
2012 Graduates

Emily Evans
Learning connections, children’s perceptions, and the role of place in water education

Mary Gwaltney
Effects of IQ, Memory and ADHD Symptoms on Achievement in Students with High Functioning Autism

Lola Muldrew
The Meaning of Adversity Within Traditional K-12 Math Classrooms in the United States from the Perspective if African-American Individuals

Caroline Ramirez-Faghih
Fostering Change in College Students’ Statistical Reasoning and Motivation through Statistical Investigation

Manuelito Biag
Youth Well-Being and School Connectedness: Implications for Practice and Policy Strategies

Hsiao-Chi Chang
Student Engagement and the Quality of Higher Education: A Contextual and Analytical Study of Current Taiwanese Undergraduates

Elizabeth Gilliand
Talking about Writing: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Adolescents’ Socialization into Academic Literacy

Jacob Jackson
K-12 and postsecondary alignment: three essays on statewide policies in California

Cirilo Cortez
Con Familia y Cariño: A Culturally Responsive After-School Tutoring Program for Latino Students

Rakia Esver
Supporting Mutual Success: Understanding How African American Friends Influence One Another’s College Plans

Nancy Ewers
Disentangling multiple sources of variance in a reading assessment for students with disabilities the role of raters and grammatical complexity

Marguerite Wilson
Children, Childhood, Power, and Pedagogy: The Radical Possibilities and Epistemological Limits of Sudbury Education

Pamela Pan
“It Needs to Be Something I Can Relate To”: The Academic Literacy of Community College Basic Skills Students

Shannon Pella
A Situative Perspective on Developing Writing Pedagogy in a Teacher Professional Learning Community

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