
Collabinar: Youth citizen science and appreciation for science and biodiversity in Brazil

October 24th, 2018

Our first CCS Collabinar was held on Wednesday, October 24, 9-10am. Caren Souza and Nayara Hachich presented their work on two new citizen science initiatives in Brazil, one in Conde and another in Mucugê, which will engage participants, including youth, in biodiversity science. The interdisciplinary team gave us an overview of the project, and then we worked together on a variety questions related to motivations, learning, and science and biodiversity.

The Center for Community and Citizen Science developed the CCS Collabinar to collaborate with others on exciting challenges and opportunities in community and citizen science. It will be an informal, occasional series for people to present their work, engage with each other, and get feedback. Our guests will give brief presentations on their work, but the focus of the Collabinar will be working through challenges and design opportunities, while exploring mutual learning and potential collaboration. 

To stay informed about upcoming collabinars, sign up here.

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