

Redding, C., & Smith, T. M. “Are Alternatively Certified Teachers More Likely to Turn Over?” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Washington D.C., April 2016.

Redding, C., & Smith, T. M. “The Entry and Exit of Teachers of Color: Evidence from the Schools and Staffing Survey” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Washington D.C., April 2016.

Appelgate, Mollie H., Rosenquist, B. A., and Smith, T. M. “Changes in Teachers’ Mathematics Curriculum Use as It Relates to District Policy and Leadership Goals” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Washington D.C., April 2016.

Henrick, C. E, Kern, E. C., Cobb, P. A., Smith, T. M., & Cao, Y. “District and School Supports for Ambitious Math Instruction: A comparison Between the United States and China”  presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) in Washington D.C., April 2016.

Kern, E. C., Henrick, C. E, Smith, T. M., Cobb, P. A., & Cao, Y. “A Comparison of Mathematics Classroom Instructional Quality between China and the United States” presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) in Washington D.C., April 2016.

Redding, C. & Smith, T. M. “Do in-service supports matter in retaining alternatively certified teachers?” presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Denver, CO., March 2016.

Redding, C., & Smith, T. M. “Can Principled Adaptation to School Context Increase the Likelihood of Scale-Up” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Chicago, IL, April 2015.

Dunlap, C. J. & Smith T. M. “Comparing Two Measures of Professional Development Effectiveness: Teacher Self-Reports Versus Classroom Observations” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Chicago, IL, April 2015.

Smith, T. “Climbing Out of the Ivory Tower: New Forms of Research-Practice Partnerships” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.

Cannata, M., Taylor Haynes, K. & Smith T. M. “Reaching for Rigor by Increasing Student Ownership and Responsibility” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.

Rosenquist, B. A., Garrison Wilhelm, A. & Smith, T.M. “The Instructional Quality Assessment and Value-Added: Productiveness and Differential Impacts to Inform Instruction” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.

Redding, C. & Smith, T.M. “Trends in Teacher Turnover among Alternatively Certified Teachers” presented at the Association for Education Finance and Policy 39th Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX, March 2014.

Rosenquist, B. A., Henrick, E., & Smith, T.M. ‘Trying to Make Good Teachers, Are You Keeping Good Teachers?: Instructional Improvement Strategies and Differential Teacher Retention” presented at the Association for Education Finance and Policy 39th Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX, March 2014.

Rigby, J., Munoz C.J., Rosenquist, B. A., Larbi-Cherif, A. Cobb, P &  Smith, TM. “Principal Observation & Feedback: Leading towards Improvement in Ambitious Math Instruction” presented at the Convention of the University Council on Education Administration, Indianapolis, IN, November 2013.

Smith, T. M., Neergaard, L., Preston, C., & Ramsey, R. “Differences in Instructional Quality between High- and Low-Value-Added Schools in Two Large Urban Districts” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Rutledge, S. A., Cannata, M., Cohen-Vogel, L. A., & Smith, T. M. “Understanding Effective High Schools: Findings and Research Around Personalization for Social and Academic Learning”  presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Henrick, E. C., Cobb, P. A., Smith, T. M. & Sorum, M. N.  “Investigating and Supporting Improvements in the Quality of Mathematics Teaching and Learning at Scale” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Francisco, CA, May 2013.

Neergaard, L. & Smith, T. M. “Comparing Beginning Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Instructional Quality Growth on Subject-Specific and Global Measures” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Rosenquist, B.A., Smith, T.M., & Henrick, E.C. “Instructional Leadership, Teacher Experience, and Districts’ Supports for Teachers: Teacher Retention in Three Urban Districts” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Smith, T. M., Cannata, M., & Taylor Haynes, K. “Using Mixed Methods to Identify and Scale Up Effective High School Practices” presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management Fall Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2012.

Smith, T. M., Taylor Haynes, K, Preston, C., Vineyard, B. Katterfeld, K., Neergaard, L. L. “Differences in Instructional Quality between High- and Low-Value Added Schools” presented at the Achieving Success at Scale: Research on Effective Schools Conference in Nashville, TN, June 2012.

