CANDEL Graduates 2011
Congratulations to the CANDEL students who received
their Doctorate in Educational Leadership at UC Davis, June 2011
Elizabeth King Beaven
“Exploring Things Seen and Unseen: Students Speak of Waldorf Education”
B.A. University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1973
M.A. University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1975
Francesca S. Brown
“Nursing Faculty Beliefs and Practices Regarding Debriefing Human Patient Simulation Experiences”
B.S.N. Point Loma College, 1976
M.S.N. California State University, Los Angeles, 1986
Allen L. Dosty, Jr.
“Perceived Challenges and Factors That Influence, Inhibit and Contribute to Black Superintendents’ Success on the Job in California School Districts: An Exploratory Study”
B.S. Grambling State University 1995
M.A. California State University, Sacramento, 2002
LeAnn G. Fong-Batkin
Current Position
Education Programs Consultant, Intersegmental Relations Unit, California Department of Education
Research Interests
Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Social Diversity, Critical Race Theory, Racial Microaggressions, Intersectionality, K-12, Community Colleges, Higher Education, Affirmative Action, Education Policy
“Traditionally Untraditional: The Career Trajectory Navigation of California Community College Women of Color Administrators”
My dissertation examines deeply the career trajectories of 13 women of color administrators at the dean, vice president, and president levels in the California community college (CCC) system. The study focuses particular attention on the specific opportunities and challenges that some of these women have encountered on their leadership career journeys by analyzing the following research question: How have women of color administrators navigated their career trajectories in the California Community College system? In addition, a subquestion asks, what strategies and sources of support have women of color in the California Community College system used to overcome multiple obstacles in their professional lives as administrators? In addition to describing the context of a post-affirmative action/Proposition 209 environment that does not allow race to be a sole or primary factor in CCC hiring decisions, the study reviews the relevant literature on the subjects of career development for women of color and the role of women of color in academia.
Other Degrees
B.A. University of California, Santa Cruz, 1994
M.B.A. California State University, Sacramento, 2001
Ed Manansala
“The Complex Challenge of Urban High School Reform – the Need for Deeper Principal Reflection”
B.S. California State University, Sacramento, 1992
M.S.W. California State University, Sacramento, 1998
Richard A. Ramirez
Current Position
Transfer Center Director/Counselor Faculty – American River College
Research Interests
Chicana/o and Latina/o access in higher education; Chicana/o and Latina/o leadership in higher education; Critical Race Theory; LatCrit Theory; Chicana/os and Latina/os at community colleges; Community college transfer; Student retention and persistence in higher education; Qualitative research methods; Community cultural wealth
“Chicana/os and Latina/os Crossing Institutional Fronteras: Critical Race Counterstories Along the Transfer Pipeline at a Sacramento Valley Community College”
Chicanos and Latinos constitute the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States, with the California public school system reporting a definitive majority (50.4%) of Raza students in 2010, and California community colleges (CCCs) approaching record one-third Chicano/Latino enrollments in the last five years. Since CCCs are the entry point to postsecondary education for most Chicano/Latinos in pursuit of a baccalaureate degree, the dismal transfer rates of this community to the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) systems warrant: (1) investigation into the /fronteras/ (borders) imposed by institutions that block social equity and access to participation in public postsecondary education; and (2) examination of the attributes possessed by Chicano/Latinos which enable them to persist in the community college and successfully transfer to the four-year segments. Using Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Latina/o Critical Theory (LatCrit) lenses, and the qualitative methodology of counterstorytelling, this study was conducted at American River College to bring Chicano and Latino community college voices to the forefront as a means to identify and characterize the institutional factors and community cultural wealth held by students, which promote or impede their transfer goals. Findings suggest that leaders and institutional agents of change must re-examine and dispel the majoritarian assumptions and cultural deficit models which have dominated educational discourse and praxis for now 50 years and take cues regarding institutional reform from the experiential knowledge and insights embedded in the counterstories of Chicanas/os and Latinas/os and other marginalized student populations. Community college leadership is urged to implement programs, policies, and practices that acknowledge and leverage the community cultural wealth of Raza students while instituting an inclusive community college transfer culture.
Other Degrees
B.A. California State University, Northridge, 1992
M.S. San Francisco State University, 1995
Elizabeth Claire Rockstroh
“Examining Student Success: Student Definitions and Perceptions of Success at the California Community Colleges”
B.A. California Lutheran University, 2005
M.P.P.A. California Lutheran University, 2006
Don Joseph Taylor
Current Position
Education Programs Consultant, California Department of Education
Research Interests
Math policy, consequences of NCLB policy, student assessment and accountability, education geographic information systems and the integration of community level information and services to better serve students.
“Outcomes of Placing Low Performing Eighth Grade Students in Algebra Content Courses”
My research sought to shed light on the potential outcomes of the universal 8th grade algebra policy that was passed by the California State Board of Education in response to a federal NCLB citation. I used several multivariate quantitative analyses to understand the difference in academic outcomes among lower ten percentile performing students by whether they were placed in either general math or algebra content courses. My results have implications for 8th grade algebra placement policy.
Other Degrees
B.A. California State University, 1980
M.A. California State University, 1984
David Patrick Vujovich
“An Innovative Approach to School: Connectedness By Way of Personalization and Relevance”
B.A. University of California, Irvine, 1992
M.A.E. Chapman University, 2000