2008 Graduates
Susan Porter
A Literacy Response-to-Intervention for Two Middle School
English Learners: The Role of Student-Teacher Interactions,
Self-Efficacy, and Cognitive Processing
Melissa Salzar
Bodies in place, bodies in motion: Images of immigrant youth
negotiating food, location and identity
Lawrence Hovrath
Tangled up in iquiry: docmenting pre-service science
teacher’s perspectives on iquiry as they reflect on the process
of planning and teaching inquiry-based lessons
Margaret Beddow
A Longitudinal Case Study of a Latina Bilingual Teacher
Promoting Academic Literacy Through Social Studies
Nina Moore
Engagement in Change: Interacting Perspectives in Under
Performing High Schools
Bryce Battisti
Permaculture in Higher Education: Teaching Sustainability
Through Action Learning
Jennifer Kurth
“Academic Outcomes in Inclusive and Non-Inclusive Special
Education Programs for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum
Boohyun Yaangh
Being English Language Development Students: Cases of
Korean-Speaking Students at High School
Chiem Seng Yaangh
Crossing a New Sea: A Study of the First Generation of
Iu-Mien College Graduates
Heather Martin
“Elementary School Teachers Mathematics Instructional
Decision Making in the Context of District Mandates on