Smith, T. M. “A New Approach for Designing and Scaling Up Educational Interventions” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Vancouver, CA, April 2012.

Smith, T. M., Schmidt, R., Berebitsky, D., Garrison, A. L., Larbi-Cherif, A.& Cobb, P. A. “Relationship Between School and District Supports for Adopting an Inquiry-Oriented Curriculum and Change in the Quality of Teaching” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Vancouver, CA, April 2012.

Smith, T. M., Taylor Haynes, K, Preston, C., Vineyard, B. Katterfeld, K., Neergaard, L. L. “Differences in Instructional Quality Between High- and Low-Value Added Schools” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Vancouver, CA, April 2012.

Neergaard, L. L., Dunn, A. C., Smith, T.M., & Desimone, L. M. “School Conditions and Supports Affecting Beginning Math Teacher Turnover” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Vancouver, CA, April 2012.

Katterfeld, K., Schmidt, R., Garrison, A. L.,, Berebitsky, D. & Smith, T.M. “A Comparison of Classroom Observation Instruments for Middle School Mathematics” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Vancouver, CA, April 2012.

Smith, T. M., Neergaard, L., Hochberg, E., & Desimone, L. M. “Impact of Organizational Supports for Math Instruction on the Instructional Quality of Beginning Teachers” presented at the fall meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington DC, September 2011.

Boston, M., Colby, G., & Smith, T. M. “Examining Relationships between Instructional Quality and Student Achievement in Middle-Grades Mathematics” presented at the fall meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington DC, September 2011.

Garrison, A. L., Smith, T. M., Cobb, P. A., & Green, S. E. “Investigating School and District-Level Factors That Influence Teachers’ Learning Opportunities through Interactions” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in New Orleans, LA, April 2011.

Sun, M., Frank, K., Cobb, P. A., & Smith, T. M. “Using Teacher Social Network Data to Study Teacher Learning through Interactions” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in New Orleans, LA, April 2011.

Smith, T. M., Neergaard, L., Hochberg, E. “Impact of Organizational Supports for Math Instruction on the Instructional Quality of Beginning Teachers” presented at the 2010 NSF Discovery Research–K12 PI Meeting.

Smith, T. M., Cobb, P., Farran, D. Cordray, D., & Munter, C. “Does the Mathematics Recovery Program Improve Students’ Mathematics Learning?” presented at the 2010 Institute for Education Sciences Research Conference, National Harbor Maryland, June 2010.

Smith, T. M., Munter, C., Cobb, P., Farran, D. & Cordray, D.  “Does the Mathematics Recovery Program Improve Students’ Mathematics Learning?” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Denver, CO April 2010.

DeBoer, J. & Smith, T. M. “Does the Heyneman-Loxley Effect Still Hold in Southern and Eastern Africa?” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Denver, CO April 2010.

Smith, T. M., Cobb, P., Farran, D. Cordray, D., Munter, C., & Dunn, A. “Evaluating Math Recovery: Assessing the Causal Impact of Math Recovery on Student Achievement” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington DC, March 2010.

Green, S. E. & Smith, T. M. “Evaluating Math Recovery: Investigating Tutor Learning” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington DC, March 2010.

Smith, T. M., Cobb, P., Farran, D. Cordray, D., Munter, C., Green, S., Garrison, A., & Dunn, A. “Evaluating Math Recovery: Implications for Policy and Practice” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington DC, March 2010.

Smith, T. M., Tobin, K., & Hochberg, E., Bose, E., Boswell, C. “How Does the Organizational and Policy Context  of Schools Influence New Teachers’ Vision of High-Quality Mathematics Instruction?” presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of Education Administration, Anaheim, California, November 2009.

Katterfeld, K. & Smith, T. M. “Perspectives on the Principal’s Role as Instructional Leader:

A Review of the Literature” presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of Education Administration, Anaheim, California, November 2009.

Smith, T. M., Tobin, K., & Hochberg, E. “How Does the Local Policy Context Shape New Teachers’ Visions of High-Quality Math Instruction?” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Diego, CA April 2009.

