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Beginning a Project – Asking Questions of Your Campus

Resources that support the initial framing and launch of a citizen science project

As classes begin a citizen science project, both teachers and students are innately aware that students will be working to answer questions by collecting data without knowing the outcome.  These place based, inquiry based projects open students up to the idea that they will be asking questions, gaining skill and then working to collect data to answer questions.  Opening classes up to the inquiry of a citizen science project will allow teachers to join their students on the journey of discovery, becoming just as excited and engaged with the unknown. These resources will support the initial framing and launch of a citizen science project.

Getting to Know Your Campus – Slide deck with rational along with student slides in English and Spanish

Designing a Citizen Science Notebook – Slide deck with educator rational along with student slides in English and Spanish

Asking Questions, Supporting Student Inquiry – Slide deck with educator rational along with student slides in English and Spanish

Blog – Your Kids Have Asked Great Questions, Now What?

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