8. U.S. Constitution Requirement
A course in the Provisions and Principles of the U.S. Constitution (i.e. the Bill of Rights, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances) is a prerequisite and can be completed through a variety of options:
Please check the School of Education’s Course Equivalency Site to see if you have taken a course that meets this requirement. If you have completed a course that you believe covers the U.S. Constitution but do not see it listed on the Course Equivalency Site, please submit a Course Substitution Request, which can be found under the “Course Inquiry” tab.
California State University Graduate
Graduates of a CSU automatically meet this prerequisite as it is a requirement for your undergraduate degree.
AP Exam
Pass either the AP Government /Politics or U.S. History exam with a score of 3 or higher and submit unofficial scores for admission review. If you are offered admission you are required to submit your official AP exam results unless the AP test name and score is clearly listed on your official undergraduate transcript. To obtain copies of your AP exam results, contact College Board at (888) 225-5427 or at www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/exgrd_rep.html. Please have the score report sent directly to you, then bring the sealed results to Student Services.
Notre Dame de Namur University Online Exam
The NDNU U.S. Constitution Exam is an online option for completing the U.S. Constitution prerequisite. See the website here for directions on signing up and for more information: http://www.usconstitutionexam.com.