Stuit, D. & Smith, T.M. “Teacher Turnover in Charter Schools.” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Diego, CA April 2009.

McGraner, K., Vanderhaar, J., & Smith, T.M. “Are We on the Same Page? Mentors, Principals, and District Leaders’ Perceptions of New Teacher Challenges” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Diego, CA April 2009.

McGraner, K., Smith, T.M., & Finch, M. “Leading the Induction of Beginning Mathematics Teachers: The Role of District and School Leadership” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Diego, CA April 2009.

Smith, T. M., & Deboer, J. “School Resources vs. Home Background for Mathematics Achievement in Southern and Eastern Africa” presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting in Charleston, NC, March 2009.

Smith, T. M. “Some elements of comparison of the situation of teachers in the world.” Presented at a conference sponsored by the French Presidency of the European Union, titled “International comparison of education systems: a European model?” in Paris, November 2008.

Desimone, L. M. & Smith, T. M. “Improving Middle-School Math Instruction and Student Achievement” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in New York, NY March 2008.

Chair and Organizer of a session titled “Organization and Effectiveness of High-Intensity Induction Programs for New Teachers” at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in New York, NY March 2008.

Cobb, P. & Smith, T. M. “Designing Learning Organizations to Support Ambitious Instructional Practices in Mathematics” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in New York, NY March 2008.

Cobb, P., and Smith, T. (2007, October). The challenge of scale: Designing schools and districts as learning organizations for instructional improvement in mathematics.  Paper presented at the 29th Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Lake Tahoe, NV.

Smith, T. M., Bankov, K., & Mikova, D. “Assessing Between-School Variation in Educational Resources and Mathematics and Science Achievement in Bulgaria” presented at the XIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, September 2007.

Smith, T. M., Istrate, O., & Noveanu, G.  “Exploring Sources of Variation in Romanian Science Achievement” presented at the XIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, September 2007.

Cohen-Vogel & Smith, T. M. “Alternatively Certified (AC) Teachers:  Where They Come From, What They Teach, and Where They Go.” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Chicago, IL, April 2007.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M., & Frisvold, D. “Has NCLB Improved Teacher Quality for Disadvantaged Students? presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Chicago, IL, April 2007.

Smith, T. M. & Motivans, A. “Teacher Quality Counts: Measuring Progress towards Education for All” presented at the American Sociological Association meeting in Montreal, Canada August 2006.

Smith, T. M. “How do state-level induction and standards-based reform policies affect induction experiences and turnover among new teachers?” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Francisco, April 2006.

Discussant. Session titled “Improving teacher quality: The role of local policies.” at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in San Francisco, April 2006.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M., & Frisvold, D. “Is NCLB increasing teacher quality for students in poverty?” presented at an invitational conference, Will Standards-Based Reform in Education Help Close the Poverty Gap?, sponsored by the Institute for Research on Poverty, the School of Education, and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, February 2006.

Smith, T. M. “To what extent does state policy explain between-state variation in new teacher turnover?” presented at the University Council on Educational Administration Annual Convention in Nashville, November 2005.

Smith, T. M. “Explaining between-state variation in new teacher turnover—to what extent are state-level induction and accountability policies to blame?” presented at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Montreal, Canada, April 2005.

Discussant. Session titled “Using Cross-National Data to Monitor Global Educational Progress” at the American Education Research Association Annual meeting in Montreal, Canada, April 2005.

Desimone, L. M., Smith, T. M., Ansell, S. & Frisvold, D. “State Policy and Trends in Learning: What is the Relationship Between State Education Policy and Changes in Student Achievement in Mathematics?” presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education Annual meeting in Montreal, Canada, April 2005.

Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M., & Ueno, K. “Highly Qualified to Do What? The Relationship between NCLB Teacher Quality Mandates and the Use of Reform-oriented Instructional Strategies in Middle School Math” presented at the American Sociological Association meeting in San Francisco, CA, August 2004.

