
10. Agriculture – Additional Requirements

Additional Agriculture Experience

Applicants to our Single Subject Agriculture program are also applying for concurrent admission to earn our Agriculture Specialist authorization.  The Agriculture Specialist authorization requires  agriculturally related work experience.  There are two ways to satisfy the agricultural related work experience:  

  • The first way is to complete 2000 hours of documented agricultural experience.
  • The second way is to have earned your American FFA Degree and complete 1500 hours of documented agricultural experience.

Both must meet the following criteria:

  1. The agricultural experience must take place after graduating from high school and prior to being accepted into the credential program. 
  2. The experience could be in one area or multiple areas in agriculture.  
  3. The experience could be paid or non-paid, but must be documented, meeting the minimum of 2000 hours.

How are hours documented?

  • Pay stubs
  • Signed work experience from past employer
  • Notarized document of work experience

You will review your experience and documentation with our Lead Agriculture Faculty.

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