
2017 Graduates

Leslie Banes
“Explain your answer”: mathematical writing in linguistically diverse classrooms

Angelica Cortes
The Experiences and Studying Practices of Community College Latin@ STEM Majors Taking Calculus I 

Candice Guy-Gaytán
“Model-Based Reasoning is Not a Simple Thing”: Investigating Enactment of Modeling in Five High School Biology Classrooms

Emily Mae Harris
Examining teacher framing, student reasoning, and student agency in school-based citizen science

Kendon Kurzer
Writing in Undergraduate Economics Courses: Departmental Practices and Multilingual Student Challenges

Lindsay Lerro
The impact of auditory processing abilities on academic achievement in students with high functioning autism spectrum disorder and ADHD

Kenya Mitchell
Writing at the Crossroads: reflections on authentic voice, student diversity, and vocalizing in diverse contexts

Manuel Senna
Variations in support for second language writers: lessons from top international student destinations

Laura Shafer
Professional Development in a Reform Context: Understanding the Design and Enactment of Learning Experiences Created by Teacher Leaders for Science Educators

Katherina Sibbald
Tyranny in the mirror: critical reflections on literary talk with high school juniors in writing conferences

Jisel Villegas
Out-of-school literacy practices: a qualitative study of Latino students’ experiences

Lorraine Wilkins
Deconstructing the village: a case study of African American students’ experiences in a well-resourced suburban high school

Lina Yamashita
Making visible the people who feed us: exploring student responses to multicultural texts about food workers

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