CANDEL Graduates 2016
Please join us in congratulating the 13 CANDEL
graduates of 2016. All graduating students were recognized
during the June 2016 commencement ceremony at the Mondavi
Center, UC Davis.
Corinna Calica
Fulfilling Multiple Missions Concurrently: An Ethnographic Study of a Campus Children’s Center’s Trials and Triumphs in Serving
Beatriz Chaidez Ramirez
The Promotion of Professional Discourse Led by Elementary School Principals Amid CCSSI Implementation
Kelly Cole
Residence Hall Staff Response to Student Mental Health Needs
Theresa A. Costa Johansen
Teacher-Level Factors That Influence Student Discipline Decisions, or ‘You Can’t Back a Middle School Kid Into the Corner
Beth Ervin
The First Steps in the Journey: The Assets and Liabilities of First Generation, Low-Income Students Making the Transition to Community College
Ryan Fuller
An Analysis of Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the California Community Colleges
Fabio Gonzalez
Experiences of Latino Pre-Health Students in the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services
Jenny Kwon
Assessing Staff Diversity at Public Universities: A Quantitative Analysis of Staff of Color Representation
Mayra Llamas
Student Participants’ Perceptions of Student Initiated Retention Programs
Sasha Nicole Neumann
Disproportional Impacts of Prior Focal Job Experience on Female Candidates for Secondary Assistant Principal Positions
Cynthia Pilar
The Shortage of Highly-Qualified Principals: Are National Board Certified Teachers Ready and Willing to Lead?
Lorena G. Ruedas
The Minority Premedical Preparation Experience of UC Davis School of Medicine Postbaccalaureate Program Students
Rachel Somerville
Making in Education: A Study of Teacher Decisions to Participate in Professional Development, Their Emerging Understandings of Making and Teacher Plans for Implementation
Denise Tambasco
Making a Difference: A Study of Rural Positive Youth Development After School Program for Adolescent Girls