Teaching Credential Admissions Prerequisites
4. Basic Skills Requirement (BSR)
Your bachelor’s degree can now be used to meet the Basic Skills Requirement!
If you are applying to the Teacher Education Program, we will use your official degree-posted transcripts (submitted after you are admitted) to verify that you have met the Basic Skills Requirement. There are no additional steps you need to take.
5. Subject Matter Requirement
It's Not Waived -- You Just Have More Ways to Meet It
- AGRICULTURE - Subject Matter Guidance
- ENGLISH - Subject Matter Guidance
- MATH - Subject Matter Guidance
- MULTIPLE SUBJECTS - Subject Matter Guidance
- Science: BIOLOGY - Subject Matter Guidance
- Science: CHEMISTRY - Subject Matter Guidance
- Science: GEOSCIENCE - Subject Matter Guidance
- Science: PHYSICS - Subject Matter Guidance
- Click here to find out how this requirement can be met.
10. Agriculture – Additional Requirements
Additional Agriculture Experience
Applicants to our Single Subject Agriculture credential program are also applying for concurrent admission to earn an Agriculture Specialist authorization. The Agriculture Specialist authorization requires agriculturally related work experience. There are two ways to satisfy this requirement:
11. Academic Letters of Recommendation
Only needed if degree granting GPA is below 3.0