
CANDEL Graduates 2020

CANDEL Graduate PortraitsCongratulations to the 10 CANDEL graduates of 2020! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were unable to celebrate in person, but Dean Lauren Lindstrom and faculty members recorded a special graduation video.

Alex L.C. de Guia

Trajectories to the Professoriate: A Qualitative Study on the Mentoring Relationships of First-Generation, Minoritized UC Faculty

Rocco Greco

The Role of Teacher-Student Relationships as they Pertain to Teacher Well-Being: A Multiple-Methods Study

Anne Iaccopucci

Learning Mindfulness Through Teaching: A Mixed-Methods Inquiry

Carmelo Miranda

A Dreamer’s Dream: Understanding and Assisting Undocumented Community College Students

Julienne Oberts

EHigh School Students of Color: Campus Racial Climate Impact on Sense of Belonging

Christian Osmeña

Funding Community College Education Fairly? Exploring State and Local Finance in the California Community Colleges 

Alina Varona

Examining Equity in Dual Enrollment Participation and Outcomes Post AB 288 Implementations: A Mixed Methods Approach 

Joseph Wood

Choosing Schools and Finding Belonging: The Experience of the LGBT Students in the School Selection Process

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