Collabinar: The Living Snow Project
October 25, 2022
Collecting Large-scale Pink Snow Microbiome Data through the Living Snow Project
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
3:00 – 4:00 PM PST
The Living Snow Project (LSP) tracks snow algae blooms across mountains in the US using the power of citizen scientists. Learn how the LSP has successfully leveraged community partnerships in recruitment efforts, and lessons learned from developing the project through Western Washington University. Join Robin Kodner and the Center for an engaging discussion. Contribute ideas on how LSP can continue to grow to engage more diverse communities using strategic partnerships, and running a sustainable citizen science program using primarily undergraduates as program “staff”?
Robin Kodner is an Associate Professor of Environmental Science at Western Washington University. She has been studying algae evolution and biodiversity for 25 years. Currently, her lab works on the snow microbiome from the Pacific Northwest as a model to study how these communities evolve in response to environmental change, as well as studying microbial communities in Bellingham Bay and their response to changing ocean conditions over seasons and years. She founded and directs The Living Snow Project to enable collection of large-scale pink snow microbiome data and offer an opportunity to engage local communities in science research through recreation.
About the Collabinar Series
The Center for Community and Citizen Science Collabinar events
invite our partners from across the globe to bring us their
most exciting challenges and opportunities in community and
citizen science. Each event supports mutual learning, and
advances projects and partnerships. To stay informed about
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