
2015 graduates

Lisceth Brazil-Cruz
From high school to college : parenting practices of Latino first-generation college students

Rosalyn Earl
Exploring experiences of women of color doctoral scholars at the University of California : deconstructing intersectionalities of race, class, and gendered microaggressions

Michelle Roppeau
Impact of sport discontinuation on the experience and identity of first-generation and non-first-generation NCAA division I wrestlers

Carrie Strohl
Scientific literacy in food education : gardening and cooking in school

Hogan Hayes
Mapping the writing resources present as students transition into upper division course work in the biological sciences

Minerva Moreno
Discourse and knowledge in two community college developmental mathematics classrooms

Sherrie Reed
Charter School Spending and Saving in California

Daniela Torres-Torretti
Transforming Graduate Education through Performing The Language of the We: From an Epistemology of Silencing to a Pedagogy of Liberation

Sophia Mattingly
Inside out : identity, family and narrative (co)construction of self among Chinese international adoptees

George Sellu
The potential of standards-based agriculture biology as an alternative to traditional biology in California

Lori Maloney
Teaching community college introductory statistics using social justice contexts

Nancy McIntyre
Social, language, and executive cognition factors in reading development in school-aged children with high-functioning autism

Anne Stephens
Developing environmental action competence in high school students : examining the California partnership academy model

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