Key Reading & Websites of Interest
The LEARN CitSci project team has highlighted below a range of key readings and websites for those who would like to read more about our theory & research approach, the design & methodology that helped shape our study. We have also highlighted some key external citizen science links that visitors to these legacy pages may be interested in.
Articles on the theoretical and research approach we took on this project (written by members of our team):
Ballard, H. L., Dixon, C. G. H., & Harris, E. M. (2017). Youth-focused citizen science: Examining the role of environmental science learning and agency for conservation. Biological Conservation, 208, 65–75.
Ballard, H. L., Robinson, L. D., Young, A. N., Pauly, G. B., Higgins, L. M., Johnson, R. F., & Tweddle, J. C. (2016). Contributions to conservation outcomes by natural history museum-led citizen science : Examining evidence and next steps. Biological Conservation.
Herodotou, C., Sharples, M., & Scanlon, E. (2017). Introducing Citizen Inquiry. In Introducing citizen inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning (pp. 1–6).
Articles about the theory, design and methodology that helped to shape the design of this study:
Basu, S. J., & Calabrese Barton, A. (2009). Critical physics agency: Further unraveling the intersections of subject matter knowledge, learning, and taking action. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 4(2), 387–392.
Basu, S. J., Calabrese Barton, A., Clairmont, N., & Locke, D. (2009). Developing a framework for critical science agency through case study in a conceptual physics context. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 4(2), 345–371.
Design-based Research Collaborative. (2003). Design-based research : An emerging paradigm for educational inquiry. Educational Researcher, 32(1), 5–8.
Sandoval, W. (2014). Conjecture mapping: An approach to systematic educational design research. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23(August 2014), 18–36.
Articles on Environmental Science Agency:
Heidi’s new paper on ESA (HS has asked Maryam for details)
“Critical environmental agency” – Not from Angie (sorry!) – Ana
Articles & resources on project design
Resources on evaluating your citizen science work
Staff leading a BioBlitz event for the public © NHM LA