Getting Down to Facts II
Legislation & Policy
“The research evidence suggests that state leaders should focus
Building on current reforms:
During the past decade, California’s education system has
undergone major reforms that have resulted in improvements, but
the system is still in need of capacity building.
Addressing achievement gaps:
Large achievement gaps by race, ethnicity, income and English
learner status persist in California and need a continued focus
through multiple approaches, including enhanced early childhood
Increasing funding and fixing systems:
Funding for schools in California has improved but remains short
of adequate levels given the goals of state policies. Moreover,
funding reforms left critical issues unresolved.”
“The science of learning means that quality education and
integrated health and social services supports can mitigate and
even undo the impact of poverty, trauma, and other adverse
conditions (Osher, Cantor, Berg, Strayer, & Rose, 2018; Cantor,
Osher, Berg, Strayer, & Rose, 2018).”
“Recent research in neuroscience and human development should
inform efforts to more effectively serve each and every child.
Science tells us that the process of human development relies on
relationships and interactions between an individual’s biology
and one’s context and culture (Osher et al., 2018). These
reciprocal interactions can function as either risks or assets
depending on the nature of the relationships.”
“To this end, the recent passage of the California English
Learner Roadmap policy (California Department of Education, 2017)
is a step in the right direction.”
Access the full report HERE.