General information

General questions about earning a CA Teaching Credential

Who needs a teaching credential?

Everyone who teaches grades K – 12 in public schools on a permanent basis is required to hold a California teaching credential.

What kind of major do I need to have in order to become a teacher?

You can have any major as your background for teaching. There is not a required major to become a teacher.

If your undergraduate major is not in the subject area you wish to teach, it is advisable for you to meet the Subject Matter Requirement by passing the CSETs or completing applicable coursework prior to submitting your application for admission.

What if I am interested in earning more than one credential?

It is possible to become authorized to teach more than one subject. You must meet the Subject Matter Requirement for the additional subject you are interested in and take a methodology class as well. Our Credential Analyst will provide guidance to all registered students on how to add various authorizations based on testing or coursework completed. 

Are all credential programs the same?

No, every teaching credential program is different. It is for this reason that we encourage you to explore several programs in order to determine which program best fits your needs.  A very common difference between programs is the timing for you to compete course work and your student teaching.

Is a teaching credential also a Master’s degree?

No, a teacher credential authorizes you to provide instruction in a K-12 public school and is issued under the guidelines of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. A Masters in Education is an academic degree awarded by a College or University.

UC Davis offers a combined Credential/Masters Program that when completed results in both a California teaching credential and a Masters of Arts in Education.

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