
K-12 Learning Resources

Curriculum & Instruction

General Sources

Discovery Education K-5 Teaching Resources

This website provides worksheets, lesson plans, “brain-boosters,” a calendar of workshops for educators, and more for K-5 classrooms. All materials are free, engaging, and interactive.

Scholastic Teaching Resources

Scholastic provides teaching lesson plans, strategies, activities, books, and other resources for K-12 learning. There is a plethora of printable hand-outs and electronic “How-To’s” that teachers have easy access too.

Teaching Channel Resources

Teaching Channel provides teachers with videos, question and answer sessions, and resources by grade level. They also provide extensive information on incorporating Common Core State Standards in the classroom.

History Resources

American Library of Congress: American History

The Library of Congress is a database that provides original source resources such as photographs, narratives, map collections, etc. that can be searched by time period or by subject. Some time periods include Civil War and Reconstruction and the rise of Industrial America. Some subjects include African-American History, Military History, American Indian History, Oral History, etc.

American Library of Congress: World History

Database that provides original source resources such as photographs, narratives, etc. that can be viewed by multiple regions including, but not limited to: Asia & the Pacific, Africa & the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. In addition, the source covers many different time periods important to World history.

Smithsonian Art Museum

This resource gives teachers access to many different exhibitions and collections of historical American art from Native American pieces to Post-Modern paintings. Most of the exhibits and art pieces reflect different thematic significance that can help students gain a visual understanding of America’s past.

Writing Resources

Cornell University Library: Windows of the Past

This website includes primary source poetry pieces, literary works, and literary archives categorized by collections (The Cornell Daily Sun Archives, The Cornell Modern Indonesia Collection, The Database of African-American Poetry, etc.) Students can navigate through this catalog to gain access to many famous literary works that will most likely be covered in grades 9-12.

Houghton Mifflin Education Place – English K-5

Education place is an educational resource to help K-5 students through the use of interactive activities and quizzes that focus on grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, words, spelling, and many other fundamental elements of English. This site also has graphic organizers, writing rubrics, etc. for teachers to use in their classrooms.

Science Resources

Library of Congress – Science and Invention

The Library of Congress’ page on science is a primary source database of collections and resources for the many different types of sciences. It includes teachers’ resources, catalogs of scientific inventions, and many interactive elements for students’ use including a digital catalog of primary source documents.

Scientists in School

This primary source document includes teaching resources such as interactive activities, curriculum information, links to helpful organizations/programs, etc. There are hands-on activities for both teachers and students to use as a way of interacting with the sciences. 

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