Smith, T. M. & Ingersoll, R. M. “The Impact of Induction and Mentorship Programs on Reducing Beginning Teacher Turnover in High-Poverty Schools” presented at the American Education Research Association meeting in San Diego, CA, April 2004.

Ingersoll, R. M. & Smith, T. M. “What Are the Effects of Education, Training, Certification and Induction on Beginning Teacher Attrition?” presented at the American Education Research Association meeting in San Diego, CA, April 2004.

Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M., Baker, D. P., & Ueno, K. “Who gets high quality teaching? A cross-national study of the context of educational quality,” presented at the American Sociological Association meeting in Atlanta, GA, August 2003.

Smith, T. M. & Ingersoll, R. M. “Do Induction Programs for New Teachers Reduce Turnover?” presented at the American Education Research Association meeting in Chicago, IL, April 2003.

Desimone, L. M. & Smith, T. M. “Are Teachers Who Need Professional Development in Mathematics Getting it? A NAEP Study of Professional Development Quality and Patterns of Participation According to Teacher Background & School Characteristics,” presented at the American Education Research Association meeting in Chicago, IL, April 2003.

Smith, T. M., Desimone, L. M. & Baker, D. P. “The Distribution of Teaching Quality: An International Perspective,” presented at the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement in Sydney, Australia, January 2003.

Discussant. Session titled “Tensions in Accountability Systems:  How standards-based reform may conflict with dropout reduction, technology use, motivating teachers and preparing high school students for college” American Education Research Association meeting in New Orleans, LA, April 2002.

Smith, T. M. “Origin and Institutionalization of the GED Program,” presented at the American Sociological Association meeting in Anaheim, CA, August 2001.

Smith, T. M. “International Comparisons of Tertiary Education,” presented at a seminar on university-level indicators for information and decision making (Indicadores en la Universidad: Información y Decisions), University of León, Spain 9-11 June, 1999.

Matheson, N., Salganik, L. H. & T. M. Smith. “What Can We Learn by Comparing U.S. States with Other Countries?” presented at the American Education Research Association Meeting in New York, April 1996.

Rollefson, M. R. & T. M. Smith. “Do Low Wages Really Draw the Least Able into the Teaching Profession?” presented at the American Education Research Association meeting in San Francisco, CA, April 1995.

Alsalam, N. & T. M. Smith. “The Labor Market Consequences of Interruptions in High School Attendance and the Type of Credential Earned” presented at the American Economic Association meeting in Washington, DC, January 1995.

Baker, D. P. & T. M. Smith. “The Impending Final Mass Transformation of American Higher Education:  Implications for Future Demand and Supply”, presented at the American Sociological Association meeting in Los Angeles, August 1994.

Smith, T. M. & R. P. Phelps. “Comparing U.S. States to OECD Countries With Education Finance Indicators,” presented at the American Education Research Association meeting in New Orleans, LA, April 1994.

Smith, T. M. & Alsalam, N.   “Does the GED help those who get it?” presented at the Eastern Economics Association meeting in Washington, DC, March 1993.

Invited Presentations and Workshops

Panelist. Maximizing the Impact of New Teacher Mentoring, sponsored by National Institute for Excellence in Teaching, September 2022.

Facilitator. 2021 STEM for All Video Showcase, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. May 2021.

Keynote. Systems for Instructional Improvement: Creating Coherence from the Classroom to the District Office. Sociology of Education Association Conference, Asilomar, CA, February 2018.

Invited presentation. Top down or bottom up? Supports for instructional improvement in Research Practice Partnerships, University of California, Irvine School of Education.  March 13, 2017.

Invited presentation, “UCR’s role in improving education and educational opportunity” Riverside Unified School District Board meeting, November 2015.

Invited presentation, Preserving and Supporting a Qualified Teacher Workforce session at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, 32nd Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 2015.

Invited speaker, U.S. News STEM Solutions Conference in San Diego, CA, June 29-July 1, 2015.

Keynote speaker, 8th Annual STEM Education Research Conference, Murfreesboro, TN February 6-7, 2014.

Invited presentation. “Assessing Induction and Mentoring in Middle School”, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, November 2013.

