
Alumni Featured on FosterMore.Org

Making a difference in their communities

Alumni Featured on FosterMore.OrgAlumni Featured on FosterMore.OrgAlumni Featured on FosterMore.Org

UC Davis School of Education alumni are featured in three moving videos about foster youth scholars and their mentors. In the first video, Lynn Romano (Credential ’12, MA ’13), the 2011-12 recipient of the School’s Guardian Teacher Scholarship, talks about her journey to earning her teaching credential and her dream of becoming a teacher.

In the second and third videos, teachers at River City High School, in West Sacramento, are featured mentors. Colum Malec (BA ‘10, Credential ‘11) is a history teacher and wrestling coach. Cristina Buss (BS ‘06, Credential ‘09, MA ‘10) is the chair of the Science Department and helps run Foster Youth Incorporated at River City High School. Of the 12 volunteer teachers who serve as mentors through the program, at least four are School of Education alumni.

FosterMore is a public education campaign which was made possible by a grant from the Stuart Foundation to i.e. communications, LLC. The campaign centers on a public service announcement (PSA) aired during May 2013 – National Foster Care Month. The objective of the PSA is to raise awareness and bring a more positive tone to the dialogue around children and youth in foster care. Learn more at

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