Parvin Ahmadi
Common Core Conference Panelist
Parvin Ahmadi began her current position as Superintendent of the Pleasanton Unified School District in July of 2010. Prior to that, she served as the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for the Fremont Unified School District.
Superintendent Ahmadi began her career in education as a teacher over 27 years ago. After teaching for 11 years, she served as a vice principal, principal, Director, and Assistant Superintendent. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from San Jose State, an M.A. in Teaching from Louis University in Chicago, Certificate for School Management Program from UCLA, and an M.S. in Educational Leadership from St. Mary’s College of California.
Parvin Ahmadi is on the Board of Directors for the Innovation TriValley Leadership Group and acts as the Chair of the Education Committee for the organization. She also serves as the Representative of the Contra Costa and Alameda County Superintendents to the ACSA Superintendency Council. Superintendent Ahmadi is a member of the Northern California Superintendents Organization as well as several other organizations.