Invited presentation. “Research and Development Work of the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools”, National Board for Education Science, Washington DC, October 2012.

Invited presentation. “Research and Development Work of the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools”, Texas Senate Committee on Education, Austin, TX, September 2012.

Cobb, P., Sorum, M., Ledford, S., and Smith, T. M.  “Illustrative Example” School instructional Leadership and Content-Focused Coaching”, Research Practice Partnerships Learning Community, Washington, DC, May 14-15, 2012.

Keynote speaker, Illinois New Teacher Collaborative’s 7th Annual Induction and Mentoring conference, Springfield, IL, February 22, 2012.

Cobb, P, Smith, T.M., Sorum, M., Jackson, K. “Designing Learning Organizations for Instructional Improvement in Mathematics”, Design Based Implementation Research (DBIR) Workshop, San Francisco, CA, June 9-10, 2011.

Invited paper, “System-level Professional Development Articulating Research Ideas that Support the Implementation of the Professional Development Needed for Making the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics a Reality for K-12 Teachers”, North Carolina State University, May 12-13, 2011.

Invited presentation, “Principal Leadership and Instructional Improvement”, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, October 2009.

Invited presentation, “The Challenges of Scale: Designing Learning Organizations for Instructional Improvement in Mathematics”, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China, June 2009.

Invited presentation, “The Challenges of Scale: Designing Learning Organizations for Instructional Improvement in Mathematics”, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, May 2009.

Invited presentation, “What do we know about the teacher professional continuum: Preservice, induction and professional development” at the workshop on “Improving Comparative Indicators on Teachers and Teaching: Current Policies, Emerging Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges” jointly organized by the UNESCO Division of Higher Education and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Paris, France, October 3-5, 2007.

Leader for Recruitment, Preparation, and Retention Facet at the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Conference on the teacher preparation continuum for secondary science teachers, Racine WI, September 19-21, 2006.

Invited presentation, “The revolving door of young teachers” at the Education Writers Association Conference titled “Head of the Class: How Effective are America’s Teachers” Cleveland, OH, September 16, 2006.

Invited presentation, “The quantity/quality gap: perspectives on primary teachers in South and East Africa” at the World Bank, Washington, DC, November 14, 2005.

Instructor, Workshop on Hierarchical Linear Modeling, 28 to 30 September, 2005 at Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Canada

Instructor, Policy Research Workshop – Studying Excellence and Equity in Central and Eastern Europe using TIMSS and PISA, 13 to 17 December 2004 in Budapest, Hungary and 3-5 March 2005 in Vienna, Austria. Sponsored by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics.

Invited presentation, “Are Teacher Credentials Good Indicators of Teaching Quality?”  at the Modern Red Schoolhouse, Nashville, TN, August 3, 2004.

Invited presentation, “Who gets high quality teaching? A cross national comparison of the relationship between students’ characteristics and their teachers’ instructional content and pedagogical technique”  at the UNESCO Institute for Statistics in Montreal Canada, February 28, 2003.

Guest on the Vanderbilt Television talk show  “VUPoint”, Tuesday, January 29, 2002 discussing problems confronting public education in the US.

Invited presentation, “Introduction to the Sociology of Education,” Social Foundations of Education Program, University of Virginia, Northern Virginia Center, Fall Church VA, June 6, 2001.

Instructor, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Statistical Institute, April 9-10, 2001.

Invited presentation, “Data on Mathematics and Science Teachers” to the National Science Board Task Force on the Science and Engineering Workforce, Arlington VA, March 5, 2001.

Invited presentation, “Sociology of Adult Education,” Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Academy, Quantico, Virginia, February 9, 2001.


Courses Taught

Continuous Improvement in Organizations (HODL 3890)

Research Methods and Data Analysis II (LPO 7870)

Standards and Assessment (ELP 8220)

Freshman Seminar (ED 100)

Evidence-Based Practice in Organizations (HOD 2745)

Teachers and Teaching (LPO 3570)

Modeling the Context of Educational Organizations (LPO 3910)

Designing Schools and Districts as Learning Organizations (LPO 3461)

Regression Analysis (LPO 3460)

Sociology of Education (EDLS 3460-D)

Systematic Inquiry (HOD 1700).

