
Fall 2011 Catalyst

The Magazine of the UC Davis School of Education

The School of Education is pleased to present its Fall 2011 Catalyst. In this issue we feature a special section on Strengthening Scholarship and Practice for a Diverse World. Explore our in-depth coverage of the School’s work on issues related to the needs of English Learners, along with other news. Download the Catalyst in PDF format.

  • Alumni News and Notes: Read about Carolyn Zachry’s (EdD 2009) journey from teacher to education leader, and read about the latest from the School’s Alumni Council (pages 3-5).
  • Faculty Profile: Bid a fond farewell to Joanne Galli-Banducci and Anna Kato who retired this year (pages 6-7).
  • Update on The Campaign for UC Davis: Read about the School’s exciting progress to date and how you can get involved (page 28).
  • Thank you! We are pleased to include our donor honor roll and to celebrate the difference all of our donors make every day on the School’s work with students, community organizations and educators throughout California (pages 29-31).
  • News, Notes & Events: Peruse our calendar of events and much more!

We welcome comments , ideas, and suggestions for future issues. Send along your thoughts to Donna Justice, Director of Marketing and Communications at

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