
State Board of Education Draft LCAP Rubric (March 2015)

District Leadership

Summary — Unpacking the SBE Agenda

In March 2015, the State Board of Education (SBE) voted to suspend the API for 2014-15 as the state develops a new accountability system. The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the SBE approve the PSAA Advisory Committee report and provide recommendations on the following: (1) options for moving the state accountability system from a single index to multiple measures, and (2) suspension of the Academic Performance Index (API) for the 2014-15 school year.
The proposed 2015 State Budget Act provides an increase of $4 billion to support the continued implementation of LCFF and build upon the investment of almost $6.8 billion provided over the last two years.

Recommendations on Release of the Next Accountability to SBE

As is stated in the March SBE Agenda item, currently, there are a variety of new initiatives that must be considered in the development of a new state accountability system, such as the: (1) recent revisions to the LCAP template, (2) development of the LCFF evaluation rubrics, (3) establishment of the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, and (4) administration of the first operational Smarter Balanced assessments. In consideration of these initiatives, the PSSA Advisory Committee members approved the recommendation that the earliest a new state accountability report could be released is fall of 2016.

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