Introduction to Statistics (STAT 101). U.S. Department of Agriculture Graduate School.


Professional Field Service

Editorial Advisory Board Member: Teachers College Record (2006-Present); Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2013-2018); Peabody Journal of Education (2020-Present)

Ad Hoc Peer reviewer: American Educational Research Journal; American Journal of Education; American Journal of Evaluation; American Sociological Review; Cognition and Instruction; Comparative Education Review, Economics of Education Review; Education Finance and Policy; Education Policy; Educational Administration Quarterly; Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis; Harvard University Press; Journal of Curriculum Studies; Journal for Research in Mathematics Education; Journal of School Leadership; Journal of Politics; Journal of Teacher Education; Peabody Journal of Education; Review of Educational Research; Social Psychology Quarterly;  Social Forces; Sociology of Education; Teacher’s College Record; Teaching and Teacher Education; Teacher Education Quarterly; Urban Education

2023-Present: Member, Advisory Board, Examining the Role of District Science Coordinator Professional Learning in Supporting and Retaining Science Teachers (NOYCE).

2019-Present: Member, Advisory Board, Designing School Systems to Support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

2015-2020: Member, Technical Advisory Board, National Center for Research on Policy and Practice

2018-2020: Board of Institutional Reviewers (BIR), California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)

Team Lead, Accreditation Site Visits in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022

2018: Grant Proposal Reviewer, DRK-12 Grants Program, National Science Foundation.

2018 : Grant Proposal Reviewer, William T. Grant Foundation

2013-2017: Member, National Science Foundation (NSF) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Indicators Advisory Group

2017 : Proposal Reviewer, Division L, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Program

2015: Member, National Science Foundation (NSF) Committee of Visitors (COV) review of the Noyce Teacher Scholars program on March 12-13

2015: Proposal Reviewer, Spencer Foundation

2015: National Academy of Sciences Equity Indicators Planning Meeting

2012: National Research Council (NRC) Committee to Develop an Evaluation Framework for Successful K-12 STEM Education

2011-12: Program Chair, Division L– Educational Policy and Politics, 2012 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

2008-2014: Member, United Nations Institute for Statistics Technical Advisory Panel on Teacher Indicators.

2010: Program Chair, Division L – Educational Policy and Politics, Section 7: International Policy and Politics, 2011 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

2010: Review Panel Member, DRK-12 Grants Program, National Science Foundation.

2009: Member, Task 5 Technical Working Group on Smaller Learning Communities. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education.

2009: Review Panel Member, DRK-12 Grants Program, National Science Foundation.

2008: Member, Planning Committee for a conference sponsored by the French Presidency of the European Union, titled “International comparison of education systems: a European model?” held in Paris, November 2008.

2008: Expert Participant, Workshop on “Improving ISCED-97 and its Implementation” sponsored by EUROSTAT and the French Ministry of Education, September, 2008.

2008 : Proposal Reviewer, Division L, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Program

2007: Review Panel Member, CAREER Grants Program, National Science Foundation.

2007 : Proposal Reviewer, Division L, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Program

2007: External Reviewer, Institute for Education Sciences (IES), National Center for Education Statistics, The Condition of Education 2007.

2006 : Proposal Reviewer, Division L, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Program

2006: External Reviewer, National Science Foundation, report titled: Profile of U.S. Doctorate Recipients from The Peoples’ Republic of China, India, Korea, and Taiwan

2006: Review Panel Member, Instructional Materials Development (IMD) Grants Program, National Science Foundation.

2006: External Reviewer, Institute for Education Sciences (IES), National Center for Education Statistics, The Condition of Education 2006.

2005: Moderator of a panel on Staying in the Profession: What do we know about retention? at the Institute for Education Sciences (IES) sponsored conference: Alternative Teacher Certification: A forum for Highlighting Rigorous Research, Washington DC, September 16, 2005.

2005: Advisory Panel, EdWeek’s Quality Counts 2006.

