Photo Gallery

2024 YSP Participants

Adam holds up a 3-D model in the shape of an XAlexis holds a syringeAmin carefully uses a syringe to fill tubesAnderson concentrates on filling a bottleAndrew uses a syringe to fill a small tubeAnson holds a shovel while standing on sand.Ashlyn works at a large piece of equipmentAvni holds up a laptopCaleb points to a laptopChases uses a syringe to fill small tubesDamon reaches up to use a large piece of equipmentDavid fills a small tube with a syringeEric wears dark glasses and works with machineryGreeshma inspects plantsIeleen shows off her work on a laptopJanice wears safety goggles as she works with equipmentJosh holds up a petri dish to inspect itJoshua works on a laptopJuan fills a tube using a syringeKaris smiles next to two fish tanksKevin works on a laptopKyle smiles for the camera, wearing safety goggles, a lab coat, and blue glovesLaila fills a syringeLyka holds up equipment in the labMason uses a syringeMerdy writes on a whiteboardNicole smiles next to a chalkboardOujen smiles for the camera, wearing a blue lab coatPercy inspects plantsPranav smiles for the camera, wearing a blue lab coat and holding a syringeRen points to a photo on a laptopSarah carefully uses small scissorsTayla uses a syringeTheodore smiles in front of a computerValerie works on a computer

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