2006 Graduates
Allan Bellman
Teaching in a Networked Environment: Catalyst for a Novice
Teacher’s use of Formative Assessment
Susan Campbell
Socially Constructing Perspectives: How Fifth Grade Students
Express Sociocultural and Critical Historical Perspectives
Pauline Holmes
Academic literacy in the literature classroom: investigating
instructional decisions of new teachers of English Learners
Suzanne Laughrea
Student voices of success: considering the resiliency of poor
and/or minority students who beat the odds in high school
Thao Mai
Sacrifices, Dilemmas and Choices: Young Vietnamese-American
Women Negotiating Identity, Family Life, and Being
Susan Davidson
Student Perspectives on Their School Trips to Zoos
Luciana de Oliveira
Diane Huzieff
Marta Induni
Interacting Effects of Depression and Resilience Assets on
Adolescent Smoking Status
Anysia Mayer
A Descriptive Study of Five College Prep Programs in an Urban
High School: Applying Action Theory