2005 : Proposal Reviewer, Division L, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Program

2005: Reviewer, National Science Board’s Science and Engineering Indicators 2006.

2004: Review Panel Member, Interagency Education Research Initiative, National Science Foundation.

2004: Advisory Panel, Youth Indicators Project, National Center for Education Statistics, Institute for Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.

2004: Book Manuscript Reviewer, Multilevel Analysis and Growth Models for Applied Research, Sage Publications.

2003: Reviewer, National Science Board’s Science and Engineering Indicators 2004.

2002: Grant Proposal Reviewer, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Grants Program

2001 : Proposal Reviewer, Division L, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Program

2001: Publication Reviewer, National Center for Education Statistics, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, August.

2000  : Proposal Reviewer, Sociology of Education SIG, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference Program

1997-1999: Member, United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) Task Force on the revision of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED).

Vanderbilt University and College

2022-Present: Member, Planning Committee, Partnership for Educational Equity Research (PEER)

2022-Present: Member, Tier 1 Instructional Supports Working Group, Partnership for Educational Equity Research (PEER)

2022: Reviewer, Peabody Research Office Small Grant Awards.

Department—Leadership Policy and Organizations, Vanderbilt University

2023-Present: Member, Executive Committee, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations.

2022-2023: Member, Graduate Education Committee, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations

University of California, Riverside

2021-2022: Chair, Dean of the School of Public Policy Search Committee

2021-2022: Member, Director of Teacher Education Search Committee

2021-2022: Graduate Admission Rubric Review Committee, UCR Academic Senate

2019-2021: Chair, Strategic Planning Steering Committee

2019-2020: Co-chair, Black Student Experience Working Group

2018: Member, Taskforce for Hybrid and Online Education

2018: Member, Academic Advisory Committee (UC Systemwide)

2015-2018: Member, Service Level Agreement Governance Committee

2014-Present: Member, Ethics and Compliance Risk Committee & Audit and Controls Committee (ECRAC)

2017-2018: Chair, 2:1 Transfer Student Task Force

2016-2017: Member, Academic Capital Projects Committee

2016-17: Chair, Search Committee for the Dean of UCR Extension (UNEX)

2015-2016: Member, Council on Strategic Internationalization

2014-15: Chair, Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS)

Vanderbilt University and College

2013: Member, Sarratt/Ingalls Awards Review Committee

2008-2009: Member, Quantitative Methods Faculty Search Committee

2007-2009: Member, Learning Sciences Endowed Chair Faculty Search Committee

2008: Member, Task Force on Quantitative Methods, Peabody College

2008: Member, Task Force on Program Evaluation, Peabody College

2001-2005: Member, Academic Standards Committee, Peabody Faculty Council

2002-2003: Member, Peabody College Technology Committee.

2002: Member, Human and Organizational Development (HOD) Subcommittee on Developing an International Development Track.

2002: Program Committee, Vanderbilt/OECD Conference on Information and Computing Technology.

Department—Leadership Policy and Organizations, Vanderbilt University

2009-2014: Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations.

2009-2011: Chair, K-12 Faculty Search Committee

2008-2009: Member, K-12 Faculty Search Committee

2007-2009: Director of Graduate Admissions and Member of the Executive Committee, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations.

2004-2007: Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations.


2017-Present: Leadership Riverside (Class of 2018)

2019-2021: Board Member, Great Riverside Chamber of Commerce

2017-2019: Equity Task Force, Riverside Unified School District

2016-2018: Design Team for Riverside Unified School District STEM Center/High School

2015-2018: Member, Operations Board, Southern California Initiative for Education and Prosperity/Governor’s Innovation Award (GIA)

2014-2019: Riverside County Education Collaborative (UCR representative)

2014-2019: Superintendent’s Advisory Committee, Riverside Unified School District

2009-2013: Annual two day workshops for the Principals Leadership Academy Nashville (PLAN) on Instructional Leadership in Mathematics (conducted for four cohorts)

2004-2007: Member (past Chair), Site-based Decision Team, Eakin Elementary School, Nashville TN

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