2004 Graduates
Elizabeth Mukiibi
What do you Expect from This School: A Student Focused
Inquity into Factors Affecting African American Adolescent
Schoolgirls’ Academic Achievement in an Urban School
Carmina Feldman
Teacher beliefs and teaching with computers : believe it or
not : a case study of the role beliefs play in three middle
school teachers’ use of computers in teaching science
Matthew Bronson
Writing passage: Academic literacy socialization among ESL
graduate students, a case study
Jacob Blickenstaff
A framework for effective physics education applied to
secondary and university physics courses
Irene Bersola-Nguyen
Transformative Participation in an Intergenerational
Vietnamese-Pilipino-American Household Community
Fadia Desmond
Back on track: The transition of underrepresented minority
students from undergraduate schooling
Emilio Soltero
The Use of Sequential Art in Literacy Instruction