General information

4. Basic Skills Requirement (BSR)

Click on image to enlarge Basic Skills Guidance documents

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For the 2024-25 cycle: All credential candidates must verify their basic skills proficiency in Reading, Writing and Mathematics through one of the approved options listed on the Basic Skills Guidance document shown above. This document provides important information for applicants to our program and for UC Davis graduates applying to different programs.  There is no recency requirement for your tests or coursework.

For Admission: Applicant must meet Basic Skills Requirement before being recommended to Graduate Studies for admission. It is in your best interest to have coursework evaluated and/or test requirements completed as early as possible but we will consider exceptions if extenuating circumstances prevent you from meeting these test timelines. Please email to ask about exceptions for Out of State & Out of Country applicants.

!!!! For Scholarship Consideration:  Applicant must apply by the January 15th scholarship deadline, must submit passing Basic Skills evidence by 2/15/24, and be recommended for admission to be considered for School of Education (Merit-Based) Scholarship. Please check the website during the summer for any updates for the upcoming admission cycle for 2025-26.

If using coursework option to meet any part of the BSR

You must submit a Basic Skills Summary to indicate which coursework you are using to meet this requirement. A detailed explanation of this process can be found in the Basic Skills Guidance document.

If using test score option to meet any part of the BSR

You do not need to submit a Basic Skills Summary but you will need to upload the score reports you are using to meet this requirement. After you submit your online application for admission Graduate Studies will provide directions on the uploading process.  Unofficial scores are acceptable for admissions review (official may be needed at later date). A detailed explanation and list of options can be found in the Basic Skills Guidance document.

If you need to take CBEST to meet your Basic Skills Requirement-plan to take exam no later than January 2024! 

The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) examines your basic understanding in 3 sections: Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. It is a year-round, computer based exam taken in-person at a testing center or via an online-proctored option. Please consult the official CBEST website for more information regarding test dates, sites, costs, and to download a free CBEST practice test. You may also want to review the information on the Test Prep resources document for some study tips. These are simply for your consideration as some of our students have found them useful. Consult the official for more information regarding test dates, sites, costs, and to download a free CBEST practice test.


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