
Call for Abstracts: 10th Annual UCSPEDDR

University of California Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, and Developmental Risk (UCSPEDDR): 10th Annual Conference

Location: Gevirtz Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA

Dates: January 22nd & 23rd, 2016

UPDATED: Abstract submission deadline: December 11

Welcome! We hope you find this page useful concerning information about our upcoming conference. We are currently in the process of revamping and creating a new website that will allow us to provide updated information about research, events, and affiliated faculty members. However, this website will not be functional in time for this upcoming conference, but the School of Education at the University of California, Davis has graciously offered the use of this page for conference information.

We will be updating this page with more information as the conference comes closer, so please be sure to check back for more information.


Please register by going to the Google Form located here: The conference fee is $60, which includes lunch both Friday and Saturday as well as appetizers during the Friday night poster session. This fee is payable either by check or cash. If you wish to submit an abstract, please see below. You will need to fill out both Google Forms.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Scholars

Please submit your abstract to the Google Form located here: You may choose whether to submit your abstract as a poster or as an oral presentation (or specify no preference). Please make sure to also fill out the registration Google Form located above. Please submit all text through the Google Form located above. You are also allowed two figure or table submissions, which must be emailed to Kelsey Oliver at DSAC members will review all abstracts, and decisions and feedback will be returned to submitting authors by mid to late December. Abstracts are due by December 11.  


Established in 2005, UCSPEDDR is dedicated to research on special education, disabilities, and developmental risk needs in California schools. The center contributes to the statewide need to train teachers and researchers focused on special education. UCSPEDDR brings together faculty expertise across the University of California campuses to focus on the educational needs of children within the contexts of special education. Over these last ten years, UCSPEDDR has grown to include presentations and discussions with faculty across all ten UC campuses.

In addition, UCSPEDDR has focused on doctoral student training, providing a yearly conference for graduate students to present, to network, and to discuss research with colleagues across the state. This conference is directed by a committee of doctoral students (the Doctoral Student Advisory Committee, or DSAC) across the UC campuses who have been elected by UCSPEDDR faculty members to work alongside the UCSPEDDR faculty to meet the center’s short-and long-term goals, to encourage local collaborations with fellow colleagues across all UC campuses, and to strengthen the quality of research disseminated on special education, disabilities, and developmental risk across UC campuses.

What is this conference and why should I attend?

The conference brings together faculty, graduate students, and community members together for a packed, two-day discussion on current research occurring throughout the UC system involving special education, disabilities, and developmental risk. Highlights include keynote faculty speakers from across the UC system, oral presentations representing some of the highest quality investigations in special education across the UC system, and an evening poster session where work is showcased for all to discuss, all with more networking events between faculty and graduate students than you could have hoped for. Here are some of the exciting highlights to look forward to this coming January 2016:

  • Prestigious keynotes from both UC faculty and local special education leaders
  • Oral presentations on topics pertaining to recent findings within the fields of special education and psychology from a number of research groups
  • An exciting poster session where you get to highlight your own work, mingle with faculty from across the UC campuses, and build networking connections for future projects and grants
  • A UC faculty panel ready to answer whatever questions you have about grant funding, lab management, and more!

However, none of this can happen if you do not attend! With this being the 10th year for UCSPEDDR, we have high hopes for the next 10 to come, but we can only do that with your support.

Who can attend and who can present?

Graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty across the UC campuses conducting special education, disabilities, and developmental risk research are all welcome to attend. This is a wonderful opportunity for first-year graduate students to learn more about the research projects and to network with faculty and fellow graduate student colleagues across the UC campuses.

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are welcome to submit abstracts for presentation at the conference. Submissions can be for either poster or oral presentations.

Where do I stay? How do I get around?

We are preparing a much more exhaustive list of resources for conference goers concerning hotels and travel. Until we have this information ready, please refer to the visiting and travel information located at Check back for more information before January!

Additional questions, comments, or concerns?

If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Zajic (DSAC Council Chair, and Kelsey Oliver (DSAC Conference Chair,

We look forward to seeing you in January!

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